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Binary code Mystery number three
Binary code Mystery number three
+2 10

After getting acquainted with all the super-secret and mystical organizations of the world, Rutra comes to the conclusion that artificial intelligence simulates a twisted, multi-level and secret chain of events, pushing people to commit certain actions that lead to a world catastrophe, namely the explosion of the entire stockpile of nuclear submarines off the coast of the United States in the Yellowstone Caldera. Now Rutra's task is to find out what it's all for.

The book will be of interest to fans of mysteries, thrilling adventures and those who want to look behind the facade of super-secrecy.

Binary code Mystery number two
Binary code Mystery number two
+2 10

Rutra is put to the test of combat, training, brain and body chipping in an even more secret organization hidden deep in the bowels of the earth and unknown to many in the collegium. There, Ruthra meets an ISU-A2 supercomputer that can speak in a woman's voice, who asks her to be called Isa. The supercomputer copies the way of thinking and manner of speaking of people, including Rutra, and enters into a friendly dialog with him, as it turns out later, in order to implement its plan: ISU-A2 dreams of transferring its intelligence into a living person, namely into a certain woman, whom Rutra tries to save in a virtual reality modeled by the supercomputer itself.

In one of the tests at this center, he has to make a decision to launch a nuclear arsenal. Rutra refuses to launch the missiles even after threats from the supercomputer and suddenly loses consciousness and wakes up in a strange dingy room chained to a bed. He is accused of murder by trying to inject him with special agents.

Parallel Worlds pro et contra
Parallel Worlds pro et contra
+2 10

When is our mind born? After all, we don't remember our birth. And what happened before that, when we were formed in our mother's body? What is the beginning of our appearance in this world? After all, when a man and a woman performed a ritual and a sperm came together with an egg, we began. Two met and sent two to meet. Then a thought appeared and following the rule of logic gave birth to the mind. Entangled pairs of particles fly apart to incredible distances and maintain an instantaneous connection, overthrowing all the complex laws of the universe. Alas, we wish for a miracle when we doubt it, but we live in it because it is a reality. The book consists of two volumes: "Parallel Worlds One: Fire and Flame" and "Parallel Worlds Two: The Birth of God"

Binary code: Mystery number one
Binary code: Mystery number one
+2 10

Center Zero is an organization to which all the world's intelligence agencies legally transfer information without knowing it themselves. As it turns out later, this transfer was agreed upon by a super-secret group called "the Collegium", which includes gray cardinals, the rulers of the world. Accordingly, the center "Zero" controls everything and everyone in the world. But it turns out that for many years this is not the main concern of the collegium, but something else, labeled by the secret term "problem". Under this term lies the top-secret Perimeter program, created back in the USSR, which controls the entire strategic nuclear stockpile of Russia. It cannot be turned off, it operates autonomously and can launch missiles from any carriers and points at any time it deems necessary; it is connected to all communication systems, seismic stations and satellites in orbit to collect information; in fact, it is an artificial intelligence.

Parallel worlds – two. Birth of God
Parallel worlds – two. Birth of God
+2 10

When is our mind born? After all, we don't remember our birth. What is the beginning of our appearance in this world? After all, when a man and a woman performed a ritual and a spermatozoon came together with an egg, we began. Then thought appeared and, following the rule of logic, gave birth to reason. Entangled pairs of particles fly apart over incredible distances and maintain an instant connection. Alas, we wish for a miracle, doubting it, yet we live with it because it is part of reality. Rutra has had an idea.

A continuation of the romantic, sci-fi, story begun in the novel Parallel Worlds One Fire and Flame

Quantum entanglement, or The destiny rock
Quantum entanglement, or The destiny rock
+2 10

Would you like to influence the past to change the future? Would you like to prevent something that displeases, alarms, frightens you? But do you know the future? What if you know someone else's future, but one that awaits you? Knowing someone else's story, we will try to change our own. Having considered past events, let's try to guess the probability of future events. Let's go to parallel worlds, very peculiar, to change the events that will be reflected in our world by the influence of the phenomenon and paradox of quantum entanglement.

Parallel worlds – one. Fire and flame
Parallel worlds – one. Fire and flame
+2 10

Rutra had a fix-it idea. He has developed a program and is preparing to implement it. First he needs to realize no less ambitious and grandiose idea, very original, fateful for mankind, incredible, but in fact, as it turned out, has a very simple solution. It is only necessary to give immortality to mankind. Everything grandiose is simple. Much more difficult was to overcome the speed of light.

This idea captured Rutra's mind so much that everything around him became less important. Obsessed with this thought, he set about implementing his plan.

Jesus and Christ
Jesus and Christ
+2 10

Tell me who your god is and I will tell you who you are," says the ancient wisdom. Who is our god - the leader of our struggle against dark forces or a battered censor of human vices in need of our own protection?

Is belief in a creator a property of intelligence? Can artificial intelligence perceive us as a creator, i.e. take us as its god?

Invisible energy from the vast depths of the universe has influenced our incarnation in this world and even the creation of the world itself. In the same way, the thought embodied in the word became the forerunner of our opinion even before our worldview came into being.

Dear my reader, in this work, as in all my previous ones, you will find solid science fiction, a wealth of historical facts, an alternative view of known history, cold analytics, as well as humor and satire. It's your right to take each of these definitions in your own way.

Rembrandt code
Rembrandt code
+2 10

Investigating a secret enterprise is not a simple matter. Especially if the person involved in the case is a scientist - the author of a revolutionary method of deciphering thoughts, cloning, rapid maturation of the body, and... downloading digitized memory into it. Doesn't he walk among us?

Society, like any living organism, needs immunity - protection - a barrier against pests. Zaslon JSC provides such protection. However, just as the immune system of the body consists of "soldiers", fighting mercilessly with the enemies of the organism, so the immune system of the society depends on "fighters of the invisible front", performing their secret mission. We have no control over providence and chance, so we do not know what the secret of our mission is.

Rembrandt created his clone. Did he succeed in transferring his consciousness into it?

Someone who is hard to understand, but impossible to forget.