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Development of Entrepreneurial Competencies in the Economy (Evidence From Digital Entrepreneurship)
Development of Entrepreneurial Competencies in the Economy (Evidence From Digital Entrepreneurship)
+2 10

The article defines the essence of competencies and in particular, entrepreneurial competencies, reveals the development features of the entrepreneurial competencies in the context of the digital economy, as well as considers the formation mechanisms of digital competencies, and offers the ways of their further development. The purpose of the article is to consider ways, methods, and tools for the development of entrepreneurial competencies in regard to digital entrepreneurship. The methodology includes a set of empirical (observation, generalization, inference) and quantitative (statistical analysis, dynamic analysis) research methods. Main research results.

Digital Technologies as a Driver of Intellectual Stratification of Human Resources: Socio-Economic Inequality
Digital Technologies as a Driver of Intellectual Stratification of Human Resources: Socio-Economic Inequality
+2 10

The goal of the research is to cover the problem of digital inequality considering its negative consequences for society, to conduct a geospatial analysis of the distribution of informational resources among the countries around the world and to determine the main trends of their technological development. Methods. This article uses the following methods: empirical, systematic, analytical, economic and other methods for the research of digital technologies as a driver of intellectual stratification of human resources. Results. The author has studied digital technologies as a driver of intellectual stratification of human resources. The article analyzes the phenomenon of digital inequality as one of the key problems of microsystem development, as well as the geospatial characteristics of this problem.