The sands of oblivion

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The sands of oblivion



The sands

of oblivion

Dedicated parents


unknown How animals understand people, only they, no doubt, understand them. Perhaps there is some language that is not depends from words, And his understand All on light. Perhaps there is a soul hidden in every creature, and it Maybe without words communicate With other souls.

Francis Burnett

More than 20,000 years have passed since Man managed to domesticate the dog. The need for survival dictated its conditions and the ancient man was forced to keep up with time. Choice search future assistant And hunting companion was difficult. Coexisting in nature with predators, man soberly assessed their strength, thinking, and, of course, their capabilities. It was the numerous observations of various animals that helped the ancient man create a certain picture of what is happening around his world, a world full of still unknown and mysteries that he will face in the future.

The choice in the domestication of the wolf was not accidental. Along with his sociality, omnivorousness, which was even very handy, and, later, also developed friendliness, a decisive factor, Think, All same was his ability look in our eyes.

This acquired quality was not inferior in strength to the parent's attachment to the child. When a man and a proto-dog looked into each other's eyes, it was impossible not to say What And That And another were concerned care O offspring and survival in such a harsh world. Maybe the same thing happens with mothers who look into the eyes of their children for a long time.

Moreover, more chances to survive were received by more friendly towards people, individuals of animals. Undoubtedly, this played a role in the selection on a certain basis. Penetrating their gaze, each of them, perhaps even in their distant dreams, could not foresee how much their destinies would intertwine in the future.

This quality, in the future, perhaps, explained how the ancestors of dogs managed to “tame” a person. They, having taken a place in our minds intended along with children, formed, topics the most emotional connection with a strange bipedal food source.

Later, over the centuries, sometimes difficult relationships between them formed their true essence.

This story is dedicated to the reverent attitude of the dog And human, which last managed carry through your whole life.

Weave fate of people And dogs Ak Suyek, their joys and sorrows, good luck and adversity, their ability to carry out a look at the future and the past, only made both of them strong in the fulfillment of their main goal – the desire to be useful to others, care O loved ones, transmission his vital experience for the next generation.

Maybe be And Now, speaking between yourself obvious in our view of things, everyone can try to imagine in their own mind, That huge work And Love, nested our ancestors in this matter. A case in which he, comprehending his past, never doubted.

Trying to understand people's emotions, our companions will try to react on them. AND This, without fail, will at them to be obtained.

Like a thread connecting them, they will carry this ability, for many generations, in their hearts.





Case life, appointment her - joy. rejoice on sky, on Sun, on stars, on grass, on trees, on animals, on people. And see to it that this joy is nothing

Not violated. violated this joy, Means, You made a mistake somewhere - look for this mistake and fix it.

L.N. Tolstoy

In these last days of winter, to Adil's surprise, it was unusually warm. Each time, returning from the steppe, already at home at dinner, he told his wife Shugla about his observations. She, listening his, agreed co many his arguments. For a long life together, much that he told came true, and therefore she always trusted his observations.

Slowly and carefully pouring kozhe 1 into a plate and laying it out slightly under the cooled baursaks 2 , sitting next to her, she was preparing in her thoughts to ask her husband about various things: how the day went, whom he could meet in the steppe and about many other things.

On winter evenings, the sun set early, and Shugla arrived husband With work had time How usually, settle affairs in the yard clean up By home And cook dinner. But, of course, it was important to fry him, his favorite baursaks. He liked to eat them hot, as if they were piping hot, and he had his own reasons for that.

1 Skin – porridge, cooked on milk

2 Baursaki – pieces test, fried on oil

There was a case that once, Adil, remembering his childhood and telling to her my history, let slip What somehow more, being little boy having tried grab And gobble up my mother's quickly cooked baursaks, burned his lips and, dropping everything that was in his hands, stopped and began to cry. IN bewilderment his Mother And All ran up brothers, could not calm him down. A little later, when the pain subsided, my mother, realizing what was the matter, scolded him severely for this intemperance. After this story, he and Shugla laughed for a long time. That day, the day of cheerful and funny memories of her husband's childhood, she will remember for a long time.

Every once, When she threw V heated oil dough

For baursakov, grumbling oils V warmed up cauldron, How would whisper to her so that she would certainly remember that incident. Then same she, pushed unknown to her some force, filled with childish laughter. That short laugh of hers is neither she nor anyone else. Not could would notice How He could illuminate light their small and happy house.

Could she, or anyone else, have known that the amusing incident that happened to her husband as a child would leave her in soul such strong imprint And What she will carry This throughout your life? Could she or someone else know that her spark and pure feelings for her husband, her Power of Love will be for Adil, later, a beacon of life?

Adil was born and raised in the village of Akbasty 3 , Aral district, Kyzylorda region. In three once famous fish collective farms – Tastubek, Akespe and Ak basty, on the western coast of the Small Aral 4 , then part of the Aral seas, life seethed. Dozens rowing boats, with attached on them motors, under the voices of those who left on shore to spend their men, children And women V handkerchiefs, under noisy farewell seagulls, every day went They V sea.

3 Akbasty, Tastubek, Akespe – inhabited points Aral district

4 Small Aral – Part Aral Seas

Late returning They, already splattered salty waters of the sea and tired of fighting its restless waves, went on shore With full catch fish. the end and edges Not was to that wealth What gave sea people And no one imagined that it would ever end.

The changes taking place then in the country could not bypass the long-suffering Aral Sea. The sea was shallow. Meanwhile, the shores of the sea moved away from people's dwellings, and the number of boats also decreased. And only flocks of seagulls, disagreeing with this fact that had happened, shouted and demanded that people return their former abode to them …

People, already Not having possibilities sell, left their decades habitable Houses. Somebody was leaving V city Aralsk in search of work, someone stayed here, continue to live, in already new, But Not joyful For eye, realities. The sands, driven by relentless winds, captured more and more new villages. Life around seemed to stop.

Adil's parents were hereditary fishermen, but life, which made everything around them unrecognizable, forced them to change their values and take up land. So they, with difficulty overpowering their pride, became shepherds.

Their house was in the pasture Ak Zhailau 5 . The house was located on a hill. Below, away from was at home equipped well For animals, Where motor pump lifted With depths clean And cold water. She was the savior of all life here.

This well was here a kind of magic magnet. He pulled here, hundreds of kilometers away, huge herds of swift-footed mares and their foals, pursued by disheveled and lush-maned aigyrs 6 . Also obese, severe b ұқ a 7 , hiding their sparkling eyes

5 Ak Zhailau – White Pasture (literal translation With Kazakh language)

6 Aigyr – horse, stallion (literal translation With Kazakh language)

7 Buka – bull (literal translation With Kazakh language)

behind the formidable horns, they cleared places at the watering place for their leisurely and measured cows and their calves, restlessly looking around, in some bewilderment. And only camels, eternal wanderers of the desert, on the distant horizon, How mirages, "thawed And again revived like phoenixes…

Through a couple of hours, after noon waterhole and rest, all the past pandemonium, comparable, perhaps, with Babylonian 8 , instantly, as if by someone's command, like a dream, disappeared. Nothing around was reminiscent of the past, which took place literally before our eyes, a fabulous performance. That was oasis of their laws And the rules created a man among the endless sands of the Aral Sea; the sands that the sea laid bare, the sands that it left us as payment for ingratitude.

Not those who managed save Sea, How my mother nurse, her Children, remaining alone Who How could, Now, had tried survive and make your life.

To the aforementioned pasture from the Akbasty state farm, it was 80 km. There were only three houses on the pasture. Their family lived there permanently and their house, in comparison with others, was the largest. Those other houses were a little smaller and often empty. Their owners returned to them, only at the end of winter, when severe frosts left, herds of animals, at the behest of Mother Nature herself, who began to awaken, worry and demand Movement. There, where the unconscious force of nature pulls them to live, so that maternal milk mortgaged them, spirit steppes instinct, could be passed on to the next generation.

When, however, all the neighbors gathered in the pasture, thousands of animals, led by screaming drovers, revived the once frozen in a stupor Steppe, and it involuntarily turned V something bubbling And bubbling. Later, When

8 Babylonian – figurative comparison author With Babylonian Pandemonium

everything calmed down and calmed down, people gathered for a rich dastarkhan 9 , told their news And stories. Dombra 10 sounded , meat was cooked in a full cauldron, someone sang, and someone improvised in dances. Everyone, young and old, laughed and rejoiced. Children, holding V their hands, Who a toy, and someone tasty treats from the festive table, clapping their eyes, listened to different stories. Whether young or old, they must all have been present, in these few days, on these events. After all their was Total three Houses, but their meeting was like a meeting of relatives and friends!

The Steppe, so dear to everyone, did not dare not to unite the hearts of loved ones and longing for a meeting of people.

By Kazakh standards, their family was small. There were five in total. This is mom, dad, three sons, including him. He was late long awaited And junior child. Still, being young, He getting used to on one's own cope with errands, homework.

Now same, in time winter holidays, having arrived from a boarding school that was located in the city of Aralsk And participating V this grandiose For him event, he stayed V numbness And absorbed All what is happening without losing sight of every little thing.

New heard interesting stories related to animals And people carried away his V country fairy tales And epics, where the great and mighty Kazakh batyrs 11 fought against evil giants and peri 12 and certainly defeated them; where are their frantic tulpars 13 , powerfully inhaling their nostrils of the air, carried their riders to the noble battle with Evil.

9 Dastarkhan – tablecloth (literal translation With Kazakh language)

10 Dombra – Kazakh folk bowed musical tool

11 Batyr – hero (translation With Kazakh language)

12 Peri – wicked spirit (translation With Kazakh language)

13 Tulpar – horse under rider-bogatyr (translation With Kazakh language)

IN first days, By return home on holidays from boarding school, He tired from home work. After all on their farmstead had a lot of living creatures and life was in full swing here. consulting each once With mom By topics or otherwise emerging questions, he became strongly attached to her. Mom told him V minutes recreation, different stories And fables, A he tried listen their And, How skillful artist, who, with his strokes, could instantly change the present picture before him, supplemented their their fantasies. She same, V those minutes after he interrupted her, she threatened not to tell those stories again. He, sarcastically begged her forgiveness, on What both Then hugging, for a long time laughed.

Sometimes it seemed to Adil that his father, always tired from his work, he involuntarily forgot to ask his mother about him. But it wasn't. He, every time, returning home, always thought about him. Often, after work, dad would lie down at home, leaning on a pillow and trying to quickly look through the newspapers that rarely come here. Later, without taking off his glasses, he fell asleep in the same place. But in the moments when they his mom turned out to be alone, at each opportunity, he questioned her for a long time. For him it was important each detail, each trifle. She guessed O how much strongly her husband I loved his kenzhe 14 , What tried my best This his attitude To him hand over Adil. But she, as the wise wife of a shepherd, also knew how hard their work is, everyday struggle behind survival, does their, people of an important profession, harsh and laconic. That's what his father and older brothers were like.

And only on the days when they all gathered together at home, fussing over treats for their men, she was more cheerful than ever and all the worries and anxieties it disappeared with itself. In those moments, she was happier than ever in her life!

14 Kenzhe – affectionately Name junior son V family (With Kazakh language)

My father and his brothers worked in the village and were respected people. Mom was also listed there, but she was already a watchman attached to her husband. She had a salary, about 70 rubles. At them, V run, was one flock sheep in the amount of 700 heads, not counting their own about fifty sheep, which were in the same flock. The salary came out at the rate of 0.45 rubles per sheep, which they grazed, and this was more or less enough for their family. Also, there were two herds of horses in charge, for which the middle brother of Adil was already responsible. The older brother worked as a driver in the village and, often, on his Gaz-52, on various assignments, traveled to distant villages, and, only occasionally, to the regional center.

Every week To him came mobile shop, V which

Always sat behind driving, A Can say, What And was seated, all reeking of cigarettes, huge, because of the protruding belly, uncle Ozyk. He brought various food and clothing. Always fond of delicious food, he seemed Adil, some human from another peace. His irrepressible desire to eat everything that was put in front of him made everyone laugh.

One day, another driver arrived at the truck. Asking his Then, parents learned, What uncle Ozyk already retired. This news then greatly upset the father.

It has never happened that this car-shop could not arrive on the set days. In dozens of distant yurts, every week they were waiting for her and she would certainly get to them. There were times when, due to breakdowns, the car remained on the road and was dragged along the distant shepherd's yurts by passing rural tractors.

None of the people living and working in difficult conditions And their families Then Not could stay without attention and assistance from the state. In gratitude, people, as best they could, worked selflessly and with dignity.

AND Not was V great Kazakh steppes of people, Who could would not overpower All those adversity, which heaped on their mighty shoulders, their fate.

Once a month, as soon as there was an opportunity, to go to the district center, the elder brother brought home for his mother and younger brother, delicious sweets in the form of white miniature pillows and cookies of various shapes and tastes. But sometimes he also brought a few iron round boxes, Where were placers, How precious stones, delicious colored sweets monpensier 15 .

For Adil Nothing Not was tastier Then, near beloved mother, pouring tea at the samovar, with a lazy chimney emitting smoke, telling her funny stories to her and eating these sweets. That tea party in the distant Kazakh steppe was, in part, not only to quench thirst in the midday summer heat. Those interesting conversations at the dastarkhan were, as later, having matured, Adil recalled, like many other things, a manifestation of maternal love.

Looking at her contented son, she, a simple Kazakh woman, having forgotten all the harsh realities of life, could herself be certainly grateful for Life! For the fact that this Life rewarded her with such an intelligent and wise person, who was her husband and the same, most importantly, sensitive children!

Being alone with her, during their intimate conversations with her, He often drew Then his attention on gray strands of her hair protruding from behind a scarf. But deep wrinkles her face, V That moment, By his opinion only brightened up her, and so beautiful mother.

In those distant, late 80s, life did not please with a variety of products and dishes. Whoever it was, especially our heroes, could not afford any extravagance. The money earned by hard work, each time was directed only to the most necessary.

15 Candies montpensier – colored candies dragee

Time passed, in cities and villages people everywhere discussed something. And it was always something new and unknown. The country felt the coming need for change.

The life of ordinary people, villagers, cut off from the city fuss, How deep river With her dark waters, could not change its course and flow differently. That was reality life For them, But All around already changing moving towards something. Why, what no one understood in this then transient and changeable world around.

Sometimes in the evenings, at home, discussing the past meeting at the state farm, his brothers argued for a long time. Involuntarily listening to them Adil tried to comprehend the situation. He knew meaning all that was heard there. Somewhere agreeing with them, somewhere opposing He created his vision. AND it was others. His pulled steppe, her boundless open spaces, brightest rainbow after rain on background sky, forbs, birds and animals… Here, He could, left alone, dream O life, notice sometimes at all invisible things, rejoice again

opening opportunities be closer To nature.

Being the youngest son in the family, as befits the Kazakhs, all household work and caring for cattle were on him. They always had a lot of work in the courtyard. Care and feeding of animals did not bother Adil. These works gave him the opportunity to observe them, which, of course, he only rejoiced at.

All the animals, one could say, had affectionate nicknames for him. So, for his stubborn disposition, shown during evening feeding, he gave the one-year-old bull-calf the nickname Kyrsykbai 16 . The young heifer, for her quiet and calm disposition, was given nickname Symbatty Bikesh 17 . young but the goat, for his indefatigable desire to climb up every time, leaning on anything, was given the nickname Cosmonaut.

16 Kyrsykbai – word, which going on from words kyrsyk (stubborn – translation With Kazakh language)

17 Symbatty Bikesh – Darling young woman (literal translation With Kazakh language)

Behind the family hearth, when the father and his brothers asked him about the news in the courtyard, they recognized these funny adilovskie nicknames. Brothers This amused And father liked it.

Later over the years, V family deserved law to give nicknames to one or another cattle possessed only Adil. Proud of this right, he, as a ten-year-old teenager, felt significant and useful in his family.

This quality, namely, to notice by his observation, the various behaviors of animals, in the future, will serve him and others in good stead.

Already becoming a young man, he, often with his mother, while his father and brothers were at work or away on business, secretly shared his dreams. Each time, she, already aged, with a gray strand of hair hanging down, due to a stretched on scarf head, after his revelations, silently stroked his And Always repeated their, So to him expensive And many meaningful words, "Where kalasa…” 18 . These words attached her serenity and between the hope What unknown forces in the future will be favorable to him and help her beloved son to fulfill all his life dreams!

He did well in boarding school. Teachers have always noted his desire for learning. He was especially interested in biology, the history of the emergence of the animal world, their struggle for evolutionary survival. Plunging into the stories he heard, he could certainly, breaking away from reality, feel on yourself All That, O how told his favorite teacher. noticing All This And his teacher, always welcomed his indefatigable interest and desire to learn new things. His search for new facts, and even more so, his critical approach to the analysis of various educational materials, pleased his teacher, who always wished him a bright future.

18 "Where kalasa … " – will give God (literal translation With Kazakh language)

Analyzing after class various historical facts, They often remained alone empty office And could discuss for a long time. His teacher glanced at his wristwatch at the beginning of their extra private lessons. Later, having already forgotten about it, taking off his jacket and a tie, just like him, in his dreams and in stormy disputes, carried away his And myself V distant worlds wild ferocious animals and their innocent victims.

Each of them could imagine a raging primordial element And scenes hunting predators, witness, which they then unwittingly became together. Their boundless consciousness took both of them to the unknown worlds of the rebirth of the animal world and humanity, where each one certainly stayed in his own mysterious world. As if in an invisibility cloak, they wanted to remain unnoticed. And each of them, trying to change the world around them, so harsh and cruel, was a participant in the process.

One day, one day, when, after a heated discussion of one of the topics, he tried to ask Adil about his desire his choice future professions. Not having heard nothing concrete from him, his teacher nevertheless recommended that he think about entering the faculty of natural science. Develop your knowledge there and bring your contribution to science.

Through a lot of years, He, accidentally having met With Adilem on the street in Aralsk, questioned him in detail and learned that he did not follow his advice. Even trying to hide some kind of resentment towards him for this, nevertheless, in memory of the past interesting joint activities, taking by chance having signed the book that turned out to be from his portfolio, he will hand it over to Adil as a keepsake.

That inscription on the cover – "To the beloved student Adil, always striving to cover with his gaze the space beyond horizon! like far And warm light, will

remind him of an unfulfilled dream. My dream is to become a biologist.

That book by Obruchev V.A. "Plutonia", Adil, who loved to read it over and over again, would later lose it in his parents' house.

A story about an expedition to a distant and mysterious world, meetings With various incredible there animals, later, he will carry through his whole life. Each fact experienced by him in excitement then again and again carried him away to those distant worlds, Where He could myself introduce V i scientist and even wild primeval person. Human certainly resisting the challenges of nature and the creator of his own destiny.

Could he assume that the book that gave him a dream And wings imagination, To unfortunately lost under strange circumstances, will there be later, in 30 years?! It will be found where, trying to hide it from everyone, even then, in the parental home, he will create his own hiding place.

Then same He, the whole V tears from joy finds, examining his old notes made with a pencil on the margins of the book, remembering all the past and again plunge into his familiar world in a new way.

Forgotten by him once animals and birds, inspired by the new meeting With him, gathered around him will try to give him your signs of greeting. To him, their worthy friend, humble dreamer And creator new his peace.

By graduation schools, For him question choice profession is not stood. He knew by whom He will become And V waiting this moment, was not in disarray, like many of his peers. Unfortunately, he had no other options on how to become a shepherd and continue the work of his parents.

Time flew inexorably fast, the harsh Aral winters gave way to unbearable summer heat, and only the majestic sky, changing its masks, silently watched everything that was happening from above.

After supper, Adil got up co table And, to go out into the yard, reached out to the court hanging on a hanger 19 . Shugla quickly cleared a path to the door and began clearing the table.

Outside the window it was already night, the wind had already died down. Adil went out into the yard and walked around the sheds and pens, checked the bolts. Near his feet, his dogs, missing him, trudged . patted their both He came up To bound horse and stroked it. The snort he received in response only made him smile and mumble.

So, perhaps, even without realizing what was happening, in a language never seen before by people, he communicated with animals. They understood and responded.

Looking at the sky, he saw a multitude of bright diamond stars showered by the Supreme Creator.

– allaga shukir… 20 – exhaling, answered He to him mentally and, shivering already from the night frost, then trotted to the door. Shugla something more messed around And something _ _ hummed about myself. Adil collapsed into bed.

dimly burned bulb from connected battery.

IN ovens crackled thrown up there firewood.

The day ended wonderfully. Both of them were happy and at peace.

It got cold. In the distance came the cries of an owl. Only occasionally was heard howl jackals. People fell asleep And only the sleepless Steppe, with its restless inhabitants, was getting ready for the night awakening.

19 Kurteshe – jacket (translation With Kazakh language)

20 Allah shukir – Praise to Allah (literal translation With Kazakh language)




People often confused love With love.

Love - transient. A Love - one and on all life. Love - This ability sacrifice the most precious thing – life for the sake of a loved one and,

V That same time, ability Not accept such gift

from beloved or beloved.


Shugla was from Aralsk. Her parents were teachers. She studied well at school, and also studied additionally dancing and singing. Her well-trained voice amazed many when she, in the circle of friends and relatives, could sing Kazakh folk songs. Her pleasant and exciting voice captured all her listeners. and immersed them in his hidden dreams.

Each time after her speech, she, surrounded by true admirers, blushed And ran away on What her mom, always appreciating her talent, justified behind her inappropriate shyness. But, of course, her unbridled passion was still dancing. And different. Gathering, sometimes they and school friends could each time, to the music of vinyl records in the absence, of course, of their parents, try to make their dance steps. None of her friends could surpass her in grace.

The time when they were in school seemed to them and the same very young girls, as if it had stopped. They also wanted to be carried away in this sensual dance of Life into “the sea of fulfillment of their desires, into the ocean of love and happiness”, as in a whirlwind of a whirling waltz.

So sometimes they, gathering at school events for the celebration of various celebrations, were the initiators of various games And undertakings. Reading poetry, songs And indispensable dances, where all the classmates participating in it always asked Shugla's performance for an encore. The teachers, knowing all her abilities, nevertheless advised her to enter the Pedagogical Institute after graduating from school. Her ability to keep herself V discussion various topics on school discussions, the manner of presenting his argument, tact and endurance, always impressed them.

But her All same, V desire be closer To nature, V love to animals drawn To to that What she wanted become veterinarian.

Telling sometimes over long evenings to his friend Aina various their stories, They V end their stories are a must shared their dreams. AND only she, always listening to her attentively, sincerely wishing her success everywhere and always, she could give her own, as it seemed to her then, wise advice.

In the desire to enter and graduate from the same university together, she wanted Always be With her near. WITH girlfriend, which it seemed to her that if they were always together, then all their dreams would come true …

The tenth grade, as well as the final exams that ended next, did not take Shuglu by surprise. Good grades, pleased her And parents. Luckily handing over entrance exams, she enrolled V Almaty veterinary institute. It seemed What the whole world was With her, V her joy.

She, circling in her thoughts, as if in some kind of dance, all happy, could laugh at everyone around.

Upon her return home, her parents, having informed all their close relatives of the news that their daughter had entered the institute, invited them to their home. Adults, praising Shuglu, wished her to become a good specialist and achieve new heights in life. Nephews and nieces, surrounding her, asked about her first impressions of Alma-Ata. Anticipation of the coming adult and an independent life, where many things would already have to be decided by her alone there, she was worried. Her friends, no longer the same yesterday's girls, trying to act like adults, who also managed to enter different institutes, in different cities, could no longer find time for their meetings. And only once, having managed to get together in her house, only then did they find out who went where. distressed by the forced parting hastily wiping shedding tears eyes, They, sincerely wanting Friend friend success And happiness in life, promised to keep in touch. Connection, which on throughout ten years, held them together school friendship. Their sincere friendship, based on many trials, quarrels and grievances, which they immediately forgot about as soon as the first opportunity fell out.

The first year of study for Shugla was difficult. Big city And hurrying Always, How V no one anthill, People, did not find a place in her soul. She wanted to go home. Driven by homesickness, she was often able to call home to hear their dear voices. Asking mom and dad about their health, she certainly did not forget to ask about your little brother. Sometimes, approaching the phone, he also tried to behave like a different little boy. Asking already seemed to Shugle, adult questions, she noticed All those changes, which happened With

her brother. She rejoiced this enjoyable change at him and tried to answer his questions as seriously as possible. But used to When, to his make laugh V trying desire to smooth out her longing for him, she involuntarily recalled his funny childhood moments. And then she heard all that but his effervescent laughter, which she missed so much and, now, gladdened her heart.

First year study flew fast. Having finished summer session, she returned to her hometown. The grown brother who met her together With dad on railway station, first ran up To her And hugged hard. Only Papa, who arrived in time after her, slightly shed a tear, then hugged her and kissed her on the cheek. For a long time, not letting go of her from his arms, not showing his tears of joy, he, stroking her head, mumbled something incoherently.

Already at home, her stories about school and about the new city made them all listen. Only my mother, who always wanted to cook something new and tasty for her, ran into the kitchen. Returning from there, she brought with her on her dressing gown, more and more flavors of the dishes being prepared.

Once, returning home from the store, she saw a guy who, in the middle of the street, leaned over and stroked lying puppy. Puppy lay And only looked at a stranger with his frightened eyes, unable to do anything. The way he, bending down, doing his actions, seemed strange to her.


It happened





she asked him.

Yes, I don’t know myself, they must have hit her with a car or something … Maybe it happened when she jumped out onto the road, ”he answered her and even without taking his eyes off the puppy to the side, tried to calm him down with his stroking .

Poor puppy, so small…” Shugla said in a low voice.


will die








fellow, I can't take you home. Poor puppy, you should be here, with someone to stay … – still frowning, he intently







Let me see it, I'm a veterinarian – Shugla answered the stranger.

And only after her words, moving away, he looked at her. Before his eyes stood a young and beautiful girl. A thin dress covered her slender figure. Her hair, gathered in braids, emphasized her already graceful neck. But only her thin fingers skillfully and quickly probing the puppy surprised him. He was overcome by some doubts that such a young girl, which by chance in the middle roads met, could be exactly the person he needed.












, and already dusting off his trousers, trying to step aside, taking a step back, he began to stare at her more closely.

Maybe her ribs were hurt … And where do you live, maybe you can take the puppy to your home, and I will come tomorrow and bring the puppy medicine? Shugla said, throwing an uncertain glance at the unfamiliar interlocutor.

I'd take it, but I'm not a local. I am from the village of Akbasty. After all, it takes a long time to get to us. Pity the puppy, of course. Without



will disappear.

It is seen,





Having said this

, he only now decided to look into her eyes.

What are you!? I won't let her go. By the way, my name is Shugla. I'm not far









dress, taking

puppy in

hands, she also decided to look into his


My name is Adil. Yes, we arrived at the regional center, we are going back home soon. We are me and my elder

Brother. Are you sure you're a doctor? So you're young, aren't you?" Regretting his inappropriately asked question, he lowered his eyes uncertainly.

Noticing the embarrassing and, as it were, surprised Adil, she quietly only answered:

I am a student, just graduated from the first year of the Veterinary Institute. Are you studying somewhere or working?





have chosen.


white envy.









veterinarian, but we have a large farm in the village. The work is endless. Parents








need to

help them in the household. How can I, seeing how they, the elderly, devote themselves to work in full, would I stay away from these cases?!











busy. Came with my brother to the district center. In a word, while

I help him.










it's true! Endless steppe, thousands of animals led by you and waiting for your orders. After all, why is this not an army and how am I not a commander? – Having said this, in the desire to somehow make her laugh, he












And yet, I understand you very, very well, she added.

Without noticing, they quickly approached Shugla's house. Also quickly saying goodbye, they agreed that the next week Adil visit puppy. That was Shugla's desire, with which Adil, not even expecting such an outcome, willingly agreed.

Having examined everything around, in the desire it is better to remember it house, he hurried to the agreed place where he and his brother were supposed to meet, go back to his home.








it gets evening




home. Are you coming from friends? – meeting coldly and grumbling under his breath, his brother began to ask again.

No, you really don’t remember – my mother asked me to visit relatives. Some of her orders were given to me. That's where I'm coming from. By the way, we rescued a puppy here…








having found with his own eyes the source of a pleasant smell in the car, fell silent, and began to unpack that bundle.

You always love to mess around with these puppies! Get in the cockpit quickly, you are somehow happy today. Strange












while hot


I bet





eat something











now happy







on the younger brother, went out of town.

Eating the pies bought for him by his brother, he only thought about Shugla. Her laughter, pleasant to the ear, swirled in her head, that even his silence, as it were, began to hurt her brother.



are you silent?

Not tasty

got caught




ask him for this "thank you" …



Thank you







Just thought about it. So Who such Napoleon That?

Napoleon?! That, the once great khan. Khan of foreign lands – laughing, he began to wonder why he needed it.

Well, yes, sit down and believe you. So it must be the same, like a familiar name, but I can’t remember. You will be silent, then inadvertently,

I suppose









exactly the same










after all, -

laughing, Adil tried to get comfortable in his


My business is simple, brother. I turn my steering wheel and look at the road. Do you want me to read more history lessons to you? But once upon a time I liked the profession of a teacher. So I wanted to learn it, I was even preparing

to enter


pedagogical institute.




came out,



it is said

and it turned out … After all, this profession, if not the most, then one of the noblest





profession? And if you, having unlearned, became a teacher, I would, from this joy, roll that


. Think about it, Adil, at your leisure.








try to lay down. The road is long. Rest. And I'll sing my songs – pushing his brother's bag, he slowly tried to sing.

Brother, I can ask you to have sad songs for the last time



I want to



songs, but you can also love songs … – with an expectant and sly look,









As you command, myrza


. And what is it? You never asked like that!? Strange even. Uh, Adil, keep your eyes peeled. My daughter-in-law must certainly be the most beautiful. Otherwise, my







beautiful brother, they will definitely be ugly. Something, but I don't need it. Am I right Adil? And yet, you never answered my question, – having said this, he, as if anticipating something, now looked at Adil.


Of course you're right. After all, you have to study … But what about the steppe? Will I be able to bear breaking up with her? Hmm, everything is the will of the Almighty – Adil answered him quietly and meaningfully.





according to you.




will get out

of the answer, after all … By the way, I will start the song, but you also join in. It's always more fun to sing together! Or maybe

21 Toy – holiday, triumph (translation With Kazakh language)

22 Myrza – mister (translation With Kazakh language)

You And myself start first? I would With pleasure And listened . Agreed? Well, come on, start singing, – passing through the next turn, waiting for a smooth one without winding zigzags road, came in V so pleasant my creative state.

Not this time for sure. Next time, I will certainly start first … Let's go, because we are waiting. If I were you, with such a talent as yours, I would definitely sing on the stage – knowing that his brother always liked to be asked before he himself began to sing, maliciously encouraging his pride, having fallen silent, waiting for him first notes.

Habit sing behind driving, was at him unstoppable. The repertoire has always included almost all folk Kazakh And pair-three Russians songs. Only behind few exceptions, in a state of good humor and in the absence of a third-party listener, He could perform their, songs that seemed to him, as it were, clumsy. The desire that came from his heart and soul was inexplicable to him. His velvety voice, pleasantly clouding the cab of the car, fascinated any passenger who happened to be nearby. Someone was silent and listened, and someone, unable to restrain himself, forgetting about his fatigue, joined in and also sang. At the same time, in the middle of the steppe, in the cab of a man driving along a winding road cars, through the efforts our singers, sounded heart -pleasing songs about love for the motherland, mother and, of course, about her distant beautiful girlfriend … And that road, wherever it led, was certainly easy and short.

The people of the steppe, who have always loved to praise their land, also Always could add up about this songs. Mortgaged ancestors these quality, Always their allocated, these People, Not might not please others. Encouraged by their parents, still children, they timidly and diligently tried to pass on all the skills that their grandparents laid down for them.

Beautiful steppe landscapes, animals and birds, relentless in their eternal run after the wind and in an inexorable desire to live and enjoy life, as if they were trying to convey all this to the local people. And this, of course, over time, has become an integral quality of the Kazakhs. Those Kazakh folk songs with their unprecedented thread, linking everything living and inanimate, could unite the hearts and souls of people. The boundless expanse of the Kazakh steppe was full of talented people.

Voice singing brother lulling, led away Adil V dream. Even the bumpy dirt road, with its winding rut, could not tear him away, so that, under the weight of his eyelids, he could not help but think about his new acquaintance.

The week flew by quickly. Having agreed with his brother, he again came to the regional center. Having coped with parental assignments, buying various necessary things And leaving their at my brother's, He went To Shugle. Fast finding That house, He knocked V door. barking V depth yard dog, So And Not wanted to stop. After a while, Shugla, dressed in a bathrobe, opened the door, suddenly seeing him, began to smile.

Hello Shugla. How are you? How is our puppy? Moreover,

this is for you, – having greeted her, he handed her a bundle, where, wrapped in gauze, kurt, irimshik and cheese were packed there separately


. Exuding a pleasant and delicate aroma, as if it were like huge pieces of amber, they treacherously protruded from a bag hastily wrapped by Adil. It was the first and so important in his life, prepared by himself, to her, a delicious gift.

Hello. Come on in. I'm fine, and how are you? And what's that? – with a puzzled look, it was already taking













to you,


Take it






23 Kurt, irimshik, cheese – products cooked from bovine milk

living in the village, will I come to you empty-handed?! It’s not good, I think, ”Adil replied.

Then thank you very much. Even somehow and unexpectedly. Come on, I'll show our puppy, – saying this, she led him further into the yard.

Passing behind the house, Adil saw something that could not help but make him laugh. Near a large dog tied to a chain, from which there was a kennel, a small and funny dog leaned out and hid. muzzle puppy, which Same, following example his older brother, wanted to bark. It was a bark and a pitiful whine at the same time. His efforts were so amusing that, even jumping out of there, he, in an attempt to threateningly jump out, a couple of once fell. seeing This, Shugla And Adil laughed. On this and adult dog, uncomprehendingly looking around That on unfamiliar visitor, then yawning at the clumsy puppy, she lay down and silently began to look at the incomprehensibly laughing people.

Well done







They kept their word. And I, to be honest, did not have hopes




smiling again,

Adil said.

So it is, but still had to take good care of him. According to the book, she looked and treated … Looks like they only hurt her. Look, there are still limping…

Liked it already




especially my younger brother, he loves to mess with him. Now he's not at home





let me down







such a miracle


fall in love







as then, taking him in her arms, she began to press him to her.

You love animals and they answer you the same. Exactly


is better




after all.



if not for us, for them, for such cute animals, do not look after and help them? I would not have passed by without helping them … – Adil said.

Thank you for this miracle. After all, then, if you, without bending down, would not have stopped over the puppy, I might not have noticed him, – having said this, already with sad eyes













It's really good that he looks like this now. Shugla,





is our




wanted to









in a voice trembling with uncertainty, he uttered these prepared words of his.

I do not even know. Let's try, of course. In a month and a half, after all, I have to go back to Alma-Ata …

Of course,






to him


And how long will you be gone then? A whole year? Of course it's a pity. Then maybe I'll come once a week? – in anticipation of her consent, he timidly looked into her eyes.

As you feel comfortable. After all, you have a lot to do in the village. Count and your economy is big, I think. See for yourself by











Houses. And you have already seen my house, so, as you decide, come, – trying to hide her emotions, she quietly gave her positive answer to Adil's question.

These last summer days flew by quickly for both of them. Every week, he tried to escape from the village and come to city. coping With homemade affairs With special zeal, he, every night, tired, fell into bed. Even the mother, who noticed these changes, who wanted to ask her son about his affairs, could not find the opportunity for this all day long. Adil, deftly manipulating the situation avoided any discussion. Always uplifted _ son 's mood gave her hope that everything was fine with him and that every week he went to the district center to his friends to talk or even just unwind. Not daring, somehow embarrassing to hurt him, she, only silently wished to him only sincere And good friends.

Long walks With Shugla, By evening Aralsk, gave them the opportunity to get to know each other. Shugla tried to show the city as she would like to see it in her distant desires, telling different stories along the way. their stories. For Adil, who also tried to tell a lot O yourself O their relatives And relatives people Not the opportunity arose that even it did not upset him. He carefully listened And only occasionally, V trying Maybe somewhere to supplement it, made his own corrections.

Once, having arrived from Akbasty a little earlier and having met a girl, He noticed some her excitement. She asked him to accompany her to her sick aunt. For him it was no difference where to go and he, without delay, gave his consent. On the way, not daring to ask her first, waiting for her to be the first to tell about what had happened, he walked and was silent. Unable to endure this silence, she, sobbing a little, told about volume expensive For her man, What Always her supported and taught everything V life. Even sometimes staying at her to spend the night, that she was certainly always glad of this, they, then, like two friends, could not fall asleep for a long time, telling stories and sharing your dreams. At the same time, her own aunt, who always radiated a kind of light for her, who wanted to motivate her to correct affairs And deeds, Always was sure V to his niece, that she will certainly achieve success in life.

Now she, the younger sister of her mother, suddenly overtaken by illness, in the circle of her relatives and friends, was quietly fading away. No one around her could have guessed that she was waiting only for Shuglu to press her niece with her fingers, weakened so suddenly from illness, with her fingers. Look into her eyes and say goodbye forever.

Obo everyone this Shugla guessed And That's why she flew towards her. She flew without feeling her legs and, only occasionally, unless What Not offend their silence near going

Adilya, she occasionally, asking incoherent questions, tried to maintain their conversation, which did not develop anyway. She needed Adil so that, having already left her aunt's house, she could listen and support her. She knew that when they saw her, they both With beloved aunt, could get upset cry. After all , both of them had something to say goodbye. Words are warm and, meanwhile, more than ever, necessary.

House aunts was located V another parts cities, V Kurortny area , near from ship repair factory. Along streets, over which hung over once upon a time large trees elm, covering Can was say sky, What it was always unusual for the city, now Adil was sadly reminded only by fat their abandoned trunks. Now same on them, only, like a torn piece of matter, stood a rare crown of foliage.

On the way, Shugla asked him to turn to the pharmacy kiosk, Where she wanted buy some ordered mother, for aunt, medicine.

Located along the entrance of the Shipyard, next to the grocery store, it was for many factory workers and people who just lived nearby a kind of even a small island, but a real saving grace. around. Pleasant V communication apothecary, carefully listening to people, could not allow any of them to leave without the desired panacea.

Adil was suddenly surprised that several children, letting Shugla in front, after her, with difficulty stretching to the window, in the desire to buy their own, held out with their small hands various trifles collected from piggy banks. The fact that the little things were from their piggy banks was convinced for him by the fact that it was held in the hands of children standing nearby. They bought hematogen. Nothing in the world could overshadow them his nice And sweet taste. Joyful topics

What in the hands at them Now was How would treasure, stepping aside, trying to divide it equally, they looked at each other tensely. Smearing themselves with it, hastily eating what they got after an incredibly fair division among themselves, they, having gathered again and hotly discussing something, planned their further actions.

Everything that happened before his eyes, took him away in childhood. Where they, in search of new adventures with children, dressed up as soldiers of the Red Army and the Germans, and ran, even sometimes in the midday heat, in their folds.

IN That moment, to him I thought What how much lucky children standing now at this pharmacy that they could treat themselves now hematogen. Them same Then had to rejoice also at no less sweet white candy pads. Pulling out With pockets baursaks And cleansing their from grains of sand that fell on them, joyful and contented, they vigorously discussing their game, ate everything and went home.

Passing near the aforementioned plant, Adil, one might even say, was frightened by the loud sound that sounded so close. Every resident of the city, including him, knew that it was was beep factory, whose loud command moved a thousand of people on work And back home. Hearing this horn on the outskirts of the city, people checked their watches by it. At present moment, Adil surprised That, What released instantly through the checkpoint thousands of people filled the whole street.

People who knew each other were telling something emotionally to the interlocutor who was following nearby; some of them walked silently with a concentrated look and at the same time looked at themselves under legs, A other, sometimes in passing, funny greeting with nearby going man, managed more And make fun of him – they all returned home from work, hurried to their household chores.

Strong in spirit and body, factory workers, selflessly giving their best at work, personified the past and present pride of their beautiful land. That pride, cutting through the boundless expanses of the sea, tirelessly struggling with its insidious waves, served for the benefit of people. beautiful ships, furrowed sea, were certainly brainchild their factory. Proud of their incredible work and people could not help but resemble their creations. As beautiful and industrious as those created by their calloused hands ships, They silently And without pathos Who How could, contributed to the revival of the Aral Sea.

Walking towards them and squeezing through the rushing people, Adil tried Not lose Shuglu from kind. In just a few minutes, like water soaked into the sand, people quickly thinned out and they, quickly finding each other, continued on their way. Already approaching her aunt's house, Shugla asked him to wait outside.

Giving her a sign that he would be nearby, he retreated under a tree, where, under her cover, in the shade, he could wait for his excited companion.

Voices coming through the loudspeaker and a lot of young people dressed in sports uniforms attracted his attention. Now, for Adil, a different pandemonium happening around him suggested that something interesting was happening not far from him and that this was some kind of unusual event.

On stadium ship repair factory "Vodnik" people gathered to celebrate the Day of the Athlete. Many people are like streams in the steppe that have just melted in the spring , gathering into large streams, which, at the behest of Nature, in its unbridled striving for movement, it wanted, if not to subdue, then to captivate with itself all living things here.

Everything that was happening around the event dipped the observing person into the holiday happening around: loud music, sports slogans nailed to the walls of the stadium and rows of tall flagpoles with multi-colored flags on them, which only wanted to escape, swayed in the wind. All people involved in sports and physical education are waiting for this adversarial day, Not could his skip. Passing through the gates of the stadium and being inside it, as if in the epicenter bubbling crater volcano, He stopping, he wanted to try to cover everything with his eyes.

On the central field there was a football match between the football team ship repair factory and the football team "Seagull" of the naval part of the Aral military garrison. IN equal fight , What gave out the score on the scoreboard, old opponents came together. The team of factory workers, led by enthusiastic athletes, to the noise and hooting of local spectators, demanded a feat from them – by all means, and most importantly, worthily to win this team, made up of officers and sailors, in a beautiful game.

Making skillful, rather harvested in training, after difficult their works on factory, feints on field, on which their formidable opponents certainly came across, they undoubtedly inspired the spectators with this. In a fit of sports passion, people who supported their home team, confident that they would certainly hear their instructions, interrupting each other, shouted at the top of their lungs and waved their hands at them. The frantic rage into which this match dragged them led them away in enthusiasm, they were, perhaps, like would, in Mundial 24 . Seemingly smaller in size, the factory workers, deftly making their way by passing the ball between large broad-shouldered counterparts, managed to complete their attacks blows By him. But accuracy blows By ball, So Not

24 World Cup – Championship peace By football

wanting correspond their created backlog V game, I did not want to please them and the audience. Only in the air struggle for the ball, strong military sailors did not leave any chances to their nimble and elusive rivals.

In the competitive list of football teams that hung near With scoreboard, waited doing their warm-ups for the next exit to the football field, the teams of the military units "Ural" and "Sokol".

Taking his attention away from the football match, Adil also turned his attention to the parallel to this event, and a number of other competitions. On the prepared grounds, competitions in basketball, volleyball, track and field athletics long jumps, tug of war among the city's labor collectives, and, of course, kettlebell lifting were also held, which were also hot in their intensity. Everyone here at the stadium could find his own place, where he could plunge into the familiar atmosphere of the competition, accept, maybe be, participation or even get sick behind speakers, like a fan.

But Adil, his special attention, was attracted by several inconspicuously placed at a distance, in the corner of the stadium, tables and people sitting above them. They were chess and checkers players. Certainly, for him, as great thinkers, they, absorbed game, force his thoughts, tearing off yourself from ongoing hectic realities, sat And pondered their own and others' moves. Their knightly stadiums, hot in the heat, could be appreciated, perhaps, by people passing nearby, who were completely uninvolved in this competition. Sometimes, dumbfounded by disputes that suddenly arose against the background of a seemingly measured game, with their pronounced gestures, they frightened passersby. Unclear looking at each other on them, those twisted their fingers at the temple and laughed. Which, of course, no one could and did not want to be offended.

So, having stayed there for about half an hour, remembering about her aunt, Shuglu, who had been left at the house, he quickly returned to that place. She wasn't there. Knowing that she was still there, he calmed down and decided to take a closer look around and extend the pleasure he was now receiving.

Nevertheless, his excitement was overwhelmed by the very football match, where the team of factory workers with their determination and focus on victory, managed snatch on recent minutes, a much-desired victory. Feeling their involvement for the suffering, But so necessary victory, He I was happy for them and for myself. That today he ended up here, next to the enthusiastic And happy people on big feast of competition. I remembered and did not want to leave my memory, even how, when a ball rolled up to him, flying out of that particular match, he looked back and not seeing anyone nearby, he managed to pass it to a strongly built player who ran up. Rejoicing at the fact that he unwittingly became involved in this game, that his serve of the ball could And must was help move all games, disturbed his mind. Having bought lemonade at the exit of the stadium from the stall, quickly emptying it, he stood in his place.

The review that opened at the gates of the Vodnik stadium was unusual in its own way. Through the salt marsh lake, located a little further from the stadium, as if it had grown out of the sand, stood white five-story buildings military small town "Ural". aside , How some gray huge castle, separately there was a Russian school number 197, around which you could see a lot of happy children running around. I could also see behind the checkpoint, in their desire to take off and fly into the blue, mounted on a pedestal, a silver model of the aircraft. The streets of their houses were lined with strips of tall trees.

Each of these closed military camps, located around cities Aralsk, lived his life.

Guided by their own rules, alien to the inhabitants of the city, they solved their tasks and goals. And only on such competitive days they, accepting the challenge of the Aral people, stood opposite them. Showing by their example the strength and dedication on the field of competition, they sometimes could not just easily cope with local athletes. And only the respect for each other that reigned around then, the strong handshakes of the vis-à-vis, united all of them. Rejoicing at what is happening, later, each of them will carry it through their lives.

After a while, Shugla came out and, without paying her attention to him, walked beside him. All in tears, in an attempt to hide it, she hastily wiped her own tears with a handkerchief. Having caught up with her, Adil stopped and began to question. Only after moving away from her aunt's house, she, unable to withstand her emotions that burst out in an instant, embraced Adil and sobbed.

She wanted to tell a lot of what she saw, but in her desire cope yourself she couldn't calm down All more And more cried. He hugged her and tried to calm her down. The necessary words of his, which managed to get hold of her, stopped her crying. He didn't ask her any more questions. Silently walking, they continued their way home to her.

IN depth souls she knew What going on And What will happen in the future with her beloved aunt. The neglected cancer of her lungs with metastases that formed was administering its sentence and no one Not was chance her pull back, her insidious And deadly intention.

Later, Adil wanted to sum up for himself all the events that flashed before his eyes in an instant. In his is flashed people from the factory and people in sportswear , where, in a fit of passion, overpowering pain, they tried to snatch victory And confession fans, And Human,

which Aunt Shugly was, quietly and silently in her own way, as best she could, opposed his illness. Where All carried mine Flag and wanted to hoist her on most prominent place. To Life, How no matter who was taken by surprise, she could leave her indelible mark …

Having silently walked all the way, just as she was about to turn onto her street, Shugla suddenly, suddenly asked him:

Adil, it's too late. Where will you stop? Is there somewhere to go?

Do not worry about me. Everything is fine. I will stay with relatives. Probably, they are also waiting and worrying … Tomorrow

I'm leaving








was silent. You keep everything inside. Do you really think that's good? Okay, then I, because I'm leaving …





speak out


pain? Have we helped each other with our silence? After all, there are so many things inside you … I hope that next time we will talk about her. I would like to listen to you. I would just shut up and listen. Agreed? – in the desire to enjoy the last seconds of her presence near him and in the desire to stretch this conversation for as long as possible, he bombarded her with his questions.

Oh, you are my Napoleon. You don't even know how you


to me



Thank you







to inquire and question me. It was so convenient for me to walk next to you and immerse myself in my thoughts. What would I do if you weren't here today? Later, with




I will tell




saying goodbye.

Will you be able to come to town next week, Adil?

Yes, of course I'll try. Then, it's OK. Still, keep yourself and do not become sour in the future. You are a wonderful girl, and they,






keep yourself

after all…

he answered her jokingly.

Thank you


By all means







approaching slowly and kissing him briefly on the cheek, she ducked through the open door of the gate of the house.

Not believing some unexpected miracle that happened to him, looking around around, Not saw whether this, by chance someone, pleased with him, with a hurried step went to his relatives .

Remembering all the events in which fate plunged him today, He Not could highlight most The main thing from them. The mixed events that swept through his mind like a whirlwind of sand on a hot and sultry day of summer completely devastated him. Only sweet the final day, left pleasant memories. Pushed by this kiss, he wanted to sing and picked up in his mind the song needed for this event, but the songs he knew and so pleasant to him stubbornly did not climb into his head. On the contrary, the solemn songs heard at the stadium did not want to leave his, A involuntarily memorized words already from text So and strove to jump out of his mouth.









After all




you can






and then they stood up like glued? .. Come on Adil, it’s better to be silent,



looking back


sides, he continued on his way.





sad irony is V volume, What We we often peer V space, guessing There is whether there more sentient beings, V That time How We surrounded by the thousands species of intelligent beings, whose abilities we have not yet learned to discover, appreciate and respect …

Doctor Will Tuttle

Adil woke up early. The sun rose a little. He went out into the yard and, looking around, went up to the folds and pens. Seeing his, animals fussed. Sky was clean, a slight frost stung his face. Shugla was already fumbling near the samovar, which, as a measured and important person, did not wanted to respond to it. Seeing this, he helped her light the samovar and quickly went home. Coming out after a while, already dressed from there, he carried the saddle in his arms and became his install on horse. Horse his Not resisted And only, perhaps, perhaps, in anticipation of the forthcoming exit to the steppe, he snorted and waved his head. A couple of claps on his thigh, by the owner, he was quickly calmed down.

The samovar boiled up. Adil, shaking the remains of the ash from the samovar, brought his V house. Dastarkhan already was covered And Shugla, who always loved to surprise her husband, put something tasty on the table, meanwhile. Homemade cookies and a handful of caramel candy, decorated table. while drinking tea and biting on delicious cookies, Adil


– Shugla, By arrival In the evening, remind me necessary fix the fence koshar And pens. IN some places They squinted. AND more, on days I met V steppes senior son Sabyra, from the neighboring zhailau. He conveyed greetings from his father to us. And, by the way, he asked me to pick up the puppy that had been promised to me, until they were all taken apart. I'll be home a little later today. They also wanted to visit us.

Yes, sure. Our doors are always open for good people. Let them bring their children. They're so pretty… Puppy? And what kind of puppy is that? she asked












it's a pity,






to him











we learn








Look at him, I suppose, he’s probably beautiful … but how are you and, most importantly, what will you bring with him? On the way, do not feed him, otherwise, because of the shake, he will become ill – inquiring,




looked at him.

Nothing, I’ll think of something on the spot, – having said and frowning, he continued to sip pleasant and thick tea.

Soon, after drinking tea and having breakfast, he began to get ready for work. Carefully stacked Shugla, bundles of food and a bottle of ayran 26 stood aside. She quickly took them out and laid them out in korzhyn 27 . Separately, a neatly folded rag bundle with a kurt and camel milk irimshik, she handed to Adil. Quickly throwing them into the bosom of the kurteshe, freeing the horse without letting go of the leash, he, going up to the pens and folds, released the animals. Those, pushing and bawling, raising dust, moved forward.

25 Tobet – breed Kazakh dogs

26 Airan – fermented milk product from bovine milk

27 Korzhyn – bags, establishing By sides horse

Prepare a place and a bowl for the puppy, – he shouted and, jumping on his horse, was already catching up with his herd.

Already which day He kept at myself this news about the puppy and didn't tell his wife about it. These days, he tried to rethink that soon, having received a tobet puppy, he would receive not only, in the future, a guardian of his herds of animals, from their natural enemies, but also an assistant in his work. The main thing, nevertheless, is that he will become the owner, even if it is true also a puppy, but a dog tobet. He knew this firsthand, how good they were and, most importantly, needed here.

Having driven his herd in the direction of Sabyr's house, after noon, far away He saw his house. Big their the house was frame-shield. Carefully plastered And whitewashed lime walls suddenly reminded his parental home on Ak Zhailau. Only when approaching, he noticed that only the chimney spoiled the whole picture. From lopsided And barely held on roof there were chimneys, wriggling merrily, smoke was wafting. Children ran around the house. They That And reminded to him, What Also, Then, forgetting all on light, V unrestrained passion, He could surrender games with neighboring boys. AND one from them Then was And myself Sabyr. At the same time, children, who so wanted to become adults faster,

could not guess that the best time for them was in their present! A childhood without worries and experiences full of joyful impressions and loved ones, most importantly, near people, could not be unattractive for anyone.

At that moment, his memories "revived" the past, happening The present, For myself And playing nearby children, pleased him, and only the Future that crept up, quietly and silently, did not remind of itself …

It is, namely, that black lump of a living being, behind which Adil I arrived behind many kilometers from here basking in the sun, caressing, lay next to his mother.

Also, How And Adil, caressed, once upon a time his mother, that puppy Same, Now same, already playing co their brothers and did not suspect that his fate would soon change.

Leaving a herd of animals nearby, he was incomprehensibly worried, going up to the house, he remembered the bag that his wife had given him and reached for it.

Hey, whose jigits are these? – getting off his horse, he called out to the guys who stared at him incomprehensibly.









looked straight at them.

And apparently already to this question prepared by their father, all three, together, simultaneously answered:



of Sabyr!

Hey, zharaysyndar!


– he said, having managed to grab one of them, handed

to him







treat. AND




moving away




already discussing


looking at each other






content among themselves.

released was already With Houses Sabyr, silently who watched this bright performance, without interfering, only smiled. AND only Then, When He And Adil met eyes, he gave him a sign.

Assalam alaikum Sabyr aga, -

Adil greeted him.

Wagaleikum assalam, Adil myrza



Sabyr answered him.

Sabyr, who knew Adil from childhood, always called him so. Even when, on summer evenings, as the heat subsided around, led by the cheering Adil brothers, even as boys, they loved to wrestle on the sand. Often the victory was won by the elder Sabyr, after which they always hugged. That, was rule from their Code honor,

28 Zharaisyndar – well done (translation With Kazakh language)

29 Myrza – mister (translation With Kazakh language)

invented by them, then, in haste. No one dared to know about him except the two of them and nobody didn't dare him violate. Those hugs, to them boys, then it seemed that they, they, make them important and adults. Even at times the Adil brothers were perplexed And laughed above this, But that children's their secret, so it remains unrevealed…

That respectful attitude to each other, transferred by them from childhood, with age, only grew stronger.

Since marrying Shugla, he left their ancestral jailau for a new place and began to settle in, they haven't seen each other for 5 years. Sabyr had previously managed to settle down in another place, and one could already say that he was firmly on his feet. His well-equipped farm immediately rushed V eyes again arrived to a person. At he had four children. The eldest son has already taken over all the work. Sabyru remained study homemade household and only occasionally, helping son tried learn his treat animals in the steppe.

Each member of the family, as best he could, contributed to the common cause of development and prosperity. Such was the fate of the life of the whole people, living V boundless steppe, V his striving to survive and develop…

Also hugging tightly, as in the old days, asking O relatives And loved ones, O work, O volume, How passed For their last winter, he brought his guest home. Sabyr sent a senior son spy behind near grazing guest, which was now Adil, so that they could talk heart to heart for a while. Sabyr tortured him with his inquiries, asking O different. Adil same, already, being calm for his flock, yet impatiently, he answered, as detailed as he could, about his affairs and about himself personally. Sabyr, was not much older than him, and yet, as befits in such cases, he observed tact.

tusky -as prepared by his wife in a hurry, they went out into the yard. Finally seizing the moment left alone, Sabyr, asked about having children. Adil, who did not want this question so much O his personal life, And was already joyful that soon they will go to the puppies, already annoyed by this, he shook his head negatively.

Wherever you go, you'll have time. Your business is young – noticing this


an opportunity





on the shoulder, strode confidently forward.

The expectation of the meeting of the Tobet dogs excited him and he felt a certain dazedness from the forthcoming meeting.

Everything has begun, – thinking to himself, he said, and, not keeping up with his uncle's wide steps, he trudged after him.

After spending his behind house To barn, He has stopped And, looking at him, smiling, he said:










my calm ones. The rest you will see on the spot.

dog mother lying next to the puppies. Seeing a stranger, she got up and, it was only to study him more carefully, raised her nose in his direction. The presence of the owner reassured her and she, going up to him, willingly allowed herself to be stroked. Her body, stretched out, but emaciated by feeding puppies, struck Adil with its grace. Meanwhile, with its size, the head and neck especially stood out. Her slow and smooth movements only alarmed the guest. Approaching Adil, she sniffed him. Only at the insistence of Sabyr, he decided to stroke her. To this, already calmed down, she waved their chopped off tail. At that moment, wriggling between the legs, the puppies stuck their nose where horrible. Their was three. Two male And one bitch. Puppies

30 Tusky-as – lunch dish

31 Adike – deliberate change name, With adding graduation "ke", With to show respect to the interlocutor

was month age. fluffy creation were funny and looked like plush toys. Trying to push each other, they wanted to knock down their counterpart, but everything turned out the other way around: they themselves fell and, like upside-down steppe turtles, V trying again get up, laughably pulled with their legs. Adil was amused by this until he felt the father of the puppies approaching, by smell and sound, from behind.

At that moment, his entire body became cold and sweaty at the same time. Huge, How a lion, He sniffed To unfamiliar smell guest And, only having reacted on command owner, too let go his attention from him. Having received the opportunity to take a closer look at the dog, Adil tried to capture what he saw.

Before him stood not a dog, before him stood, in the guise of a dog, a warrior. Warrior of the steppe, Kazakh tobet. Huge wide head, With sharp designated superciliary arcs and occipital protuberance. Low cropped ears. The forehead is flat, wide, with a smooth transition to the muzzle. The muzzle is a little shorter skull, With wide backrest nose. lobe nose large and black. Upper lip thick, closes lower jaw, slightly fluffy. The lower jaw is wide with powerful, well-defined cheekbones, the eyes are small, reliably reserved And sitting deep. Small of the back And croup wide, well-muscled and low-set neck, like a continuation of the body, with coarse hair on it, formed, as it were, a mane. His legs were thick, massive, muscular, and that was it. The tail was carried moderately high. And chopped off He was half. At dogs above eyes had light spots.

How some mythical four-eyed creation,

he looked at the stranger now. Adil everything he saw convinced V volume, What before him costs And basking, truly

"diamond of the steppe", formidable giant and faithful companion of distant nomads, great creation glorious residents

boundless Kazakh steppes!

sniffing my female And ran up was puppies, the cable confidently and smoothly approached Adil. The persistence in the dog's gaze told the stranger to obey and do what the dog so wanted.

Stroking his head, he drew attention to how his rough and overworked palm, on the dog's head, seemed small. The head of the dog, for Adil, seemed like a kind of rock, whose greatness and immobility confused him. Not to say that the dog was weak and at the same time ungraceful – it was to say nothing. Many traces and scars, from received once upon a time ran, on head dogs, spoke to him, how and with whom they were received… And only now, stroking the dog, did he pay attention to his gentle and kind eyes, which calmed him in an instant. Having received your portion of affection, you see And was bored from them, male turned on appeals children playing nearby and went to them.

male was five years. His Sabyr I bought, V his time, at familiar one shepherd, having given Then behind monthly puppy, kiss cow. Nothing Not could his convince V desire then leave from puppies without one from them! Then same, seen puppies to him All straightaway liked. Having accepted solution, he acquired his small And shaggy "miracle". Destined chance, Then Sabyr, was used By maxim. Later, more than once, he was convinced of the correctness of his then decision. The puppy grew up quickly. The care and concern of the new owners did their job. After a couple of years, having matured, he began to show himself. He was only interested in protecting the owner's possessions and his property. So, sometimes the jackals, and later, the wolves, scurrying into the farm, stopped their raids on them. Joined later, bitch tobet, only supplemented in work cables, V their difficult service on good owner. Her Sabyra as a gift from the city of Kyzylorda, then a three-month-old puppy, was brought by her nephew.

Herds and with them, his welfare grew. A pair of faithful dogs and their correct upbringing did their job. Peace came to their house. wild predators side bypassed possessions these terrible For them and their offspring, the formidable Tobet dogs. They, meanwhile, as if nothing had happened, like kind and sweet creatures, only made people and their growing children happy.

For days on end, the children who tried to saddle them, unable to sit on their broad backs, fell to the ground. Sabyr scolded them for their undertakings, but children's perseverance knew no barriers, let alone prohibitions. They, like the majestic and silent sandy mountains of the Aral Sea, always remained imperturbable …

That feature, namely, the sensitive attitude of these dogs to children, may later have played in the love of a person already for them!

Noticing Adil's agitation that had already disappeared, Sabyr, showing the puppies, said:

Well, Adike, choose your puppy. See those males? How smart they are. Small and yet already gnaw,



Puppy bitch




that she is special and therefore does not rely on strength. She takes them with intelligence and cunning. I do not dare to impose my opinion, choose to your liking. Whatever the puppy, he will adequately take his well-deserved place in your home. I myself have experienced






his, then


lion cub,





carefully began to follow the guest.

Sev comfortable, Adil began co sides observe behind puppy kami. At him was some time, to look after the puppies and he wanted to make the best choice he could.

IN one moment, When puppies from somewhere Not take it, got gnawed was bone And started With her play. seeing

this, puppy bitch, running up and standing over her, ruffling his rare wool on scruff, snarling chased away her own, larger, male brothers. acting instinctively , How adult dog, That "black lump wool", managed, herself Not realizing defend so interested bone. Those same, seeing Not on joke snarling was his sister, forced to lose interest in this "toy", continued their games on the sidelines.

That incident he saw told him which puppy to choose. Nothing and no one could then change his desire and choice. The determination and perseverance of a puppy, at such a young age, for Adil, spoke volumes. Even though the puppy's brave and desperate action, manifested in its momentary moment, already suggested something to him. The inherent instinct in her, defending her own, even if Now, puppy dog rights before their brothers pleasing to his eyes. The joy of the moment he saw, he did not want to show it outwardly in every possible way.

Sabyr, without even trying to dissuade him, took out a puppy and gave it to Adil. He, having taken out a previously prepared, whole banknote in the amount of 10 rubles, handed it to Sabyr.

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