Karma's code

Who among us hasn’t asked themselves questions like: why am I here, what is the meaning of life, what is my mission, and why do some people struggle with their personal lives? Vedic astrology, as well as Vedic numerology, can provide answers to these questions and help reveal what is hidden. With their help, one can understand what their purpose is, what hinders relationships with the opposite sex, and what causes problems with children and others. Vedic knowledge aids in solving these issues.
Part 1: Karma’s Code
The ancient astrologers of India created a unique system that can answer many questions that interest a person. Today, this system is known as Vedic or Indian astrology, but its true name is Jyotish. Jyotish shows that a person’s birth and all the events in their life are not accidental but are the result of their actions in the past, which represent their karma – destiny.
A Vedic horoscope allows one to trace specific events in a person’s life and understand why some events do not happen. It helps in understanding where one can best realize themselves, when they might marry, and how to assess their compatibility with a partner and their relationships with others.
Vedic numerology also helps in solving these questions. It allows one to determine a person’s karma based on their birth date. Vedic or Indian numerology is different from other numerological systems.
In Vedic astrology and numerology, nine planets are used, and each planet corresponds to one of the numbers from 1 to 9. To determine the karma a person carries in this life, it is enough to determine two numbers based on their birth date. The first number is called the Soul Number, and the second is the Destiny Number. The Soul Number represents what a person was born with, what they brought from a past life (both good and bad actions, as well as everything that happened to them). The Destiny Number represents the purpose for which they were born, what they must accomplish in this life, and what they must achieve by the end of it.
Let’s take the birth date 15.09.1991 as an example.
We add up the numbers of the birth day. Here it is 15.
1 + 5 = 6
Thus, we get the first number, the Soul Number. It is 6.
Now, let’s calculate the second number, the Destiny Number. For this, we add all the digits of the full birth date until we get a single digit.
1+5+0+9+1+9+9+1 = 35 = 3+5 = 8
So, the Destiny Number is 8.
The Soul Number strongly influences a person during the first half of life, approximately until 35 years of age. Then, its influence begins to weaken, and the influence of the second number, the Destiny Number, takes over. However, both numbers continue to influence throughout one’s life.
The Soul Number reveals how a person sees themselves and what they must struggle with. The Destiny Number reveals how others see them and what they must develop within themselves. Both numbers represent karmic tasks.
If a person does not grow or evolve, nothing changes in their life. Around the age of forty, one can observe changes in life. Everything depends on the level of soul development. This is individual for each person.
Characteristics and karmic tasks for those with a Soul Number or Destiny Number 1
The number 1 is governed by the Sun. The Sun is the most essential planet—it can give life, but it can also take it away if it burns too brightly. This is also true of people with the number 1. From now on, we will refer to such a person as a “one.” These people are often considered selfish, but they must not have a soft character. “Ones” must, first and foremost, think about themselves and their own development. If you are a “one” and those around you do not see you as selfish, it is likely that you are not fully expressing your qualities. You need to open up, constantly learn, and develop, but without destroying others. Your goals must be achieved in an honest way. The main task is to learn to subdue your ego and to avoid criticizing others, understanding that everyone is different.
Another karmic task is to learn independence, to not expect anything from others, to accept criticism, and to avoid seeking approval or demanding attention. Instead, you must become self-sufficient, understand yourself, and not expect others to understand you.
“Ones” cannot be led; they usually take leadership positions themselves. It is better not to argue with or instruct them. Leadership and masculine qualities are characteristic of the “one.” If such a person opens a business, it is better for them to run it alone. If they have a partner, each must remain independent. It is best not to make “ones” your enemies. They usually do not seek revenge but will simply stop communicating with you. If a “one” has low self-esteem from childhood, raising it becomes a karmic task. You should never pressure a “one,” as they will still do things their own way. A “one” must learn to give to others without expecting anything in return, like the Sun, which warms everyone with its rays.
It is also important to find one’s own individual path, without copying others. These people can live alone and not feel lonely, or they need to learn this if it is not the case. However, this does not mean that such a person will be alone. They may marry and have a large family.
If a person has 1 as their first number and a different number as the second, they must pave their way in life and fulfill their karmic tasks in the first half of life. If 1 is the second number, they will work on their ego in the second half of life. If both the Soul Number and Destiny Number are 1, then the person will have the same karmic tasks throughout their life and will most often need to rely only on themselves. If they have helpers, it is a great benefit. A person with two 1s will have very little softness in their character, but they will be able to provide well for their family.
Here we have a combination of the numbers 1 and 0. 1 represents consciousness, and 0 represents infinity. The qualities of the number 1 dominate in 10. 1 signifies luck, while 0 signifies misfortune. The unlucky 0 pushes a person toward struggle. New opportunities often appear as losses. By finding the right application for your strength, you will multiply it.
From the very beginning, these people are endowed with immense power. 1 represents the energy of the Sun, and 9 represents the masculine, aggressive energy of Mars. These people achieve success, but they often make enemies. This combination of numbers also brings problems in personal life. They need to learn to care for a loved one while leaving their ambitions aside. These people will achieve success, goals, and status and will overcome all obstacles in their path. It is important to avoid stressful situations and pay attention to their diet.
The number 28 combines the energies of the Moon (2) and Saturn (8). 2 represents emotionality, and 8 represents the number of struggles. Such a person will face difficulties and various obstacles on their path. However, because the sum of these numbers is 1, success will come under certain conditions, as the total number always has greater influence.
The girl in this story was born into a typical family: her father was an electrician, and her mother was a saleswoman. Let’s call her Viola. She dreamed of becoming a lawyer, but her parents insisted that she go to work immediately after finishing school. Viola obeyed because, since childhood, she had been accustomed to not contradicting her parents.
One day, a house caught fire on a neighboring street. People were confused, running back and forth, and did not immediately think to call the fire department. Viola knew that a seven-year-old girl might be in the house. She quickly ran toward the house, shouting for her neighbors to call the fire department on the way. She managed to carry the girl out of the burning house and organize the neighbors. When help arrived, the people did what they could to put out the fire. After this incident, Viola felt hidden strength within her. She informed her parents that she was going to apply to university. They could not stop her.
Characteristics and karmic tasks for those with a Soul Number or Destiny Number 2
The number 2 is governed by the Moon. The number 2 is the complete opposite of 1. The life of a “two” revolves around relationships. These people cannot be alone; they are emotional, sensitive, understanding of others, and empathetic. They work well in environments where there is cooperation, but they often lack focus.
Full moons have a significant impact on “twos,” more so than on other numbers. This causes doubts and mood swings. They often ask others for advice because they find it difficult to make decisions. Overcoming doubts and starting to take action is their karmic task.
“Twos” also often face challenges in their personal lives. Usually, they are very attractive and draw attention from the opposite sex, which can create difficult situations, including love triangles. Their karmic task is to determine who they want to be with. They should not compare their partner to others. Very often, “twos” will have at least two marriages. A man with a “two” is usually attractive and possesses some feminine qualities, such as sensitivity. The task for such a person is to find a balance between what their partner wants and what they themselves want.
A “two” will not feel bad if their partner makes decisions for them. They must not turn a blind eye to negative traits in their partner or themselves. They need to learn self-sufficiency, the ability to stand their ground, self-actualize, take responsibility for their own life, and learn practical skills while making independent decisions.
If a person has two 2s, meaning both their Soul Number and Destiny Number are 2, then their whole life will revolve around relationships. Their tasks will remain the same throughout life because they did not understand something in the first half of life (karma “knows” in advance that this will happen). This often results in two or more marriages, as well as complicated relationships in work, business, friendships, or with relatives.
For example, if your first number is 1 and the second is 2, you should focus on self-education and self-development in the first half of life and in the second half, devote more attention to your partner, children, friends, and learn emotional sensitivity and cooperation in the workplace. Conversely, if your first number is 2 and the second is 1, the reverse applies.
People born on the 11th are strongly influenced by the energy of the Sun. The two 1s reflect back on themselves, leading to self-centeredness and authoritarianism, as well as creative potential. There will be much mysticism in their life. People born on the 11th find it hard to forgive themselves for their mistakes. They must strive for spiritual development, learn to serve others, avoid wasting money, work on their ego without inflating it, and accept others as they are. Through spiritual growth, these people will achieve material success. They should develop sensitivity. Usually, they manage to achieve independence and meet their goals.
The energy of the Moon makes these people dependent. Those born on the 20th are very emotional and often experience disappointments in family life. They need to learn to make decisions.
The number 29 combines the energies of the Moon (2) and Mars (9). These people are caring but often act impulsively, frequently experiencing disappointment. They need to overcome their short temper. Cooperation is crucial for them. They must learn not to worry, not to divide everything into black and white, and not allow others to control them.
Once, while traveling in Europe, I met an elderly woman. She was traveling alone, and it wasn’t her first time. She was very talkative and shared some of her story with me. She had married very young. Her husband was much older than her and did practically all the housework. She knew very little, not even how to pay utility bills. When she turned 40, her husband suddenly passed away. Since then, she has lived alone and had to learn everything. Now she takes care of her home, her grandson, and her cat, and she travels abroad once a year, something she never did while her husband was alive.
Characteristics and Karmic Tasks for Those with Soul Number or Destiny Number 3
The number 3 is governed by Jupiter. In Vedic numerology, the number 3 is called “Guru” (teacher). In Vedic mythology, Guru was the teacher of the gods and a god himself. People with Soul Number 3 carry knowledge from past lives. They must learn and teach others.
Usually, they have a higher education. Their purpose is to pass on their knowledge to others. Among those with the number 3, there is a category of people who show the negative side of this number. These are individuals who, lacking sufficient knowledge in a particular matter, discuss, argue, and impose their opinions on others. They may also gossip and judge others. The “3” should not just reason but acquire knowledge, education, and engage in practical deeds if they have the abilities. Their task is to improve both their own life and the lives of others.
However, there are far more wise and experienced people among “threes” than the opposite. They must never rest on their laurels and should always keep learning. The number 3 holds a lot of potential. This isn’t always about spiritual knowledge; it can also refer to professions related to finance, architecture, and medicine. There are also those who did not formally study but are experts in a particular field. Some “threes” are fluent in several foreign languages. Usually, they are generous people who like to do things on a large scale, and it is important for them to live in prosperity and abundance. They believe in luck and are optimists. However, their optimism may sometimes hinder them from seeing reality, leading them to rely on higher powers rather than their own actions.
Some “threes” need to work on their ego, not fear learning from others, and understand that someone might know more than they do in a particular field. One of the karmic tasks is to learn patience and not abandon projects halfway through.
“Threes” know how to work well and rest well. They must avoid engaging in illegal activities or doing anything against karma. If they follow these principles, they will receive protection from higher powers. If they think they control everything and don’t believe in higher powers, karma will set them straight.
An important karmic task is to learn not to criticize, to accept different cultures and opinions, and not to divide people by race and nationality.
The number 3 is also associated with everything related to foreign countries.
“Threes” are usually family-oriented people, not prone to infidelity, but they may dedicate too much time to their work and personal affairs, which can strain their married life. This is why they sometimes experience two marriages. It is important not to forget about their partner.
1 represents the energy of the Sun, and 2 represents the energy of the Moon. This combination looks harmonious, but the 1 gives a thirst for fame and being in the spotlight, while the 2 adds worry that the person creates for themselves. The total of these numbers is 3 (Jupiter), which brings luck and a desire to teach others.
These people dislike disappointing others, find it hard to say no to requests, are caring, and may face difficulties in relationships. It is important for them to learn to finish what they start and to take pleasure in any achievement.
Such people can be unpredictable, and their loved ones often don’t know what to expect from them. They love to be praised and are generally wealthy and successful.
The number 2 here gives tenderness, and the 1 gives potential for success in life. These people are more social than other “threes.” In this combination, the 1 helps the 2. If these people develop a little more patience, they will become even more fortunate and achieve much in life.
If you were born on the 21st, you may have pivotal moments in your life where everything is at stake. Your task is to show decisiveness and perseverance.
Because of the zero, this number is less fortunate than 3. The zero slows their progress and reduces the number of friends. However, through hard work, they can achieve comfort and a sufficient amount of money. Those born on the 30th are sociable and ready to help. Their lives are greatly influenced by people of the opposite sex.
Dan graduated from medical school and worked as a general practitioner at a clinic. He only believed in medicine, and when patients mentioned psychics and healers, he would frown in displeasure.
One day, a new nurse joined the clinic. It was a busy day with many patients, and the appointments finished late. At the end of the workday, Dan experienced a severe headache and complained to the nurse. She said she could relieve the pain with her hands and offered her help. Dan said he didn’t believe in it but accepted her offer. He had to admit that her manipulations with her hands helped. Later, he thought it was just a coincidence.
Some time later, Dan went to a sanatorium. He hadn’t been feeling well lately, as exhaustion had taken its toll. His wife couldn’t accompany him due to work, so they decided he would go alone. At the sanatorium, he became friends with a fellow doctor, an ophthalmologist. One day, his new friend invited Dan to visit a local fortune teller. Dan laughed for a long time but agreed to keep his friend company. He waited in the hallway for the session to end when suddenly the door opened, and his friend came out with the fortune teller. She gave Dan a piercing look and said, “You’re on the verge of a new love.” Naturally, Dan didn’t take this seriously. He had been married for a long time and thought his marriage was fine. But imagine his surprise when his wife announced she wanted a divorce. And the new love turned out to be the same nurse from the clinic who had so easily relieved his headache.
Needless to say, after these events, Dan believed in many things. He became interested in alternative medicine and esotericism.
Characteristics and Karmic Tasks for Those with a Soul Number or Destiny Number 4
4 (planet Rahu) is a mystical number, just like 7 (Ketu). In Vedic mythology, Rahu is the head of a demon, while Ketu is its body. Rahu and Ketu are shadow planets; they cannot be seen, and they seemingly do not exist, unlike other planets. They are lunar karmic nodes, the northern and southern nodes.
“Fours” often fall into extremes. The planet Rahu, which governs “four,” moves counterclockwise. Likewise, people with the number four do everything in an original way and do not like to follow accepted norms.
In a positive sense, this person is an intellectual. They are close to anything related to numbers and computers, have a good memory, meaning they are suited for work that requires thinking. They are very down-to-earth people who should develop their spirituality. They may not believe in anything spiritual, and they are often difficult to understand; sometimes, it’s hard to know what to expect from them.
“Fours” may think too much, which does not lead to anything good. Rahu creates an illusion; it is karmic smoke that obscures the truth. Therefore, these individuals must engage in various practices, control their thoughts, and not allow their thoughts to control them. If they do not work on themselves, their desires will guide them. They will strive to obtain something at any cost, but the pleasure derived from it will be short-lived. Sensual pleasure cannot bring them true satisfaction (they will always want more) because they “only have a head” (4) but “no body” (7).
“Fours” can earn well. If they do not engage their mind, various fears may arise. They may develop different addictions (alcohol, drugs, sexual, and others). These individuals may completely abstain from sex or, conversely, frequently change partners; they cannot enjoy one partner for long, as they always want more.
They must learn to notice how karma plays with them. Some may engage in crime. Since they need to get what they want by any means necessary, they may deceive and “step over others.” They think they will not face consequences for this (a path linked with illusion). After all, Rahu represents illusion.
There are also very spiritual “fours” who study esoteric practices. In such cases, they successfully combine practicality and spirituality.
“Fours” can be very diverse. There is also a tough, aggressive type with sadistic tendencies. They may become aggressive when they do not get what they want. The main downside here is insensitivity, self-centeredness; they only do what benefits them.
They often struggle with fears and addictions. However, there are times when a “four” is accompanied by a dependent person (an alcoholic, a drug addict). In that case, the “four” may be under the illusion that this person will change or that they can change them. Thus, a “four” may spend their entire life with someone who abuses them or is addicted to alcohol or drugs.
There are “fours” with the ability to significantly develop their intuition. In any case, they should have a good income. If they aspire to politics or a social life, they will quickly understand the illusion hidden behind all of this. It is Rahu’s task to show that everything may only appear to be very good.
If a person has a second number 4, then in the second half of life, they need to ensure their financial well-being without being at the mercy of endless desires. Two fours (both the Soul Number and Destiny Number being 4) can make a person somewhat fanatical.
Here, 1 represents the energy of the Sun, and 3 represents the energy of Jupiter. These individuals often experience rapid rises and falls. Friends are not always loyal to them, and those born on the 13th are willing to go to great lengths for their friends. Such people can be very impulsive.
The number 13 is usually considered unfavorable; one must go through many trials. However, these individuals possess immense inner strength and can achieve a lot. Women born on the 13th are very passionate. Everyone born on the 13th should avoid gloom and pessimism.
This number is considered mystical. Such individuals have developed intuition, are vulnerable, and may struggle to build relationships with others, often facing health problems. This number can lead to a negative karma of loneliness for women. They need to work hard on their character, addressing stubbornness and anxiety. These individuals must work very hard to achieve anything. They may engage in occult sciences. It is important for them to learn to relax their minds (through meditation, yoga).
These are very strong individuals internally. They are often difficult to deal with. Unforeseen situations can bring them problems and losses. They need to be very careful and attentive. Those born on the 31st possess leadership qualities, always want to be first, may give orders to others, pursue a career in politics, protect the weak, and can also be excessively withdrawn, easily fall into anger, and misinterpret the words of others. Despite all this, they know how to resolve complex situations. Such individuals are individualists and often experience misunderstandings in relationships with the opposite sex. However, it is more likely that their partner suffers in this situation. They must learn not to impose on others.
Characteristics and Karmic Tasks for Those with Soul Number or Destiny Number 5
This number is governed by the planet Mercury. A significant part of this person’s life is connected to acquiring knowledge and skills. “Fives” are good communicators and quickly find common ground with people, especially in the sales sector. Therefore, any kind of business suits them. However, a negative side may manifest here— the ability to deceive, even inventing things on the spot to justify themselves.
“Fives” often have many ideas and sometimes struggle to focus on one task to complete it. Such a person can handle several tasks simultaneously, but if that doesn’t work, they should redirect their energy to focus on a single endeavor.
These individuals tend to concentrate more on everyday matters rather than deep issues. They need to work on addressing problems with greater attention to people. “Fives” often encounter difficulties in relationships; they are less emotional and sensitive than other numbers. 5 is a cold sign and cannot delve into the emotions and feelings of others, yet these people enjoy entertaining and having fun. Their sexual sphere may differ from accepted norms, with some “fives” engaging in numerous sexual relationships. This usually occurs only on a physical level, lacking deep feelings.
Sometimes, “fives” did not receive enough love from their parents during childhood or from one of them. Occasionally, ascetics are found among them. These are dynamic individuals who have a carefree approach to life, express themselves through social contacts, and are often charismatic with attractive appearances. Their karmic task is to learn to delve into the essence of things, understand the emotions of others, and expand their consciousness.
This number is quite unusual. 1 represents the energy of the Sun, and 4 represents the energy of Rahu. Rahu is an enemy of the Sun, sending negative energy to Earth during eclipses. People born on the fourteenth may underestimate risks. They need to be cautious to avoid accidents. These are fortunate individuals, but they should be wary of financial losses. They often worry about their future, can quickly make contacts, and are good businessmen or lawyers.
2 represents the energy of the Moon, and 3 represents the energy of Jupiter. This is one of the most favorable numbers. These individuals can be famous, possess high intelligence, are interested in various fields of knowledge, are authoritative, can quickly change their circle of acquaintances, are passionate in love, and know how to win the affections of those they love. They achieve prosperity, fame, and adapt well to public life. Their only enemy can be laziness.
This businessman is a double “five.” He has both Soul Number and Destiny Number as 5. He always came to work very early and returned very late. He could behave rudely with subordinates, paying everyone the same minimum salary. One day, noticing that a particular woman was performing better than others, he decided to leave her alone in the department to do the work of three people. But he did not stop there and repeatedly asked her to do additional tasks. At the same time, he could also be rude, expressing dissatisfaction. Eventually, she couldn’t bear it any longer and quit. That day, he assigned her an impossible task, which he most likely knew was unachievable. This businessman asked the employee to return several times, but he had no intention of changing anything.
By the way, he engaged in charity work. However, he never raised the salaries of his employees, even the best ones. It seems so simple to show a little warmth, gratitude, and humanity, especially when your life and business depend on it.
Characteristics and Karmic Tasks for Those with Soul Number or Destiny Number 6
This number is governed by Venus. Such individuals are charming, attractive, and encounter many temptations in life. They need to learn to manage their sensual desires. At least once in their lives, infidelity occurs, either on their part or that of their partner. Sometimes, temptations can persist throughout their lives. Karma tests them in this way. If a “six” restrains their sexual energy and does not cheat, their partner may do it for them. “Sixes” rarely remain without a partner.
There are also temptations through material goods. Karma will test what they are willing to do for money. “Sixes” often enter relationships if there is a benefit involved. They can genuinely fall in love, but the duration of the relationship depends on how advantageous it is. All these temptations are present not only for “sixes” but also for other numbers.
The best scenario is when a “six” has a creative profession related to beauty and creativity. These include designers, artists, performers, hairdressers, stylists, and writers. Much energy will go into this, and infidelity may not occur; sexual energy will manifest appropriately. If such a person works in a different profession and does not cheat (especially concerning men), they may develop a tendency toward alcohol or other addictions.
For men, the number 6 provides feminine energy, so they may have a more feminine mindset. For example, they may enjoy cooking or have a job or hobby related to beauty. This karma manifests more in men when they are married and in women when they have a lover, meaning individuals not tied by any commitments. If such a woman does not marry, issues of infidelity may not arise, and this couple may always stay together. The karma of the “six” is enjoyment but not within marriage, although each situation is unique. There are cases where a “six” receives everything until they enter into marriage.
If the main job is not connected to creativity, it is advisable to at least engage in a corresponding hobby. Both male and female “sixes” can comfortably focus on their home and themselves if their partner provides well for them.
If a person has a second number 6, their life will be less active. If both Soul Number and Destiny Number are 6, they should seek more creative work to channel their energy.
Here, the energy of the Sun (1) and the energy of Mercury (5) create a very good combination. These individuals are talented, ambitious, intellectual, and possess a strong sense of ownership. Mercury is the planet of businesspeople, the planet of intellect. People born on the fifteenth love material goods. The Sun here provides popularity and fame, while Mercury grants the intelligence and reasoning to obtain that fame. These individuals can gather crowds and mobilize them for results. When summed up (1+5=6), here 6 (Venus) gives the ability to always stay youthful and attract the opposite sex. Venus drives the desire for comfort and pleasure. These individuals love themselves and are self-absorbed.
These individuals experience many changes in life. Here, the number 2 (Moon) promotes the desire to harmonize life, while 4 (Rahu) brings obstacles and causes secrecy. The actions of this person can be hard to predict.
These people are creative and can engage in anything that beautifies life. A woman needs to try to find one man and not think that someone else could be better than her current partner. A man born on the 24th may face difficulties with women and with his mother. He needs to learn that duty comes first, not momentary pleasures, and that he should make those around him happy.
Alina has been married several times. Each time, after a while following the wedding, problems began for the couple. All her relationships started very romantically. Alina was incredibly attractive and feminine. Feelings ignited quickly and unexpectedly. Quite rapidly, her partner would propose. But after a couple of years, everything would end in divorce.
Alina worked as a clothing designer, was quite successful, and very busy. The divorces did not upset her much. She had two children who did not cause her much trouble. By the time she reached fifty, she was fully immersed in her work, coming home late, and had little interest in relationships with the opposite sex. At that time, she had already been divorced for three years. One day, at a friend’s birthday party, a stranger approached her, invited her to dance, and at the end of the evening offered to drive her home. Alina could never have imagined how this acquaintance would end. But the next morning, the man was waiting for her outside her house when she left to go to work. His courtship was very persistent. Alina did not initially agree to go out with him because he was much younger than her. As it turned out later, he was nine years younger. His persistence ultimately won out, and they began living together. After a while, he proposed to her, but remembering her previous experiences, Alina said she was already very happy.
Characteristics and Karmic Tasks for Those with Soul Number or Destiny Number 7
This is the second mystical number after 4. The “seven” is governed by the planet Ketu (the South Node of the Moon). Since the lunar nodes, according to Vedic mythology, were once a whole, it is considered together with Rahu (4). The figurative concept of seven is a body without a head. Such individuals are better off relying on their intuition. Those with a “seven” often have many thoughts that can be difficult to sort out. These people can be very diverse. When it comes to Rahu and Ketu, nothing can be known for sure. The number 7 signifies spiritual development. This is what “sevens” should focus on. These individuals may have peculiarities that only those around them notice. They usually do not see anything unusual about themselves. The 4 and 7 create an illusion in the consciousness of the “seven.” Therefore, a person may perceive things that do not correspond to reality. Sometimes, it can be hard for others to understand “sevens” because their actions may seem illogical.
The concept of “lack of a head” does not imply a lack of intellect. These people are capable of learning and can be great professionals in their fields. Information often comes to them intuitively. They may serve as conduits of information from the cosmos. Their work is often associated with modern technologies.
Karmic Tasks: The development of spirituality, but also not to forget about the body and health. There are situations when it is unclear what a “seven” is talking about (their thoughts are distant, their head is removed from the body). In this way, a person may forget about their physical body. For example, they might forget to eat. They may lose track of time. The karmic task is to connect their thoughts with reality (the head with the body). The “seven” should receive food and sex in a timely manner. Through sex, the merging of earthly energies with subtle energies occurs.
In relationships with “sevens,” it is better not to try to understand them too deeply and not to require them to understand themselves. Long conversations should be avoided; it is better to love them more on a physical level. Sometimes there are “sevens” who seem crazy. Among “sevens,” there are those interested in esotericism. It is important for them to find like-minded individuals. However, they usually believe in nothing. Learning to believe in higher powers is desirable for them, as it helps to solve their problems. They often have to seek out healers. This is how karma forces them to start believing in something. Conversely, there are individuals who fanatically immerse themselves in religion or certain practices. It is important not to forget the material aspects in this case. They often experience mood swings: happy-sad, kind-mean. Sometimes, a “seven” attracts people due to their uniqueness.
It is better to have the first seven in the birth date than the second. The second seven complicates life significantly toward the end. Two sevens are also a complex variant. Such people may completely forget about the material world, becoming addicted to alcohol, drugs, or entirely retreating into the spiritual realm.
If you have a combination of 4-7, meaning the first digit is 4 and the second is 7, you need to combine the material with the spiritual. If a person develops only materially, in the second half of life, karma may compel them to engage in the spiritual through various situations in their lives. If the first digit is 7 and the second is 4, one must not forget the material. The best option is to maintain a balance between the spiritual and material throughout life.
To transition harmoniously into the second digit, preparation is necessary. The opportunities of the second digit develop well if there was some work on this in the first half of life.
1 – the energy of the Sun, 6 – the energy of Venus. This combination brings obstacles, suffering, and constant choices. On one hand, a person strives for an ideal, while on the other, base desires may arise.
This person has an innate ability to explore subtle spheres and possesses creative potential. If there are no spiritual inclinations, the person may belong to some philosophical movements. They have esoteric abilities, the ability to analyze, and penetrate the essence of things. Such a person feels betrayal keenly, experiences significant ups and downs, and faces challenges in family life. They feel comfortable in public, and travel is favorable for them.
2 – the energy of the Moon, 5 – the energy of Mercury. Mercury is hostile towards the Moon. This creates a contradictory nature in the person. Such individuals are quite refined, love to receive praise, and can be hard to understand. However, this number can bring good fortune.
Parents often do not provide enough love to a child born on the 25th. This person may face problems in family life. It is essential to learn how to concentrate, set clear goals, and choose the right path in life. Success may come from abroad. This person is complex, quite creative, and capable of creating things with their hands. Here, the energy of Ketu (2+5=7) gives instability, and the person does not always know what they want. It is important to avoid financial risk. A partner can facilitate financial and spiritual growth.
Characteristics and Karmic Tasks for Those with Soul Number or Destiny Number 8
This number is governed by the planet Saturn, known as Shani in Vedic mythology. Shani was not well-liked because when he arrived somewhere, something unpleasant would occur. Shani would walk with his head down to avoid looking at people (so as not to bring karmic gaze). Similarly, people with the number “eight” sometimes walk in this manner. Once, when Shani looked at a newborn, the baby’s head fell off and got lost in the crowd. A head of an elephant was quickly brought and sewn onto the body of the newborn. Thus, in Vedic mythology, the god Ganesha is depicted as having the head of an elephant and the body of a human. He was very wise, gained much knowledge, and oversees astrology. Shani governs the karma of all people on the planet, watching over them, punishing them, or granting them something.
Everything that happens to “eights” carries a karmic nature. Even people with “eight” do not meet by chance. One could say that punishment comes through “eight,” but it is ultimately for good. This does not mean that the “eight” does something intentionally; it happens naturally. The karma and task of the “eight” is to put certain people in their place, show the consequences of their actions, and open others’ eyes to certain things. For instance, there are known situations where an “eight” is hired for a job. Initially, everything goes well, but after a while, that person becomes envied, and obstacles are placed in their way for unclear reasons. No amount of clarification helps. There are cases when “eights” are accused of things they did not do, such as theft. But as soon as the “eight” resigns, problems begin at the enterprise, and it may close down. In the lives of these individuals, many events carry a negative nature, but ultimately, every situation leads to something good.
“Eight” individuals may not be liked by many, and they face envy. This happens unconsciously, not understood by either the people or the “eight.” The best thing someone interacting with an “eight” can do is understand that this person brings something good. Usually, they are honest individuals. Since childhood, they notice that any bad deed they commit is punished. They cannot make mistakes or repeat errors; they carry the heaviest karma. They may experience depression. The god Shani was once a hermit. This i is also present in the “eight.” They are typically wise, responsible children but often have problems with parents and are not liked by peers. Sometimes one of the parents leaves early.
Another karmic task is to learn not to become attached to anything, to understand that everything one receives can be lost. This applies to everyone, but especially to “eights.” If a person loses something, they should try to accept it calmly and understand the reason. Throughout their lives, “eights” experience one lesson after another, and they cannot rest for long. It is beneficial when this person’s desires align with what karma wants, and they should at least try to adjust to karma’s desires if they can catch a glimpse of them. Such a person can eventually obtain what they want, but it will not always be with good consequences. Sometimes, if something does not happen, it is simply meant to be that way.
It happens that “eights” are very loved, but more often, they are not fully appreciated and are envied. It is better not to offend them; karma will handle that. Those who offend often pay the price. Usually, the “eight” understands when someone treats them or others unfairly and often tries to compensate for what they lacked in youth later in life.
When two people with Destiny Number or Soul Number 8 meet, they either love each other or hate each other and become enemies. If they get along and help each other, they can achieve a lot. However, if they are enemies, the one on the side of justice will prevail. If the “eight” develops and understands their fate correctly, they will become happier in the latter part of life. Such a person can become wealthy, as 8 is the number of millionaires, and earn it themselves. This is one of the tasks—to become rich. They also need to gain status and become an authority in their profession. “Eights” can be generous and love helping others, but they must first take care of themselves. It is essential to develop spiritually; this will serve as protection. In any case, there will always be some limitations in life, but one must never seek revenge; karma will take care of that.
The color of Saturn’s karma is black. An “eight” can use this color in clothing, especially on Saturday (the day of Saturn). The black raven is a messenger of Saturn’s karma. Therefore, it is recommended to feed ravens, especially on Saturdays, and never chase them away. There is a known story related to the Habsburg dynasty. After chasing ravens from their garden, they faced many misfortunes and calamities. The black raven appears on their coat of arms.
If a person’s “eight” is their Soul Number (relating to the first half of life), they will experience more problems during this time. The second eight makes the situation even more complex; the main thing is not to break under any circumstances, to earn more, and to invest their efforts for the good of themselves and others. Two eights signify challenges throughout life.
1 – the energy of the Sun, 7 – the energy of Ketu. Ketu is the enemy of the Sun, creating an internal conflict, but it sharpens intuition. Such individuals may excel in esotericism. They must be persistent in their goals—then luck will follow. They can also bring luck to others. It is necessary to cultivate firmness and decisiveness within themselves. These people often suffer from misunderstandings in their personal lives, lose faith in love, and are very sensitive; they are often hurt.
These individuals are very dependent on the opposite sex. Men must learn to control their emotions and pay more attention to their women. It is better for men not to rush into marriage. Those born on the 26th are trusting and value the opinions of those around them. They may not receive enough love from close ones in childhood. Success comes in the latter half of life. They need to thoroughly check their partner, as they can fall victim to deceit. These individuals find it challenging to make the right choice. They are responsible and caring by nature.
Characteristics and Karmic Tasks for Those with Soul Number or Destiny Number 9
This number is ruled by the warrior planet Mars. It embodies masculine, aggressive energy, as well as sexual energy. These individuals likely fought in a war or were somehow connected to military affairs in a past life.
If a person is calm and not assertive, it means that their aggressive energy is suppressed. Such individuals often encounter aggression from those around them, including partners. Men with a “9” are often aggressive and manipulative. Not all of them raise their hands or raise their voices; they may exert emotional pressure or use words to dominate. Women can also display these traits. A “9” will stop at nothing to get what they want. This number is a leader, somewhat resembling the number 1. A woman with a “9” may behave like a man when she is alone and without a partner.
The karmic task of this number is to learn how to achieve goals, but through honest means, without trampling over others in the process.
There are “nines” with sadistic tendencies, especially when they drink. Women with a “9” enjoy competing with men and are often physically strong. In a healthy expression, these individuals have an adrenaline rush. They are sexual beings and cannot live without sex. They need to learn to manage their energy correctly. If there is no outlet for this energy, diseases may arise, and injuries can occur.
These individuals may be drawn to extreme sports and weapons. In relationships, a person with a “9” tries to dominate. If they find a good sexual partner in their youth, it can lead to a long, happy union. It is crucial not to suppress their energy and to learn to be brave if they are not inherently courageous, as this energy will eventually explode. It is also important not to act impulsively to avoid undesirable consequences.
Some “nines” may enjoy using physical force or have experienced such violence in childhood. They need to learn to solve problems without resorting to physical strength or manipulation. Ideally, this person should occupy leadership positions because, in a subordinate role, a “9” will experience perpetual dissatisfaction. Women with a Destiny Number of 9 (with the second digit being 9) particularly struggle; they must conquer their partner themselves, or the relationship may not happen at all.
If you have two nines, you should always move forward, not rest on your laurels, and strive to surpass others. However, it is essential not to take excessive risks to avoid dangerous incidents.
Sometimes, such individuals find themselves involved in criminal activities, not always by choice, but rather due to circumstances that have drawn them in.
Tatiana was a quiet, calm girl from childhood, performing average in school and not displaying any activity. Her only hobby was reading books about war, which her classmates found strange as they preferred romantic novels. The children in the class constantly tried to provoke Tanya, coming up with unpleasant nicknames for her. Before finishing school, Tanya got married and started working at a factory. Her acquaintances often heard her express dissatisfaction with her husband, claiming he did nothing to earn a living. Eventually, they divorced. Over the years, she became increasingly demanding, but not of herself—only of others.
1 – energy of the Sun, 8 – energy of Saturn. These individuals possess great inner strength. Difficulties and obstacles only toughen them, making them stronger. They are often envied. They can be combative and enter into conflicts. Business is a suitable field for them. Engaging in sports is beneficial.
2 – energy of the Moon, 7 – energy of Ketu. This person is very restless, unquiet, and hot-tempered; they take on too many tasks at once and love to lead. They lack sensitivity towards others. They may have several marriages or multiple partners simultaneously. These individuals have a lot of energy and may make poor decisions. They can experience many emotional upheavals and abrupt changes in life. It is important for them to learn to act from a place of reason.
Vedic Astrology
Vedic numerology and astrology harmoniously complement each other. By knowing a person’s date, time, and place of birth, one can easily and quickly obtain a Vedic horoscope or the position of the ascendant and the nine planets in the houses and signs of the horoscope at the time of their birth. Today, this can be done using the internet. It is sufficient to enter a query into the search engine: “Free Astrology, Vedic Horoscope by date of birth and time.” If the exact time of birth is unknown, an approximate time is used.
The ascendant is the point on the ecliptic that rises at the moment of birth. The Sun passes through one sign of the Zodiac in a month, while the Moon does so in about two and a half days. The ascendant takes from one to three hours to change (depending on the sign). There are two types of natal charts (North Indian and South Indian). We will use the South Indian chart.
Here is an example of a Vedic horoscope with an ascendant in Leo. The ascendant is indicated by two parallel lines. It is also called the Lagna, the rising sign, or the first house. From the ascendant, the count proceeds clockwise from the first to the twelfth house of the horoscope. Each house falls into a specific sign. The signs have their fixed positions, as depicted in the illustration. By calculating your horoscope, you also receive the positions of the planets in the houses:
Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are not used in Vedic astrology. When we obtain our horoscope, we need to look at the ascendant, the positions of the houses in the signs (how they influence each other), the positions of the planets in the houses and signs, as well as the interactions between the planets (if there is more than one planet in a house). In Vedic astrology, a house is called “bhava.”
First House – Bhava of the Body
Keywords: “I,” body.
Meanings: appearance, character, main inclinations, predispositions, behavior, overall well-being, health, head.
Second House – Bhava of Accumulated Wealth
Keyword: finances.
Meanings: family, food, drink, speech, securities and assets, accumulation of wealth, face, right eye, tongue, mouth, teeth and gums, precious metals, gemstones, truthfulness.
Third House – Bhava of Siblings
Keyword: decisiveness.
Meanings: biological siblings, neighbors, courage, physical strength, ear, hearing, sales skills, art, dance, music, voice, singing, communication, writing, short trips, hands, weapons, nervous system, adventure, fun.
Fourth House – Bhava of Relatives (Bhava of Happiness, Bhava of the Mother)
Keyword: feelings.
Meanings: mother, home, emotions, overall happiness, father’s longevity, fundamental things, real estate, hobbies, leisure, comforts and convenience, houses (buildings), boats, vehicles, buried or submerged treasures, things from underground, area of the chest and heart.
Fifth House – Bhava of Children
Keyword: intellect.
Meanings: romantic relationships, love, stock market trading, speculation, spiritual techniques, merits of past lives, intellect, education, authorship, maternal grandfather, yantras, entertainment, sports competitions, government dissatisfaction (especially due to taxes), abdomen, digestion.
Sixth House – Bhava of Enemies
Keywords: service and protection.
Meanings: minor illnesses, competitors, rivals, enemies, hostility and opposition, litigation, intimidation, troubles due to the opposite sex, struggle, physical weaknesses, mental anxieties, wounds and injuries, pets, servants or assistants, employees, cousins, theft, maternal uncle, stepmother, healers, intestines.
Seventh House – Bhava of Marriage Partners, Partners in General
Keyword: cooperation or partnership.
Meanings: marriage and similar relationships, love affairs (sometimes extramarital), cohabitation, spouse’s longevity, business partnerships, business and trade, living abroad or travel for business, lower back, kidneys.
Eighth House – Bhava of Death (Life)
Keyword: longevity.
Meanings: longevity, chronic diseases, hidden things, scandalous behavior, difficulties, shyness, accusations, esoteric and occult knowledge, extravagance, unearned wealth (lottery, inheritance), excitement, sexual energy, dizziness or falling from a height, deception, murder, futile endeavors, loss of money, danger from poisons, type of death, obstacles, unsuccessful attempts, dreams, partner’s wealth, reproduction.
Ninth House – Bhava of Luck, Dharma
Keywords: dharma, knowledge, luck.
Meanings: God, Guru, philosophy, religion, father and relationship with him, boss, ethics, law, dharma and right action, long-distance travel, divine grace, educational institutions, Gnosis (spiritual knowledge), yogic practices, luck, holy places, connection with divine forces, grandchildren, thighs.
Tenth House – Karma-Bhava or Bhava of Actions
Keyword: activity.
Meanings: life purpose or career, fame, social status or father’s reputation, actions or deeds, compassion, i and character, profession and business, commerce, knees, difficulties with childbirth.
Eleventh House – Bhava of Acquisitions
Keywords: opportunities and income.
Meanings: influx of money, profit, opportunities, hopes, dreams, desires, friends and influential friends, older siblings, paternal uncle, mother’s longevity, influence of government or heads of large institutions, left ear.
Twelfth House – Bhava of Losses, Enlightenment
Keyword: liberation.
Meanings: liberation, enlightenment, losses, sexual pleasures, confinement or loss of freedom (hospitals, prisons, long meditation), work in a place of confinement, poverty, generosity, quality of sleep and beds, self-sacrifice and charitable deeds, spiritual journeys and pilgris, travels to foreign countries, wandering, profession related to long travels, life after death, betrayal, Tapas (spiritual asceticism), feet.
The Ascendant is one of the most important indicators of a horoscope. It helps to reveal both positive and negative traits, understand how to develop oneself, and identify areas for improvement.
Ascendant in Aries
Aries must take the initiative into their own hands and not succumb to the influence of others. This is one of their karmic tasks. Even an Aries child should not be told what to do and what not to do. Aries loves to compete—this is also part of their karmic mission. Aries individuals do not compromise and have their own goals. Their weak point is impulsive decision-making; they often act first and think later. Their karmic task is to learn to think first and then act. The strong point of Aries is their ability to invent new things quickly and unexpectedly.
Aries must be brave but refrain from excessive assertiveness, rudeness, straightforwardness, and tactlessness. Arguing with them is futile; one can easily become their enemy. An Aries always needs to be the winner.
Karmic tasks include acting originally, being unlike anyone else, learning to remain calm when things do not go according to plan, and knowing when to be silent.
A life without adventures brings boredom to Aries. In relationships with the opposite sex, Aries loves to dominate and is not ready to submit. They need a calmer partner in life. Aries does not take criticism well, and pointing out their negative qualities is pointless. Those who wish to be with Aries should disregard their hot-tempered nature. Aries should learn to channel their passionate, creative energy into work and to be tactful and calm at home.
Second House in Aries
Such a person invests a lot of energy in making money but spends it impulsively. They tend to ignore the facts of reality, believing that happiness does not lie in money, but that having it is better than not having it. They can be stingy and may resort to trickery for material gain; from an early age, they learn the power of money. They will always lend money but struggle to repay loans. Material well-being comes to them later in life. Their intuition helps them navigate the stock market and protects them from dangerous deals. This person has excellent taste and is not picky about food if resources are limited.
Third House in Aries
Such a person brings a bustle to their environment. They tend to divide people into good and bad, easily making acquaintances. In tense situations, they can behave sharply. Enthusiasm is necessary for successful learning. They may have a poor memory but possess a fine intuition. They can guess other people’s thoughts and anticipate events. This person is restless, satisfied with their life, but sometimes exaggerates their problems. They need communication but try to take the leading role in interactions. Everything new excites them.
Fourth House in Aries
This is usually a complex position. Such a person has clear beliefs and an uncompromising attitude towards life, taking an active stance. They require a lot of support from loved ones, which can lead to conflicts. They need to learn patience, wisdom, self-control, and strive to be objective and fair. The soul’s motivation for this incarnation may be linked to a desire for active actions.
Fifth House in Aries
Such a person spends a lot of time on creativity and is passionate in love. Their life is filled with love, but their karmic task is to bring divine love to others, giving more than receiving. They love to dress brightly, can be constant in love, do not like to limit themselves in any way, appreciate beautiful things, and attract the opposite sex. Children love them, but their relationships with children are not always calm. Having the fifth house in Aries, a person usually enjoys sports. They search for the perfect partner throughout their life.
Sixth House in Aries
This is a born leader who gladly helps others but relies only on themselves. They possess great work capacity but little patience. They can be good lawyers, doctors, researchers, military personnel, or politicians. This person is self-confident, does not tolerate rudeness and injustice, and strives for leadership positions. They must take care of their health, as they can suffer from various ailments, primarily from heavy thoughts.
Seventh House in Aries
This person is active and can inspire others to action. They may fall into hysteria or get into fights. Their marriage partner should be working. In marriage, this person tends to avoid unpleasant responsibilities and shift them onto their partner. There may be quarrels due to jealousy. This person loves to give advice to others and does not like to be contradicted. In marriage, they can be impulsive and frivolous. They tend to take the initiative against their enemies, which leads to conflicts. If a situation takes an unpleasant turn, they may abandon the fight, sacrifice their beliefs, and sometimes resort to deceit.
Eighth House in Aries
This person can create dangerous situations with their assertiveness or lifestyle. They experience psychological crises and fear change. They need to develop courage, resilience, and patience and should avoid dangerous, extreme situations.
Ninth House in Aries
This person values courage, decisiveness, concreteness, and composure in others. They enjoy surprising, stunning, and being the center of attention. They can be devoted to their ideals. Learning is difficult for them, but having a diploma can lead to job opportunities. They may face challenges in obtaining higher education, but there is a strong desire for it. They are characterized by adventurousness in travel and should be cautious with water travel.
Tenth House in Aries
Such a person is energetic at work, completing tasks clearly and is fully absorbed in their work. They can be impulsive, easily manipulated by superiors, have a high sense of responsibility, and always drive things forward. They thrive in independent work, not reliant on others’ decisions. Life often takes them by surprise. They are valued as workers, have a creative approach to their work, give advice easily but are reluctant to listen to it themselves, and do not like to supervise lazy or idle people.
Eleventh House in Aries
This person constantly strives to acquire new friends and often transitions into new groups, leaving behind friends in old groups who oppose their departure. They are very productive in groups, impatient, may react sharply in conversation, can make rash decisions, are often subjective, sensitive externally, and possess inner courage. For them, waiting is a punishment. Wherever they appear, something is bound to happen. They do not tolerate laziness and deceit and are always ready with a malicious, sarcastic response. Their egocentrism is most pronounced among friends and at work, and even minor issues can trigger intense anger. They struggle with failures and have no close friends or deep connections with them.
Twelfth House in Aries
Such a person may experience stress, nervous breakdowns, unnoticed secret suffering, outbursts of despair and depression, emotional tension, and active secret enemies. Their work involves seeking their inner fire and cultivating humility in the face of circumstances.
Ascendant in Taurus
Taurus is the complete opposite of Aries; it can calmly make decisions and move slowly but surely toward its goals. Taurus possesses a lot of patience, which is its strong point. The weak point is sometimes a lack of spontaneity and quick decision-making when necessary.
Taurus can be considered stubborn. It cannot be easily influenced in decision-making. Taurus will not argue or quarrel; it will simply do what it deems necessary.
Taurus finds it difficult to break off relationships with a partner, even when they no longer bring joy. It may tolerate what should not be tolerated. The karmic task is to understand that life is multifaceted and requires development, to learn to accept changes more easily, and to become more flexible.
Money is one of those areas that can throw Taurus off balance. The complex karmic task is to learn not to become attached to the material. Taureans are also attached to their family members, and they may bind them to themselves with excessive material support. But if something goes awry for Taurus or someone wants to break free from its influence, it will find it very difficult to accept that. The task is not to become too attached to people or money and not to manipulate people with money. By taking all the care upon itself, Taurus can make others passive and incapable of adequately caring for themselves.
Second House in Taurus
This person is practical and always ready to adapt to any specialty or profession. It is important that it interests them. They tend to spend money on luxury and enjoy material comfort. They can also be stingy and unable to part with things that should have been thrown away a long time ago.
In life, they focus on specific actions and circumstances, but this can be rather coarse, with little regard for the feelings and emotions of those around them. Such a person can become a successful businessman; they do not tolerate interference in their finances and tend to have a cult-like attachment to things. Sometimes they may resort to petty theft.
It is advisable for them to refrain from purchasing precious metals.
Third House in Taurus
This person knows how to communicate with others, does not like to change their plans, and is focused on making money. They tend to judge people by their appearance, clothing, and car. They approve of established relationships based on material grounds and respond slowly in stressful situations. In relationships with others, they are patient, quiet, speak slowly, and can listen well. Sometimes they like to exaggerate to enhance their significance.
Such a person has talents in art, music, and culture. Rage, anger, and insults usually do not affect them, but if they are really provoked, they may explode and destroy everything around them, only to calm down quickly afterward. In childhood, they should be shielded from interactions with extremely emotional people to avoid harming their psyche.
Fourth House in Taurus
This position provides very stable life positions, attachment to place of residence, and conservativeness. Such a person is not inclined to change their worldview. For them, a reliable existence means material security. They find it difficult to change their life positions. The work requires them to learn to adapt to external circumstances. The Soul’s motivation for this incarnation may be related to a desire for material stability, comfort, and pleasure.
Fifth House in Taurus
This person is sensitive and romantic, erotic and easily falls in love, but strict in observing external proprieties. With age, they appear significantly younger than their years. In love, they are patient and conservative, do not enjoy experimentation, and may only engage in intimate closeness under the influence of alcohol. They are stingy with compliments and praise; their behavior is straightforward and somewhat clumsy.
Such a person enjoys living in luxury and having good food. They very much want to have children, take pride in them, and do not hesitate to spend money on their education, but their conservatism may hinder their children’s independent development.
In art, they prefer a classical style and often are talented self-taught individuals, masters of many trades.
Sixth House in Taurus
This person usually chooses practical work, but in their soul, they derive pleasure from contemplating beauty and artistry. They work well when they earn well and achieve success in any endeavor due to their liveliness and practicality. They possess abilities in medicine. Such a person often works at night because they perceive breaks for rest and sleep as inactivity. Their health strongly depends on their emotional state. They adore animals and enjoy walks with them.
Seventh House in Taurus
This person cannot live without a partner and attracts wealthy spouses. Marriage by calculation is likely for them. They enjoy spending money on beautiful, high-quality things. As a partner, they are reliable and practical, despising weakness in themselves and others. Their emotions are strong and deep, influencing others. Such a person is jealous, persistent, but slow and deliberate; they do not attack first and may remain single (this position usually results in one marriage). They know their worth, are indifferent to insults, and due to irritability, may have many enemies.
Eighth House in Taurus
This position can lead to severe psychological crises and negative fixation on certain circumstances that are difficult to escape. There can be a strong influence of negative situations on the person.
They may have abilities in energetic massage, acupuncture, and good energetic contact with objects. The work involves developing subtle senses, flexibility in behavior, and the ability to positively transform their psyche.
Ninth House in Taurus
This person is conservative in their views, does not like innovation, insists on fair treatment with finances, and on fairness in family relationships. Expanding consciousness and restructuring their worldview is a slow and difficult process, but if the person manages to adapt, there will be no return to the old way. Karmic instructions are given through material, external events. Working abroad is possible. Such a person strives for higher education and is stubborn in defending their ideas.
Tenth House in Taurus
This person is smart and skilled, practical, serious, and strives to earn more money, desires to rise and prosper, sets high goals for themselves, does not like to change them, and can be stubborn and slow. They are confident in their correctness and infallibility, and they do not know how to critically assess their subordinates and often fall prey to flattery.
Such a person tends not to risk their future; what they undertake usually succeeds. They are generally calm and self-assured. They are often elected to committees and presidencies (they like to chair and know how to do it).
Eleventh House in Taurus
Such a person has a good attitude towards rich people and artists and may invite wealthy individuals to finance their plans. In a group, they seek a specific position for themselves, work hard, and love permanent work, but those with whom they work often “ride on their coattails.” They are honest in business, become friends with their partners, give gifts to loved ones after quarrels, are patient and consistent in friendship, help in times of trouble, may have protections through women, fear envy, desire peace, order, and social security, and do not like public gatherings. They are well-suited to work in medicine, performing arts, and social activities. Due to children, they may take reckless actions.
Twelfth House in Taurus
This person is internally stable. They may experience periods of severe trials and may be unsure of the solidity of their position. They may have material problems and debts. Because of this, pessimism is possible.
Ascendant in Gemini
This is a dual sign. Gemini individuals are very communicative, but more with friends and acquaintances than at home. Or, conversely: they are secretive in a group and open with close people. They need to reveal their talent in the field of communication. Geminis cannot be restricted in their interactions. They can handle multiple tasks simultaneously and process a vast amount of information, but in doing so, they may overlook details.
The karmic task is to learn patience and to bring what they start to completion. In youth, Geminis often struggle with concentration, but this usually improves with age, especially if the person receives education.
Geminis are not focused on deep relationships with the opposite sex. As an air sign, they do not like to delve into problems or analyze situations deeply. However, this may change in older age.
If communication is lacking at home, Geminis seek it outside. They stay with a partner as long as they find them interesting. They need someone who will not confront them about the relationship.
Second House in Gemini
This person can earn money by bringing original ideas to life and values intellect, knowledge, connections, and communication. They are not limited to a single source of income and may have a carefree attitude towards money. They possess the art of financial manipulation and can become wealthy in the latter half of life. They may experience losses through women or their workplace.
This person loves material goods but is extravagant. They are not picky about food, have a beautiful melodic voice, live in the present, and enjoy a modern interior in their home. They are suited for work in media, as hosts or commentators on radio or television, and they require a change of environment and interaction with new people.
Third House in Gemini
They love to talk a lot about their affairs to relatives and acquaintances, wanting to appear versatile, intelligent, and original. They feel bored without people, are informal in communication, care for their loved ones, can empathize, and may have many acquaintances and contacts, most of which are useless.
They have good learning abilities but need to reinforce the material. This person can engagingly discuss topics in which they have little expertise, processing a lot of unnecessary information. They often travel.
There may be danger from relatives at the ages of 7, 19, and 43. Relatives on the mother’s side may turn out to be secret enemies.
Fourth House in Gemini
The life principles of this person may change over time. There may be changes at home and shifts in relationships with parents, sometimes for better, sometimes for worse. Personal development occurs through cultivating inner honesty. The soul’s motivation for this incarnation may be linked to a desire for communication, contact, and the exchange of information and experience.
Fifth House in Gemini
In love and friendship, this person can be fickle, trusts the opposite sex little, and is critical of their loved ones. They may face conflicts in personal relationships due to a desire for change. In youth, they may have many connections, more for communication than for sexual satisfaction. They flirt easily and start relationships. This placement may result in children with outstanding intellectual abilities, and they may have twins.
With their children, they communicate as equals, without strong interference in their lives. This person has the ability to soothe emotionally troubled, hysterical, or frightened children. They love intellectual companies, show interest in everything, but can be somewhat superficial. They are merciless in criticism, often mocking flaws, and are eager to argue, but most often this is just idle chatter.
Sixth House in Gemini
This person is versatile, can handle several tasks simultaneously, knows how to organize work, manage people, and loves diversity in everything. They are excellent workers in all areas of industry, talented leaders respected by all, and can be economists, scientists, politicians, engineers, teachers, doctors, or secretaries. They also know how to navigate obstacles.
Seventh House in Gemini
This person is romantic and will have more than one spouse; they may have lovers, as they love new experiences and sensations. They cherish freedom. Their family often has quarrels, but they are never boring. They struggle to adapt in marriage, are independent, but do not seek to impose their opinions. They will have much intellectual communication with their spouse. There may be a divorce due to their infidelity. A more successful marriage may occur after the age of 35. This person is not always tactful and may shift work responsibilities to their partner.
With this placement, a person may have cunning and resourceful enemies.
Eighth House in Gemini
Psychological crises for this person may be accompanied by smaller problems. They are not always capable of deep self-analysis. They may encounter dangerous situations. Danger may arise from slander, gossip, air travel, falls from heights, or hurricanes.
This is a good placement for occultists, those engaged in hypnosis, or self-hypnosis.
Ninth House in Gemini
This person wants religion and philosophy to have practical applications and to be logically understandable. They love to talk about themselves, to be attractive, needed, and well-known, can change and restructure their consciousness, and are inclined to convince others of their correctness. They may travel a lot, have good language-learning abilities, and connections with foreigners. This person is a born diplomat, knowing when to remain silent, able to smooth over problems, always in search, with doors open to them that are closed to others.
With this placement, a person may be a teacher or educator, capable of seeing their mistakes and asking for forgiveness, and may also receive information in dreams.
Tenth House in Gemini
This person can combine several professions in their work, may work in communications (postal service, radio, television). Fame and wealth come to them through the richness of their thoughts. They want to be known, love working with people, and may enjoy casual conversations at work. They are diligent workers, know how to negotiate, achieve goals, and demand accuracy from others. A large team of subordinates is not suitable for them; they prefer to work with small groups. This person will not tolerate flirtation at work or vulgarity in the appearance of their subordinates.
Eleventh House in Gemini
This person seeks the path to success through smart, inventive friends, learns news first, and shares it with others; they may be prone to gossip. They must strive for their words not to diverge from their actions and also consider people’s feelings, not just intellect and wit. They love to dominate in arguments. People can turn to them for advice; they will be happy to give it but will then ensure that their advice is followed. They find it difficult to find their path and often change their opinions. This can be a problem as they grandly present each point of view, thus appearing deceptive.