The art of Jyotish: secrets unlocked

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The art of Jyotish: secrets unlocked


Many wonder why those who commit evil deeds often don’t face consequences, while good people may suffer unjustly. But the laws of karma are not that simple. No good or bad deed goes without consequences.

Types of Karma

There are four types of karma: Sanchita Karma, Prarabdha Karma, Kriyamana Karma, and Agami Karma (Vartamana Karma).

Sanchita Karma

This is the reservoir of all karma a person has (including all incarnations). It clears if the person engages in personal development, and as long as there is something to correct, they will be born again and again. If the person does not grow spiritually, the debts, sins, deeds, idleness, wrong thoughts, and everything they didn’t understand accumulate in the Sanchita Karma.

Prarabdha Karma

This is the karma to be corrected in this life (only in this life, which essentially constitutes the results of the soul’s many incarnations). Prarabdha Karma is usually very harsh. It cannot be avoided. The Vedic horoscope is the reflection of Prarabdha Karma. This karma predetermines certain events in life and longevity.

Kriyamana Karma

This is karma that operates quickly, these are the results of actions in the current life. But sometimes it happens that a person did something now and will only pay for it in the next life (Agami Karma).

Agami Karma

This is karma that can be changed after understanding an action, any act or non-action.

Jyotish is divided into three main parts: Ganita, Samhita, and Hora.


Ganita – Astrological observation (astronomy). Earlier, when there were no computers, texts were used to describe the movement of the planets for the next 5 years. Nowadays, computers calculate everything. Ganita is divided into two parts: one is Ganita and the other is Gola.


Gola emphasizes philosophical observation related to the movement of planets. Observing the position of a certain planet and what phenomena are occurring in the sky at that time. Nowadays, astrologers no longer deal with this. It is the job of astronomers.


This part of astrology is responsible for laws and regulations. These are laws for conducting religious rituals, for example. Samhita answers the question of what to do when a certain event occurs in a person’s life.


This part of astrology is used by astrologers. Today, they don’t deal with Ganita and Samhita. Hora is divided into four parts: Jatana, Nimita, Prashna, Muhurta.


Jatana deals with the birth chart, the combinations of planets, everything related to a person’s horoscope.


This is predictive astrology, based on diagnosing and predicting events according to signs (body signs, natural phenomena, based on the behavior of animals, birds, unusual situations, surprising encounters). This part of astrology is not particularly researched, but it works in extraordinary ways. It includes various signs carrying subtext and signals of karma. But it is important to pay attention to them. Dreams are also related to Nimita.

Here, I will give some examples. The first story is related to the famous ship, Admiral Nakhimov. Someone I know bought a ticket for a cruise for her daughter. Three days before the cruise, the ticket disappeared, although it was always in plain sight in the closet. Then a new ticket was purchased. Obviously, everything ended in tragedy.

The second story is related to starting a job that brought much suffering and a spine disease. The girl went through the job interview, was accepted, and was supposed to start the next day. That very night, she felt ill. It turned out she contracted rubella and started working only after two weeks. The illness was a good warning that she shouldn’t have taken that job.

Here’s another story about a new job. This person, before starting his new job, dreamed of all his deceased relatives. They stood together and judged him with their looks. In that job, he experienced unrequited love and many humiliating situations. It took him a long time to recover.

A beautiful white dove appeared in the stairwell of my friend’s house a month before she met her future husband. What was surprising was that the dove appeared in such a place. Such doves are usually seen in circuses, specially bred. The beautiful plumage looked like a fancy costume. But the dove had a problem with its leg. The children kept it at home and cared for it until it healed. Shortly after, the friend got married, but the marriage was very difficult, with many significant problems.


This is a special method where a horoscope for an event is calculated in order to answer a question related to a specific event. In this case, the client’s birth chart is not used. According to certain rules, it is diagnosed whether the event will be delayed or not. There can be a yes or no answer to the asked question. It is also possible to receive an answer when someone wants to know if a specific person is alive. This method helps to see the investigated event very clearly.


Muhurta is used to diagnose whether a certain time is auspicious for starting something. It can be the purchase of a car, a house, a wedding, etc.

Today, personal charts – main and divisional charts – can be calculated using professional websites. It is enough to search for:

Free Astrology, Vedic Horoscope by date of birth and time.

After entering personal details, the charts will appear after clicking the h2:

Lagna, Navamsha charts.

Characteristics of houses in the horoscope and their rulers

All houses in the Vedic horoscope are divided into groups. The houses belonging to the same group affect each other.

Kendra (houses: 1, 4, 7, 10) – These houses are considered the main and the foundation of the horoscope. It is easier to overcome difficulties with a strong foundation. These houses are considered the houses of the god Vishnu. Therefore, it is preferable for benefic planets to be in these houses to strengthen the foundation.

Trikona (houses: 1, 5, 9) – The most auspicious houses, they are called the houses of Lakshmi. The goddess Lakshmi brings us only success and prosperity. Therefore, it would be very good if benefic planets are in these houses.

Dusthana (houses: 3, 6, 8, 12) – These are unfavorable houses, and their characteristics speak for themselves: diseases, enemies, death, loss. Although the third house's characteristics are not clearly associated with something negative, it is considered the least 'Dusthana' house.

Maraka (houses: 2, 7) – These houses are traditionally called the houses of death because they relate to everything that can shorten a person's life.

Upachaya (houses: 3, 6, 10, 11) – These are houses of growth. These houses are considered good for malefic planets because as the person matures, these houses gain a lot of strength. Even malefics like Saturn and Mars can soften their negative effects.

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House Lords

In order to determine the lord of a house, you must check which sign the house is in to know which planet rules it.

– In Aries – the ruling planet is Mars (Ketu)

– In Taurus – the ruling planet is Venus

– In Gemini – the ruling planet is Mercury

– In Cancer – the ruling planet is the Moon

– In Leo – the ruling planet is the Sun

– In Virgo – the ruling planet is Mercury

– In Libra – the ruling planet is Venus

– In Scorpio – the ruling planet is Mars (Ketu)

– In Sagittarius – the ruling planet is Jupiter

– In Capricorn – the ruling planet is Saturn (Rahu)

– In Aquarius – the ruling planet is Saturn (Rahu)

– In Pisces – the ruling planet is Jupiter

Rahu and Ketu can rule houses from the Kendra group (houses 1, 4, 7, 10).

When diagnosing which planet rules the house under examination, you can check where it is located in the birth chart, i.e., in which house the lord of the examined house is. If there are other planets next to the ruling planet, they will affect the rulers, and it may change the data written below, for better or worse.

The First House in the Horoscope

The first house is an important factor that defines our physical body, and it also shows our position in life at large. A serious affliction to it means that the mother of the horoscope owner had a difficult birth. Someone born with a serious defect in the first house may die in childhood. The weakness of the first house is the main indicator of poor health. It shows innate physical capability. For a person to achieve significant success in life, the first house and its lord must be strong enough. The houses related to the first house define the most important areas that are expressed through our personality in the world.

The Lord of the First House in Different Houses of the Horoscope

In the first house: A happy childhood, a good start in life, birth in a wealthy and noble family, good health, strength, honor, happiness, good Dharma (knowledge of laws, morality, fairness, duty and its fulfillment), ability to lead, longevity. The houses of Dharma are 1, 5, 9.

In the second house: Wealth, good education, interest in educational matters, possible career in education, morality, correct speech, public speaking abilities, interest in financial matters, happy family life.

In the third house: Courage, initiative, help in various matters from siblings, personal efforts bring success. The person typically exhibits stubbornness, a strong willpower. This is a personality with strong desires. There is an interest in the arts, and the career may be related to music, drama, or dance.

In the fourth house: The person’s home, honor, happiness from the mother, land, vehicles, yachts, various types of real estate, inherited property, status or fame, academic degree, longevity, good health, spiritual nature or interest in Moksha (enlightenment, final liberation). Moksha houses are 4, 8, 12.

In the fifth house: The lord of Dharma (morality, duty) in another Dharma house is auspicious in all matters related to Dharma, intelligence, education, successful investments, wealth, happiness, honor, good fortune, high status or fame, faith and devotion to God, knowledge of mantras, interest in religious practices, high morals, nobility, humility, self-respect, profits from the government or politicians, great merit earned in previous lives. This position increases longevity.

In the sixth house: Health problems, difficulties, shortened life, unhappy childhood, suffering, a poor start to life, possible legal accusation if other data confirms it: connection with the maternal uncle. There will be a need for hard work, interest in certain diets and medical practices to reach perfection. Work becomes an important factor in life. There is an ability to earn well; wealth comes slowly and after hard work.

In the seventh house: Marriage with love, a good, wealthy, and loyal marriage partner, great benefit from the partner’s family, strength, honor, good fortune. Since the lord of the ascendant is in the seventh house, it reflects aspects on itself (the first house – ascendant): strong desires, strong sexual personality, long-distance travel or residence in other countries.

In the eighth house: Poor health, weakened life force, lack of self-respect, difficulties, suffering, unhappy childhood, poor start in life, possible legal accusation. If other data in the horoscope confirms it, long-lasting illnesses, disasters, large debts, lack of recognition or fame are possible. On the other hand, there is a possibility of receiving money from the marriage partner, profits from insurance companies, success in occult sciences or yoga. There is an inclination toward spiritual life, Moksha, or asceticism. This position may negatively affect appearance.

In the ninth house: The lord of Dharma in another Dharma house is especially auspicious. This brings a happy destiny, wealth, good fortune, prosperity. There may be help from the father, receiving the father’s property. High morality, a religious mindset, compassion. This position brings honor or fame. Additionally, good health, strength, strong Dharma, and long life are characteristic.

In the tenth house: Honor or fame, a good career, high status, good reputation, health, strength, long life, wealth, successful Dharma.

In the eleventh house: Benefit from elder relatives, many auspicious opportunities, success in achieving high goals, wealth, ability to earn well. This is a personality with strong desires.

In the twelfth house: Brings difficulties, suffering, unhappiness, an unattractive appearance, debts, lack of self-confidence, poor health, lack of recognition or fame, unhappy childhood, poor start to life. The person will leave their birthplace. Legal accusation is possible. If other data confirms, there may be periods where personal freedom is limited (hospital, monastery, prison). However, good sexual life, residence abroad, emigration, inclination toward spiritual life, asceticism, or yoga, success in meditation or yoga, good deeds without reward in this life, which is good for life after death (i.e., for attaining heaven). There is little interest in everyday life – a wonderful condition for self-realization and enlightenment.

The Second House in the Horoscope

The second house defines the means of livelihood, is related to our ability to earn money and support ourselves materially. Besides that, the second house is connected to the mouth, meaning it characterizes appetite and can serve as a measure of taste—not only in food, but in a broader sense: artistic, intellectual, persuasive. Since this is the house of speech, it is also related to intellect and speech abilities, as well as to artistic and poetic self-expression. The second house follows the first and represents childhood (from infancy to adolescence). A damaged second house may indicate a difficult childhood or early separation from parents.

A strong second house can bring wealth, a high social status, speech and writing abilities. When the second house is damaged, it may indicate wastefulness or sharpness and roughness in speech.

The Lord of the Second House in Different Houses of the Horoscope

In the first house: Receiving wealth due to your own efforts, the person's Dharma is related to money, speech, education, knowledge.

In the second house: The planet is in its own house, receiving wealth without many efforts, a career in banking or education, exceptional speech abilities, learning, happy family life, good expression, a beautiful face, good eyesight, nutritious food, poetry.

In the third house: Wealth may be received through the help of siblings, profits through art, music, drama, dance, communication, writing, the internet, organizing trips, work related to hands, efforts directed toward gaining wealth.

In the fourth house: Wealth or property may come from the mother, inherited property, receiving an academic degree, good education, profits through the mother, real estate, psychology, vehicles, institutions related to children (kindergartens, entertainment venues for children), architecture.

In the fifth house: Wealth, finances through speculation or ventures, wisdom, learning, family happiness, profits due to children, nutritious food. Due to the good karma earned by the person in previous lives (Purva Punya), they may receive money without many efforts in this life, profits through students, education, and accumulation while maintaining morals and ethics.

In the sixth house: The lord of Artha (success in the material world, houses 2, 6, 10) in another Artha house—excellent for finances, but wealth comes slowly, after many efforts. Since this house is considered a Dushthana (a challenging house), profits come through the medical profession or the service sector (hotels, public catering, warriors, police), there are difficulties with speech, which can improve with great efforts, rough language, non-nutritious food, problems with the right eye, limited imagination.

In the seventh house: The marriage partner is wealthy and helps in gaining wealth, receiving money through foreign trips or foreign institutions, through business partners, social work, active social life, travel, work with a large number of people, consulting work, embassies.

In the eighth house: Poverty, large expenses, defects in speech, servitude, rough language, tendency to lie, unhappy family life, poor education, non-nutritious food, problems with the right eye, potential to earn money in undesirable or illegal ways, through supernatural powers, magic, mysticism, healing. The person may have limited imagination, a good inheritance is possible if the planet is placed in a favorable sign or receives good aspects.

In the ninth house: Wealth, finances from the father, elders, or religious organizations, inheritance due to fate, good speech, happy family life, learning, education, good imagination, nutritious food, profits from spiritual activity, preaching, teaching.

In the tenth house: The lord of Artha in another Artha house—especially favorable for finances, wealth due to career, high status, good reputation, possible profits from the government or high-ranking individuals, livelihood through organizational work, management, work with finances.

In the eleventh house: This may be the best position for wealth and easy gains, profits from a wide range of sources, possible help from an elder sibling, possible profits from banking or investments, as well as from influential people, independent business.

In the twelfth house: Poverty, lack of control over expenses, large debts, defects in speech, problems with the right eye, shyness, limited imagination, rough language, tendency to lie, unhappy family life, non-nutritious food. There may be profits in undesirable or illegal ways, all money gets spent. There may be profits related to loans or foreign countries, long trips, foreign institutions, organizing spiritual trips, through translation work, linguistics.

The Third House in the Horoscope

This house defines the motivation and the most important interests for us, both intellectually and physically. It helps diagnose what we enjoy engaging with the most. The areas related to this house are pleasures, favorite games, and hobbies. Well-placed planets in the third house indicate a deep interest in the truth of things, the ability for serious investigations and research thinking, which grants the person artistic talents and abilities.

The third house is about siblings, courage, adventures, personal efforts, energy, life, initiative, inventiveness, all possible desires, voice, musicality, dancing, drama, singers, dancers, actors, producers, managers, organizers, hearing, mental stability, personal resilience, neighbors, communication, writing, service providers, travels (short trips), hands, palms, shoulders, the right ear, chest, vitality.

The lord of the third house in different houses of the horoscope

In the first house: Talent, potential for a career in music, dance, drama, livelihood through personal efforts. Generally, this position does not bode well for health or other first house matters, but the person will be courageous.

In the second house: Continuous efforts in obtaining resources, wealth comes through stressful work, minor difficulties in family life. This position does not bode well for relationships with siblings, though they may help somehow with financial gains.

In the third house: A planet in its own house brings happiness from siblings, successful relatives, good hearing, many adventures, wishes come true with minimal effort, musical talent, talent in dance, drama, a beautiful voice, literary talent. There may be a career in mass communication. The personality is characterized by courage, bravery, persistence, vitality, mobility, initiative, and many short trips.

In the fourth house: Efforts and events may be related to real estate, farms, or land. Siblings may be close to the mother, or they may inherit family wealth. Relatives may be connected to houses and farms.

In the fifth house: Happiness from relatives, wealthy relatives. The person may be involved in speculation, has good character, high morale, and good deeds. This person is brave, wishes come true, and has talents in music, dance, drama, and literary abilities.

In the sixth house: Activities related to health (medical profession), there may be work in the service sector. Wishes are fulfilled slowly and only after many repeated efforts. This position brings wealth only if the person works hard. It brings problems with relatives, though relations may improve over time. There may be problems with the right eye, and relatives may be connected to the medical field.

In the seventh house: The lord of a Kama house (desires and emotional satisfaction at all levels, houses 3, 7, 11) in another Kama house fulfills all desires. The personality has strong desires, efforts are successful, benefits from relatives, relatives may live abroad. Adventures are related to the opposite sex, strong sexual desires. This position does not bode well for marriage.

In the eighth house: Misery from younger siblings, terrible relationships with relatives. Younger relatives may die young or have difficult lives. There is a lack of courage, constant fears, wishes that do not come true, the person makes great efforts, but the reward is small. Problems with the right ear, poor communication skills, no artistic talents. There may be an interest in astrology, hidden knowledge, or secret matters. The younger sibling may be connected to occult sciences.

In the ninth house: Adventures in distant travels, benefits from relatives, talent in music, dance, or drama, singing abilities. Efforts bear fruit, and there are many exciting adventures. Siblings may be close to the father or inherit the father’s property. They may be religious. The lord of the third house does not bode well for the ninth house's matters (luck, father, and others), but the third house benefits doubly, as the ninth house is an excellent house, and the lord of the third house in the ninth casts an aspect on itself.

In the tenth house: Hard work in the career, successful work of relatives, good profits. There may be a career in music, drama, dance, or literature. Courage, adventurousness, and travels for professional purposes.

In the eleventh house: The lord of the house of desires in another house of desires – brings many good omens. Wishes are fulfilled, efforts bear fruit, relatives may help in acquiring wealth. Profits from investments or work in literature and the arts. Courage and adventurousness.

In the twelfth house: Misery from relatives, relatives suffer or die young, terrible relationships with relatives, problems with the right ear. Wishes are fulfilled with difficulty. The person makes great efforts, but the reward is small. Few adventures, lack of courage, constant fears, ugly voice, no musical, dance, or drama talents. There will be long trips abroad, interest in meditation, personal development, and charity. Relatives may practice meditation, be ascetics, or have an inclination towards spiritual life. They may also end up in prison or a monastery. Such a person may suffer because of relatives (e.g., receive wrong advice).

The Fourth House in the Horoscope

The fourth house – this is the mother, the heart (emotions and desires), happiness, land, homeland, real estate, buildings, properties, inheritance, comfort, means of transport (cars, airplanes, yachts), basic education.

This house is the most significant indicator of the mother, home, and means of transport. It governs happiness and the heart. Therefore, any planet in the fourth house speaks about desires rooted in a person’s heart.

The Ruler of the Fourth House in Different Houses in the Horoscope

In the First House: Brings large property, means of transport (cars, yachts, airplanes), good education, comfort, happiness, close relations with the mother; in childhood, the person is surrounded by the mother’s care and love; possibly inherits her property or wealth; good health and reputation.

In the Second House: Receiving money through land and property, happy family life, the person will support family members financially, will have good education, desire for money; abundance due to the mother and her connections.

In the Third House: Suffering due to relatives, little happiness from the mother, land or wealth comes only through personal efforts; this position does not bode well for property or other matters related to the fourth house, as the third house is the 12th from the fourth house.

In the Fourth House: The planet in its own house; talent or desire related to the planet’s characteristics; scholarly achievements, obtaining a degree, magnificent vehicles and other means of transport, happiness from the mother, longevity for the mother, happiness and comfort, the person will own land, wealth, they might find a treasure, affairs will end successfully and peacefully, the end of life will be happy and calm; the ruler of a Moksha house in another Moksha house – very good for spiritual life.

In the Fifth House: The person will have homes, land, means of transport; they have a developed intellect, good education, great comfort, a strong and wealthy mother, help from the mother, the mother is religious or has a good nature, inheritance of property.

In the Sixth House: Disagreements with the mother, problems with the private home or land, problems with vehicles, few properties, difficulties in obtaining a degree, interruptions in studies, bad luck and problems in finishing things, illnesses for the mother, the mother may be connected to medicine, the maternal uncle – a prominent personality; the person may have a good job, good health.

In the Seventh House: Owns land and homes, a strong mother, comfort and means of transport, love for the marriage partner, happy marriage, a strong marriage partner, fortune indicating good things.

In the Eighth House: Few properties, lack of land or a home, little prestige in life, problems with vehicles, misery due to the mother, the mother’s life is difficult or she will die young, antagonistic relations with the mother, suffering, no higher education, interruptions in studies, unsuccessful resolution of problems, a difficult end to life, the mother will not leave an inheritance, there is a desire for occult sciences; the ruler of a Moksha house in another Moksha house – very good for personal development and spiritual life.

In the Ninth House: Happiness and help from the mother, the mother is religious or has a good nature, a strong father, help from the father, help from the guru, desire for religion and philosophy, higher education, happiness, fortune, comfort, private homes and land.

In the Tenth House: This position indicates a significant and successful career, political power, a good reputation; the person may become a governor or leader, may become famous.

In the Eleventh House: Wealth and help from the mother, profits from real estate, comfort, happiness, and fortune.

In the Twelfth House: Poverty, lack of land or a home, few properties, problems with vehicles, misery, lack of education, interruptions in studies, little prestige, no happiness from the mother, the mother suffers or will die young, bad relations with her, unsuccessful completion of things, a difficult end to life, the mother will not leave an inheritance; the ruler of a Moksha house in another Moksha house – very good for spiritual life; happiness after death (i.e., attaining divinity); the person may live in foreign countries.

The Fifth House in the Horoscope

The fifth house is considered the house of children, indicating our ability to have children and the relationships the horoscope owner will have with their children. When there is a defect, it may indicate that there will be no children or a limitation regarding children (for women, the children's definitions are more important according to the fifth house from the Moon, rather than from the ascendant sign).

This is the house of creation in the broad sense of the word. On a higher level, it symbolizes artistic consciousness and our ability for creative thinking. This house is an important indicator of the level of intellectual development.

It is the house of love, both on its higher and lower levels. It symbolizes romantic love and our infatuations (not necessarily leading to marriage). This is the house of pleasures and fun, rest, and our favorite hobbies.

It is one of the houses of wealth and assets. It characterizes our ability to gain profits from speculations and stock market trading, and also shows the benefits that our efforts, our work, pleasures, and fantasies bring us.

The Ruler of the Fifth House in Different Houses of the Horoscope

In the First House: The ruler of the Dharma house in another Dharma house – this foretells many good things, as it brings a strong destiny; the person is respected or famous, wise, beautiful, rich, kind, powerful, happy with children, religious, successful in speculations, loves sports, has a good education, is intelligent, their destiny follows the same direction as in their previous life, they do good deeds, are compassionate, study ancient scriptures, prayers, and spiritual practices; successful love affairs, a happy childhood, a good start in life.

In the Second House: Good intellectual abilities, learnedness, deep knowledge, a career in education, good oratory skills, the person may be an astrologer, mathematician, happy family life, a large or successful family, wealth, a developed imagination, nourishing food, can earn money in temples or teach others religious practices.

In the Third House: Happiness from relatives, wishes fulfilled, exciting adventures, courage, talent in music, drama, dance, literary abilities.

In the Fourth House: Happiness from the mother, the mother will have a long life; karma to own land, houses, or means of transportation, great comfort and prestige in life, great happiness, successful completion of things, a peaceful end to life, wisdom, achieving high status.

In the Fifth House: The planet is in its own house; happiness from children, successful children, amazing intellectual abilities, religiosity, doing good deeds, love for sports, successful investments, interest in speculations, success in love affairs, knowledge of prayers or sacred texts, absolute honesty and respect, the person can lead a religious or spiritual organization, strong purva punya, strong Dharma, interest in politics, may govern, may receive help from philanthropists, rich people.

In the Sixth House: Difficulties with children, underdeveloped intellect, an unstable mind, difficulties in exams, troubles in love affairs, help from the maternal uncle, getting a good job, good health, medical knowledge or practices carried over from past lives.

In the Seventh House: Happy married life, the marriage partner is beautiful, wise, and loyal; wisdom, successful children, happiness from children, one of the children may live abroad, strong desires; this is a very good position for health, fame, and reputation, as the ruler of the fifth house in the seventh house casts aspects on the ascendant sign.

In the Eighth House: No happiness from children, there may be miscarriages or loss of a child, hostile relations with children, few children; losses due to unsuccessful investments, difficulties in love affairs, thoughtlessness, difficulty in exams, dishonesty, lack of morality, the previous life was lived in vain (no credit for the current life).

In the Ninth House: The ruler of a Dharma house in another Dharma house – this foretells many good things; the ruler of a trikona house in another trikona house – this could be the best possible situation; luck, fortune, wealth, blessings from higher powers, fame, happiness from children, spiritual or successful children, happiness in love affairs, high spirituality or religiosity, inclination towards philosophy, knowledge of spiritual scriptures and prayers, help from the father, elders, and guru, leadership of a spiritual teacher (guru), success in acquiring knowledge; a wealthy, famous father, may be religious, will have a long life.

In the Tenth House: Fame, a prominent career, which may be related to speculations or sports, prominent children, happiness from children, doing good deeds, visiting sacred places, help from prominent people or the government, a career in government.

In the Eleventh House: Many children, help from children, significant friends, great wealth, benefit from elder relatives, many good opportunities, success in everything, fulfillment of wishes; amazing intellectual abilities, as the ruler of the fifth house in the eleventh house influences the fifth house.

In the Twelfth House: No happiness from children, there may be miscarriages or death of a child at an early age, few children, terrible relationships with them, the child may become an ascetic, practice meditation, or moksha; unhappiness in love life, losses due to speculations, thoughtlessness, unstable mind, difficulties in exams, lack of morality, dishonesty towards others, the previous life was lived in vain (no credit for the current one), peace after death, the person may leave material activities to practice meditation and moksha; good sex life; children may be connected to foreign countries and immigration.

The Sixth House in the Horoscope

Enemies, competitors, jealous people, illnesses, sins, work, service, employees, renters, debts, misery, the maternal uncle, cousins, detailed work and service work – all these are attributes of the sixth house.

The sixth house is a Dushtana and is therefore considered malefic and causes harm. Planets in the sixth house suffer, just like the houses they rule. Similarly, the ruler of the sixth house brings harm to the house in which it is located.

The sixth house causes the least damage of all Dushtana houses since it is also considered an Upachaya house. Upachaya is a house of growth, where the characteristics of any planet grow stronger over time. Therefore, all problems related to this house can be resolved or disappear over time.

Ruler of the Sixth House in Different Houses of the Horoscope

In the First House: Poor health, thin and weak body, the necessity to follow a specific diet, lack of fame, hard work, interest or career in medicine or medical practices, difficult childhood, bad start to life, close relationships with the maternal uncle, born into a medium-class family.

In the Second House: The lord of an Artha house in another Artha house brings good earning ability, but wealth will come slowly and after persistent efforts since the sixth house is a Dushtana; problems at home, tendency to curse, poor imagination, little education and knowledge, poor vision in the right eye, tendency to lie, mouth and tongue diseases, stuttering or other speech defect, loss of money due to enemies or theft.

In the Third House: Little or no happiness from close relatives, bad or trivial nature, difficulties in fulfilling desires, work as a babysitter or in a medical profession, lack of courage and inspiration, irritability, few adventures, illness in the right ear; the person is indifferent to the art of music, dance, and drama, lacks literary abilities; siblings are sick.

In the Fourth House: Sick mother, disagreements with her; difficulties with land, home, or place of residence, problems with vehicles, little prestige and comfort in life, interrupted studies, difficulties obtaining a degree, things end with difficulty, diseases in the later stages of life, little or no inheritance, as well as few vehicles.

In the Fifth House: Sick children, difficulties with them; restless thoughts, limited intellect, trouble with exams, knowledge of medical practices coming from past lives, loss of investments, injustice, lack of morality, unsuccessful love affairs, good health, excellent work, victory over enemies, outmaneuvering competitors, little credit from past lives.

In the Sixth House: The planet is in its own house; health is normal, ability to get a good job, victory over enemies, outmaneuvering competitors, wealth, interest in medicine or medical practices; these are good workers and service providers; there may be help from the maternal uncle, the uncle is a prominent person, help and benefit from cousins.

In the Seventh House: Marriage partner is sick, disagreements in marriage, debts due to the marriage partner, constant destruction of the relationship with the partner; poor health, lack of fame, misery, and misfortune because the lord of the sixth house casts aspects on the ascendant's fortune.

In the Eighth House: Poor health, chronic diseases, bad habits, strong or jealous enemies, bad service providers, dishonest workers, loss due to one’s workers, unclear and complicated middle life, no financial help from the marriage partner, no gains from inheritance or insurance policies, work connected to eighth-house matters; death and difficulties for enemies.

In the Ninth House: Sick father, friction with him, the father is connected to medicine; bad fate, no satisfaction from religion or philosophy, no faith, no help from the guru.

In the Tenth House: The lord of an Artha house in another Artha house brings good earning potential, but wealth comes slowly and after much effort since the sixth house is a Dushtana; career in medicine, difficulty orienting in career or Dharma, career changes, enemies affecting the career or interruptions in career advancement.

In the Eleventh House: Disagreements with older relatives, sick relatives, rich uncle, problems with friends, bad friends, few good opportunities, ambitions and desires are fulfilled with difficulty.

In the Twelfth House: Poor health, bad occupations, dishonest workers, loss due to workers or service providers, miserable uncle, lack of sexual satisfaction, diseases of the anus, hearing problems in the left ear, poor vision in the left eye; work in isolation, diseases causing hospitalization; hard work in immigration.

The Seventh House in the Horoscope

This is the house of all types of partners. In a man's horoscope, it represents the wife, and in a woman's horoscope, it represents the husband. It is the house of love and passion. Planets located in it acquire sexual expression. However, the seventh house does not exactly represent romantic relationships (which are better judged by the fifth house), but rather how strong and long-lasting personal connections are. The seventh house signifies partnership in the broadest sense, not just on a personal level.

As it characterizes the person's relationships with others, the seventh house is linked to our public consciousness and our ability to influence people. It may point to political control or rulership over others.

The Ruler of the Seventh House in Different Houses of the Horoscope

In the First House: Good health, strength, respect, happy family life, the marriage partner is beautiful and wealthy, successful partnerships, strong desires and passions, good sex life, marriage may happen at a young age or with someone the person has been in a relationship with for many years. Matters of the seventh house particularly flourish, as the ruler of the seventh house aspects its own house due to this position.

In the Second House: Wealth from the marriage partner, the partner earns well, has good speaking abilities, is intelligent, well-educated, and has creative imagination. Profits from business partnerships, happy family life; often there is divorce despite the partner's wealth.

In the Third House: The ruler of a Kama house in another Kama house creates a person with strong desires that are fulfilled. Wealthy or significant relatives, the marriage partner is brave and bold; he/she may work in the fields of music, drama, dance, or literature. In general, this is not a favorable position for marriage.

In the Fourth House: Happy marriage, comfort, happiness, there may be private land, houses, and means of mobility, high level of education.

In the Fifth House: The marriage partner is beautiful, wealthy, and loyal, help from the partner's family, wisdom, happiness from children, successful business partnerships, successful love affairs, good marriage karma due to efforts in past lives.

In the Sixth House: Disagreements in marriage, divorce, the partner is sick, unsuccessful relationships with partners.

In the Seventh House: The planet is in its own house; the person will be beautiful, strong, and respected; the partner will be significant or talented. If the ruler of the seventh house is a benefic planet, then marriage will be a source of happiness; if the planet is malefic, there will be problems in marriage and possible divorce, even though the planet is in its own house.

In the Eighth House: Divorce, possibly the death of the marriage partner, unhappiness because of the partner, profits from insurance policies or inheritance, the happy periods will not last long.

In the Ninth House: The marriage partner is wealthy, beautiful, loyal; help from him/her or from their family, religious or spiritual, lucky, happiness from the father, help from the guru or elders, possibly living abroad.

In the Tenth House: The marriage partner is significant or career-oriented; the partner helps in the career, successful career, the profession is related to travel.

In the Eleventh House: The ruler of a Kama house in another Kama house fulfills all desires and brings a nature with strong desires; benefits from the partner, happy marriage; financial profits come after marriage.

In the Twelfth House: Divorce, the partner may die early, the marriage partner brings large expenses and loss; the person may have a strong sexual nature, as the seventh house governs desires, while the twelfth governs sexual pleasures (issues related to this).

The Eighth House in the Horoscope

Main significations: death, accidents, bankruptcy, legal proceedings, inheritance; in the body – external sexual organs, excretory organs (including the large intestine), phenomena of the hidden world, secret plots, poison, theft.

This also includes: murder, destruction, injury, ruin, sorrow, anger, fear, exhaustion, cruelty, insults, defeat in war or disputes, scandal, shame, and misery, the breaking of friendships, destruction of trust in marriage, causing concerns for the marriage partner, dangerous, hard, and fruitless travels, nomadism, crossing large water barriers, quarrels and disputes, wars, weapons, the enemy’s fortress, the enemy’s position; wounds, long-term illnesses, difficulties with medical treatments, including cancer; physical and nervous suffering, crises, loss of the head (both literally and metaphorically), longevity, items of long-term use, investigations, espionage, secrets coming to light, deep psychotherapy, inaccessible, isolated, and wild places, dense and wild forests, mountainous regions, caves or holes, a portal to another world, witchcraft and black magic, revivals, occult sciences, energy practices, astrology, the spouse's finances, theft.

The Ruler of the Eighth House in Different Houses of the Horoscope

In the first house: weak health, a tendency to get into accidents, bad for married life (since the ruler of the eighth house affects the seventh house), sickly nature, difficulties in life, possible legal accusations, a difficult childhood – a bad start to life; long-term illnesses if other indications confirm it; spirituality, asceticism, interest in occult sciences; this position may negatively affect the person’s appearance.

In the second house: poverty, unhappy family life, defective speech, a tendency to lie, poor education, poor vision in the right eye, non-nutritious food, limited imagination, throat problems; long and active life, since the ruler of the eighth house directly affects its own house from this position.

In the third house: tense relations with siblings, their lives are difficult, wishes do not come true, cowardice, fearfulness, few adventures, unsuccessful efforts, defect in the right ear, lack of talent or indifference towards music, drama, dance, no literary abilities.

In the fourth house: the ruler of a Moksha house in another Moksha house gives a spiritual nature; difficulties related to the mother, interruptions in studies, difficulties in obtaining a degree, things end problematically, few possessions, career problems (the ruler of the eighth house affects the tenth house from this position), no private house or land, occult professions could be a calling, strong intuition, long life, good sexual potential, in the end of life the person will become more spiritual and ascetic.

In the fifth house: few children, difficulties with them, unclear thinking, mental problems, lack of domestic peace, difficulties in exams, unsuccessful investments, immorality, injustice, unsuccessful love affairs, no credit from past lives, long life, benefit from the spouse’s profits, earnings from insurance policies, good sexual potential.

In the sixth house: poor health, victory over enemies and competitors (a malefic planet in the sixth house is good), bad occupations, bad service providers, longevity is not the highest, poverty, no help from the maternal uncle.

In the seventh house: difficulties in married life, divorce, unhappy or unsuccessful partnerships, the spouse may have a hard life or chronic illnesses, he/she may also have low self-esteem; since the ruler of the eighth house effects the first house, it may negatively affect the external appearance.

In the eighth house: the planet is in its own house; long life, vitality, energy, a full sense of life, gaining wealth from the spouse; money from wills, inheritance, or insurance policies; spiritual inclinations, studying occult sciences, good for Moksha, strong intuition, good sexual potential, sexual attraction.

In the ninth house: long life, bad relations with the father, the father has a hard life or will die at a young age; no luck, no good solutions to problems, indifference to religion and philosophy, lack of faith, no help from elders or the Guru; this is a bad position because it destroys the house of fortune.

In the tenth house: no success in finding Dharma, career problems, the person’s achievements go unnoticed, the career is subject to changes, no luck or fame, doing bad deeds, unhappiness, interruptions in studies, difficulties in obtaining a degree, long life; this is a bad position because the fourth house is also destroyed due to aspects from the tenth house.

In the eleventh house: long life, poverty, problems with older relatives, their lives are difficult; the person has bad friends, ascetic or spiritual friends, bad relations with relatives, few favorable opportunities, difficulties in fulfilling desires and ambitions, possible gains from wills, inheritance, or insurance policies.

In the twelfth house: the ruler of a Moksha house in another Moksha house gives a strong spiritual nature; this is a wonderful position for meditation, asceticism, and spiritual life; many expenses, no gains from the spouse, weak sexual potential, illnesses in the anus, left ear, and left eye, difficulties abroad, chronic illnesses may not occur.

The Ninth House in the Horoscope

The ninth house is the house of Dharma (purpose), which characterizes our basic values, principles, and ideals. It is the house of the father, reflecting his fate and character. In addition, it points to authoritative bodies that govern us and inspire us.

This is the house of religion, philosophy, and laws. It represents our spiritual and moral inclinations. Based on its condition, we can judge our potential in the field of spiritual work and yoga practice. The ninth house is related to the subconscious, philosophical thoughts, and the ability for abstract thinking. It also indicates higher education. By revealing the most important values in our lives, it helps us make the right career choices, especially if we are suited for the role of teacher or religious work with children—engagement with children in the family is directly related to the ninth house.

The ninth house is the main indicator of good deeds, happiness, fortune, as well as sudden and surprising profits. A well-placed ninth house is not rare in the horoscopes of people who win the lottery or in stock markets. Benefic planets placed in it effectively remove negative factors in the natal chart.

This house can provide prestige, authority (usually, love for humanity and kindness). It helps to quickly gain recognition and approval. It allows our principles to express themselves outwardly to the world and to control the course of events.

The Ruler of the Ninth House in Different Houses in the Horoscope

In the First House: One of the best positions, the person "is born in a suit," has a religious personality, with self-worth; belief is not deep; this position is known for its ability to create spiritual ascetics and religious leaders; the ruler of the Dharma house in another Dharma house indicates a significant purpose in life; good health, respect, fame, beauty, regal qualities, achievements due to self-efforts, a happy childhood, a good start in life, happy and close relationships with the father, performing good deeds, innate wisdom; a fortunate person, capable of managing a religious organization.

In the Second House: Wealth, good speech, great imagination, speaking abilities, happy family life, deep consciousness, education, receiving wealth from the father, popularity.

In the Third House: Happiness from siblings, interest and musical talent, dancing, drama, writing talent, efforts to achieve goals easily, fulfillment of wishes, a sense of a full life, breathtaking adventures, bravery; siblings will be close to the father or inherit his wealth, religious relatives.

In the Fourth House: Happiness and profits through the mother, the mother is religious or has a good character; inheritance of property, great comfort, real estate, lands, houses, vehicles, yachts, good education, a degree, visiting sacred places, interest in religion, good relations with the father; this is a wonderful situation since the ruler of the ninth house, located in the fourth, influences the tenth house, thus bringing success in career and high status.

In the Fifth House: This is one of the best positions—the ruler of the Dharma house in another Dharma house and the ruler of the Trikona house in another Trikona house; good fate, fortune, wealth, divine blessings, knowledge in sacred texts and mantras, wisdom, performing good deeds, high spirituality or religiosity, love for philosophy, significant profits from investments, a good guru, luck in acquiring knowledge, power, longevity, strong intellect, happiness from children, successful and wealthy children, religious or spiritual children, strong Dharma; this position creates spiritual followers and famous spiritual leaders; the person can become a spiritual teacher.

In the Sixth House: Sick father, discomfort with him, little faith, sins, lack of respect for religion, little luck; the father may be related to medicine or medical practices; receiving a good job, good workers and service providers (if the person manages an organization or business), strong enemies, few travels, benefit from the maternal uncle.

In the Seventh House: The person receives a beautiful, loyal, and wealthy partner for marriage; the partner will be religious or spiritual, there will be benefits from the partner's family, a successful partnership in business, the father is significant, happiness from the father; since the ruler of the ninth house is in the seventh house, it influences the Ascendant, so the person will be beautiful, healthy, fortunate, and respected.

In the Eighth House: This is a very bad position since the person’s fortune is spoiled; the person will receive minimal returns for their investments and efforts; no happiness from the father, the father’s life is difficult or he may pass away young; no respect for religion or philosophy, no faith, long life, receiving wealth from the marital partner; if divorced, alimony payments will be very high; profits from wills and inheritances; strong intuition, knowledge of esoteric sciences.

In the Ninth House: The planet in its own house; a wealthy, strong father who will live a long life, happiness and profits from the father, religiousness or love for philosophy, fortune, many long travels, wisdom, idealism, performing good deeds, happiness from grandchildren, strong Dharma, deep faith.

In the Tenth House: Prominent career, success, respect, fame, strong Dharma, great success in career, happiness from the mother, gaining comfort and real estate assets, good education, everything related to the person's home thrives since the ruler of fortune here influences the fourth house.

In the Eleventh House: Great wealth, ambitions and desires come true, happiness from friends, strong and significant friends, religious or spiritual friends, receiving good news opportunities, a wealthy father; since the ruler of the ninth house influences the fifth, there will be good intellect, great children, successful investments.

In the Twelfth House: Luck is destroyed, no happiness from the father, the father’s life is difficult or he may pass away young, no respect for religion and philosophy, no help from the guru, lack of faith, good sex life, travels abroad, achieving heavenly experiences after death; although this position is not good for religion, it is exalted for Mokus; fortune in immigration.

The Tenth House in the Horoscope

This house pertains to career, reputation, management, status, fame, pilgri, government, good deeds; activity, intent to improve well-being; authority figures, government officials. All these are indicators of the tenth house.

Karma bhava governs a person's career and status. Control over career and reputation makes this house a very important part of the horoscope.

The tenth house is the house of karma (Karma bhava), thus it is associated with all deeds and actions. This house is the main marker representing our influence on the world. It is connected to career and professional recognition. The tenth house itself does not define the career, as a person's professional life is also related to the condition of the first house and other factors in the chart. However, the tenth house allows for the diagnosis of what successes a person will achieve in the professional field.

Since the tenth house occupies the highest position in the chart, the talents there are strong and help us reach great heights in life. This house provides benefits to authorities, people in high positions, and recognized authorities. It helps us gain respect and recognition, distinguishing us from the crowd.

The Ruler of the Tenth House in Different Houses in the Horoscope

In the First House: The person thinks only about their career, relying solely on themselves for achievements, working in their own business; successful career, honor or fame, high status; the person can be a pioneer in their field or business, the career may be related to their personality or physique (i.e., they may be an actor, model, or showman); beauty, good health, longevity, strong Dharma, and there may be visits to holy places.

In the Second House: The ruler of the house of artha in another house brings wealth and a good ability to earn a living; good speech, the profession may be related to speaking (poetry, literature) or food (working in a restaurant or as a food supplier); kindness, fairness, developed imagination, family happiness.

In the Third House: Career in music, dance, or drama; the activities of relatives may also be related to these fields; career advancement will occur only through the person's persistent efforts; courage, boldness, many short trips; a career in literature or media.

In the Fourth House: This is a wonderful position, as the ruler of the tenth house is opposite its house and influences it; successful career, high status, fame or recognition, pilgri to holy places, great comfort, a variety of real estate assets; private cars, houses, and land, happiness from the mother, education, degrees, recognition and honor at the end of life, passion for the career, the mother will have a long life, performing good deeds; the career may be related to farming, landscape architecture, or real estate; receiving help from the government or prominent personalities.

In the Fifth House: A favorable condition for the ruler of the tenth house; strong intellect, wealth, success, or outstanding children; profitable investments, successful love affairs, performing good deeds; the career is related to intellectual activities; fairness, doing good, knowledge of mantras and spiritual practices; a career in the arts, sports, or politics, the career is successful due to credit from past lives, a strong sense of destiny, honor and fame, pilgri to holy places.

In the Sixth House: The ruler of the house of artha in another house – good for wealth, but it is achieved slowly, as the sixth house is the house of dusthana; ups and downs in the professional field, hard efforts, enemies may hinder the career or cause the person not to continue working where they are employed; people with less experience may replace the person at work; the career may be related to medicine, nursing, or any other position in a hospital; a prominent uncle.

In the Seventh House: Good career, the partner assists in the career, benefits from partnership and involvement in risky affairs, happy marriage, the partner occupies or directs towards a great career, mature or significant partner, there may be work-related travels; since the ruler of the tenth house influences the ascendant from this position, the person will be healthy, respected, and fortunate.

In the Eighth House: Problems in the career, difficulties in diagnosing Dharma, lack of publicity and fame, achievements remain unrecognized, many falls and changes in the career, performing bad deeds; the career may be related to the occult sciences or mysticism, profits from wills, insurance policies, or the marriage partner, a business related to large credits, bankruptcy may occur.

In the Ninth House: The father is wealthy, strong, and will have a long life; successful career, performing good deeds, pilgri to holy places, strong religiosity or spirituality, the person may become a spiritual teacher, it is possible that their career will be related to religion; fortune, wealth, honor or fame, happiness from grandchildren, long trips with professional goals, strong Dharma.

In the Tenth House: The planet is in its house; successful career, honor or fame, prosperity, recognition from the government or prominent figures, wealth; this is a very good position, bringing strong Dharma.

In the Eleventh House: A very good condition for wealth, great desires and ambitions are realized, successful career, performing good deeds, wealthy and influential friends, relatives may help in the career or be connected to it; since the ruler of the tenth house influences the fifth from this position, the person will have good intellect, happiness from their children, and successful investments.

In the Twelfth House: Problems in the career, many changes in the career, no respect or publicity, the person may be forced to work in a distant country, difficulties in finding Dharma; this is a bad situation, as it causes suffering and difficult life; there may be an interest in moksha, if there are additional indicators for this in the horoscope; the work may be related to abroad or emigration.

The Eleventh House in the Horoscope

The eleventh house is the house of achievements, desires, ambitions, friends, the older brother, auspicious opportunities, wealth, benefits, the paternal uncle, legs and ankles, branches, commerce, social networks, and groups. This house indicates profits, benefits, plans, desires, and aspirations. It is the house of prosperity. Generally, all planets here—both malefic and benefic—are strong by nature and relaxed. Each planet in the eleventh house tends to realize its potential maximally.

The eleventh house brings the acquisition of material things, but under its influences, a person may become overly self-confident and overestimate their abilities. This part of the horoscope relates not only to abundance but also to excesses. At a higher level, the eleventh house is associated with spiritual growth, as well as broadening horizons and clarity of intellect. In this regard, it is similar to the fifth house; however, the fifth house symbolizes intellect in its simplest form, while the eleventh house signifies the ability to manifest thoughts into material form.

Ruler of the Eleventh House in Different Houses of the Horoscope

In the First House: Wealth, happiness, many auspicious opportunities, fulfillment of wishes and ambitions, birth into a wealthy family, good friends, happiness and benefits from older relatives, health, prosperity, profits through personal characteristics, appearance, the physical body, presentations, lectures, modeling business, event organization, work as a Toastmaster, independent activity, business.

In the Second House: Wealth, receiving wealth from several sources, older relatives may help earn a living, domestic happiness, profits from banking or lending interest, successful financial matters with friends, good speech, wisdom, education, great imagination, livelihood comes through speaking, education, knowledge, speech, food, public catering, music, singing.

In the Third House: The ruler of the Kama house in another Kama house brings fulfillment to all desires and ambitions. The person can receive funds from investments or artistic activities, drama, dance, literature, earning through relatives, writing, tourism, travel, independent business, public relations, advertising, conversations, adventure sports; there may be happy friendships, bravery, interesting adventures.

In the Fourth House: Profits from real estate or farming, wealth from the mother (possibly a business partnership with her) or relatives on the mother’s side, acquisition of homes and lands, pilgri to holy places, good education, degree, much comfort, good friends, profits may come through transportation, car purchasing stores, spare parts, architecture, design, landscape architecture, psychology.

In the Fifth House: This is a very good condition that brings wealth from investments; profits and happiness from children, successful children, wisdom and education, profits from sources related to sports and the arts, teaching, students, wealthy older relatives, desires and ambitions are fulfilled, sudden financial benefits, many auspicious opportunities, success in risks.

In the Sixth House: Lack of financial benefits, desires are hardly fulfilled, few good opportunities, no happiness and profits from older relatives, discomfort from enemies, problems with friends, there may be profits from medical organizations or activities related to health (Ayurveda, Reiki) through service, stubborn efforts, working under someone, may work as an assistant, waiter, policeman, guard, firefighter.

In the Seventh House: The ruler of the Kama house in another Kama house fulfills all wishes and ambitions, brings strong desires and passions, the partner is influential and wealthy, helps in acquiring wealth, happy marriage, profits may come through business partners, foreign countries, law, consulting, independent practice, family psychology.

In the Eighth House: Significant financial loss, few good opportunities, desires are not fulfilled, no happiness from older relatives, older relatives may die young or have difficult lives, few friends, bad friends, profits through the marriage partner, good alimony payments, profits from insurance companies or wills, lottery, there may be profits through worship services, inheritance, science, research.

In the Ninth House: Wealth, luck, desires and ambitions are fulfilled, receiving wealth from the father, the father is wealthy and will have a long life, happiness from older relatives, spirituality or religiosity, happiness from friends, spiritual friends, profits may come through studying spiritual sciences, business with the father, religious organizations, preaching, philosophy, Vedic astrology.

In the Tenth House: Successful career, there will be many good opportunities in the career, doing good deeds, pilgri to holy places, wealth, much comfort, the older brother may be connected in some way to the person’s career, profits may come through independent business, foreign countries, import, export, connections with foreigners.

In the Eleventh House: When the planet is in its house, wealth comes easily, desires and ambitions are fulfilled, many good financial opportunities, happiness and profits from older relatives, much comfort, older relatives are strong and successful, many friends, benefits from friends, profits from independent business, independent activity.

In the Twelfth House: Significant financial loss, few good opportunities, desires are not fulfilled, no happiness from older relatives, older relatives may die young or have difficult lives; there may be losses, debts, and waste due to older relatives, few friends, bad friends, good sex life, profits may be related to abroad and immigration (any activities, business travel), working with foreigners (translations, for example).

The Twelfth House in the Horoscope

This is the house of losses and waste, the house of sorrow, disappointments, and humiliation. It shows the twists of fate and limitations, sometimes indicating imprisonment in jail. This is the house of secrecy and isolation, symbolizing work behind the scenes. It is associated with monasteries and hospitals.

The twelfth house signifies feelings of guilt, regret, and grief, connected to the subconscious, the area of decay of our rational mind, as well as to fantasies, mental disorders, and trance states. This is the house of astral influences and our connections to the subtle planes, also describing the states of death of the human soul.

This house is related to the completion of the life cycle, signifying refusal, release from it, renunciation, and humility; therefore, the twelfth house is also the house of yoga and meditation. Since it symbolizes isolation, it speaks not only of melancholy loneliness, which the person finds themselves in due to fate, but also of an elevated isolation and mental peace of an enlightened soul.

This house is related to foreign countries, especially with distant travels. Usually, planets in the twelfth house are found in people who work with foreigners and achieve success abroad.

Ruler of the Twelfth House in Different Houses of the Horoscope

In the First House: Unhappy childhood, bad start in life, poor health, thin and dry body, unappealing appearance, misery, lack of self-confidence and self-respect: this condition may shorten longevity; the person does not receive enough respect from those around them, does not receive publicity; ascetic or spiritual nature, there may be journeys with spiritual purposes; good sex life; not good for marriage, since the ruler of the twelfth house influences the seventh house.

In the Second House: Poverty, financial loss, unhappy family life, tendency to speak badly, poor vision in the right eye, poor hearing in the right ear, junk food consumption, impaired speech, limited imagination, tendency to lie.

In the Third House: No happiness from brothers and sisters; they may die young or their lives will be difficult, no opportunities heralding good and fulfillment of wishes, no literary abilities, lack of talents or musical, dancing, and acting inclinations; anger, cowardice, few adventures, futile efforts, defect in the right eye, lack of initiative; although the third house is not related to wisdom, the ruler of the twelfth house here brings great initiative; such a person will draw absolutely accurate conclusions, based only on their feelings.

In the Fourth House: The ruler of the twelfth house in another twelfth house brings strong spiritual nature or aspiration for ultimate liberation; no happiness from the mother, the mother may die young or her life will be difficult; such a person experiences little comfort, few possessions, problems with vehicles; the person will be forced to rent an apartment; little happiness in life, difficulties in career, many changes in it, because the ruler of the twelfth house casts aspects on the tenth house.

In the Fifth House: Few children, no happiness from children, may experience loss of a child or their lives may be difficult, ascetic or spiritual child; the person may have mental problems, lack of peace in their mind, loss due to investments, past lives wasted—no credit from it for the present life, lack of morality, difficulties in taking exams, unsuccessful love affairs.

In the Sixth House: Poor health, bad job, problems with employees, no help from the uncle, victory over enemies and competitors (malefic planets in the sixth house—very good in this regard); this is a good place for the twelfth house, as the ruler of the twelfth house directly influences its house; it also reduces debts and expenses.

In the Seventh House: Unhappy marriage, divorce, debts and expenses due to the marriage partner, the partner may die young or their life may be difficult, the partner lacks self-confidence, unsuccessful and problematic partnerships; since the ruler of the twelfth house influences the ascendant, health will not be good, little publicity, and possibly an ascetic nature.

In the Eighth House: The ruler of the twelfth house in another twelfth house brings strong spiritual nature, interest in occult sciences, desire for ultimate liberation, lack of financial benefits from the marriage partner or from insurance companies; there may be sexually transmitted diseases; this condition may shorten longevity.

In the Ninth House: No happiness from the father, debts and expenses due to the father, the father may die young or his life may be difficult; the person has no luck, no good solutions to problems; lack of necessary attitude towards religion or philosophy, no faith, no help from elders or from a guru, good sex life, peace after death; this is a terrible situation, as the house of fortune is afflicted.

In the Tenth House: Problems in career, achievements go unnoticed, many changes in career, uncertainty about Dharma, no fame and publicity, doing bad deeds; since the ruler of the twelfth house influences the fourth house, it will be difficult to obtain a degree, there will be conflicts with the mother, problems with vehicles, misery, and other difficulties related to the fourth house.

In the Eleventh House: Poor relationships with elderly relatives; they may die young or their lives may be difficult; ascetic friends, bad friends, debts or expenses due to friends, few opportunities heralding good news, desires and ambitions are not fulfilled, financial loss, few benefits and profits; problems with children, bad investments, mental issues, since the fifth house receives a harmful aspect from the ruler of the twelfth house.

In the Twelfth House: The planet is in its house; this is a great situation for spiritual exploration, as the person will follow the path of the twelfth house; attainment of celestial status after death, few expenses (easy to save money), good sex life, success abroad.

If contradictions are found in the description of the house lords, then more attention should be paid to those data that repeat several times. Vedic astrology is unique in that, besides the personal natal chart – referred to as D1, there are subdivided charts that assist with all questions. Each of these should be examined alongside the main chart – D1.

D2 Chart

This is the second partial chart, which allows for a detailed observation of the second house in the main natal chart, for the purpose of diagnosing the person's wealth, happiness, problems, and unpleasant situations due to wealth. In addition, the D2 chart diagnoses additional characteristics of the second house in the natal chart (D1): earnings, salary, speech, food, family.

There are two types of D2 horoscopes – Varanasi D2 and Parashara Varga. Each sign in the D1 chart is divided into two parts (Moon lordship and Sun lordship).

Varanasi D2

It is necessary to diagnose the lord of the second house in the natal chart D1 and see which house it is in D2. This way, one can see from where the person might expect financial assistance and salary. If the lord of the second house in D1 is in the 1st house in D2, the person will need to rely solely on themselves; if in the 2nd house – they will receive help from others, obtaining resources and salary through family; if in the 3rd house – through siblings, neighbors; in the 4th house – through their family; in the 5th house – through creativity, romantic relationships, children; in the 6th house – through providing service to others; in the 7th house – through marriage; in the 8th house – through inheritance; in the 9th house – through the father, the state; in the 10th house – through career; in the 11th house – through assistance from friends. The lord of the second house in D1 located in the 12th house in D2 indicates that one should not spend money thoughtlessly and should be very cautious in this area.

The Houses in D2

The 1st house shows personality in terms of prosperity, wealth, and the way to acquire wealth.

The 2nd house indicates the accessible sources of wealth, prosperity, resources, food, family, family support, savings.

The 3rd house shows the plans and realization of the plans related to achieving wealth and prosperity.

The 4th house – satisfaction from the financial situation, realization of income and savings.

The 5th house – investments, financial risks, the partner's wealth, hobbies.

The 6th house – loans, debts, barriers regarding money, loss of partners.

The 7th house – the partner's business, collaborations.

The 8th house – loss, money that the person did not earn themselves, inheritance, winnings, crises.

The 9th house – success and security from higher forces, compensation.

The 10th house – income from the main activity.

The 11th house – profits and financial opportunities.

The 12th house – loss, waste, expenses, profits from abroad.

The first half of each odd sign (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius) is under the influence of the Sun, while the second half is under the influence of the Moon. The first half of each even sign (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces) is under the influence of the Moon, while the second half is under the influence of the Sun. If, for example, Mars is 20 degrees away from Virgo in the second half of any even sign, then it is placed in the Sun lordship. This is how all the planets are diagnosed in the horoscope.

Рис.1 The art of Jyotish: secrets unlocked
Рис.2 The art of Jyotish: secrets unlocked
The Prashara Method or Cancer/Leo

In this section, only the signs Cancer (Moon's lordship) and Leo (Sun's lordship) are considered. All planets can be positioned either in Cancer or in Leo, which serve as indicators for the father and mother, through which the results of the second house are expressed.

A rising sign in Leo indicates that it is important for a person to earn money on their own, to support themselves and their relatives (a masculine sign). Such a person is more active.

A rising sign in Cancer indicates that the person is more inclined towards family relationships rather than financial gains (a feminine sign). Such a person has fewer options or desires to earn on their own.

A rising sign in Leo indicates that the horoscope owner is capable of changing their family's karma regarding wealth for the better, while a rising sign in Cancer does not indicate this.

The deities ruling the Sun's lordship are Devata (gods), and the Moon's lordship is Pitri (the ancestors, elders). Planets in Leo indicate wealth through the individual's efforts, while in Cancer, it indicates wealth through the blessings of the ancestors. If more planets are positioned in Cancer, it will be easier for the person to earn; if in Leo, it will be harder.

Jupiter is a marker of wealth and the Karaka (indicator of qualities and traits) of the second house. Its state in the horoscope is very important. The horoscope allows for checking what type a planet belongs to—solar type or lunar type. Masculine planets—Sun, Mars, and Jupiter—give good results when positioned in the Sun's lordship (Leo). Feminine planets—Moon, Venus, and Saturn—give good results in the Moon's lordship (Cancer). The dual-natured Mercury brings good results in both lordships, but in practice, everything depends on which planets influence it in this horoscope.

Each lordship can be divided into 3 parts of 5 degrees. A planet in the first part (0-5 or 20-25) is considered strong, in the second part (5-10 or 15-20)—its powers are average, and in the third part (10-15 or 25-30)—it is weakest.

Planets in the Sun's lordship give the person initiative. Planets in the Moon's lordship mainly provide reliance on society, family, and the past. If there are too few planets in the Sun's lordship, it will be very difficult for the horoscope owner to gain recognition from the environment. If there are too few planets in the Moon's lordship, it indicates a lack of understanding with others and that the person may receive recognition.

It is important to check the Lagna in the horoscope (rising sign), Lagnesha (the planet ruling the rising sign or ascendant, the first house sign), and the Moon. If the Lagnesha (malefic) is positioned in an odd sign in the birth chart and also in the Sun's lordship, the person will be tough, strong, and wealthy. If positioned in the Malefic in the fourth sign of the D1, and also in the Moon's lordship, the person will be successful, wise, with gentle speech. When the condition of the planets is mixed, the results will also vary accordingly.

One can check the ruler of the period the person is in (Dasha) to understand what will happen to the person during that time regarding speech, finances, and tendencies. In Jyotish, it is customary to divide a person's life into periods of planets—Dasha. The meaning of the word Dasha is “state,” “circumstances,” “period.” This period is divided into various sub-periods (each lasting different amounts of time), in which a person's life is influenced by a specific planet or celestial body.

The fundamental nature of a person can be seen through the Lagnesha or the Moon. This is their innate nature, and if the Dasha (nature of the planets) brings changes into this nature, it indicates a period of changes. Any planet in an odd sign in the birth chart and in the Moon's lordship makes the person successful, intelligent, and gentle in speech. For example, Mars in Pisces or in the Moon's lordship makes a person proficient during Mars's period. Jupiter in Leo or in the Sun's lordship, positioned in the first part of the lordship, will bring rude speech and make the person tough during Jupiter's period.

Benefic Planets (waxing Moon or full Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury) tend to provide immediate support in their functions, bringing some goodness, material prosperity, love, and success, without the hindrance of serious difficulties. Whereas the Malefics (Mars, Rahu, Ketu, Sun, Saturn, waning Moon) are there to help us develop certain traits, taking us through various challenges where we temper our character. Additionally, when they influence (provide aspects) in the horoscope on other planets, they take something away, slowing down activity in some areas. Thus, if Saturn, Mars, and Rahu simultaneously bring aspects to a certain house in the horoscope, there will be issues there. This is like the effect of a penetrating and envious gaze. Mercury combined with a malefic also turns malevolent (malefic). When the Moon and Mercury unite with Jupiter or Venus (in Benefics), they gain good traits and become Benefics.

The aspects of Saturn influence the 3rd, 7th, and 10th houses from the house where Saturn is positioned. The aspects of Rahu influence the 5th, 7th, and 9th houses from the house where Rahu is positioned. The aspects of Mars influence the 4th, 7th, and 8th houses from the house where Mars is positioned. The aspects of Jupiter influence the 5th, 7th, and 9th houses from the house where Jupiter is positioned. All other planets influence the 7th house from the house where they are positioned.

Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable Signs

Рис.3 The art of Jyotish: secrets unlocked

All signs in the horoscope are divided into cardinal (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), fixed (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), and mutable (Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius). This division relates to the specific nature of each sign.

The cardinal signs are associated with curiosity and progress. If we have a person whose majority of planets in their natal chart are in cardinal signs, the traits characterizing their personality will be activity, curiosity, instability, agility, and volatility. Such traits will also be present in a person if their Moon and Lagna are located in cardinal signs.

If most planets are in fixed signs, it indicates a contemplative person, focused, prone to immerse themselves in details, and to ponder something for a long time.

Mutable signs include characteristics of movement and stability. In certain areas, these people can be active, but at some moment, they may "freeze."

Cardinal signs will always push the person forward, fixed signs will stop them, forcing the person to think before making decisions. Mutable signs will bring doubts to the person, creating difficulties in decision-making. It is hard to negotiate with such people. Each type has signs from all the elements (Fire, Water, Earth, Air).

Feminine and Masculine Signs

Рис.4 The art of Jyotish: secrets unlocked

The same planet can govern a masculine sign and a feminine sign. For example, Venus rules the feminine sign—Taurus and the masculine sign—Libra. When talking about the power of the planet, it is important to know whether it expresses itself in a masculine or feminine nature. In a feminine sign (for example, Venus in Taurus), the planet will manifest in a softer way, whereas in a masculine sign (Venus in Libra), it will express itself in negotiation skills. For career, Venus heralds much better outcomes in Libra than in Taurus.

If most planets in the natal chart of a man are in masculine signs, then his masculine nature will express itself easily, and he will not have to learn it. If most planets are in feminine signs, the man will be soft, flexible, and have a tendency to do household chores.

If in the natal chart of a woman, most planets are in feminine signs, she will easily express her feminine qualities. If most of the stars in her chart are located in masculine signs, she will aim for a career and competition with men.

Living and Non-Living Indicators in the Horoscope

Each house in the horoscope carries living and non-living indicators. The planets Saturn, Mars, Ketu, and Rahu support non-living indicators and destroy living ones (they aspire to destroy, but do not completely destroy).

In the first house, the living indicator is the health of the person, while the non-living one includes the circumstances of birth, external appearance, and character.

In the second house, the living indicators are the parents, while the non-living ones are savings, wealth, finances, gold, mouth, tongue, and teeth.

In the third house, the living indicators are younger siblings, while the non-living ones are communication, hands, and expertise.

In the fourth house, the living indicator is the mother, while the non-living one includes the house and properties.

In the fifth house, the living indicators are children, while the non-living one is creativity.

In the sixth house, the living indicators are enemies, while the non-living one includes debts.

In the seventh house, the living indicator is the husband (wife), while the non-living one includes business.

In the eighth house, the living indicators are the parents of the husband (wife), while the non-living one includes inheritance.

In the ninth house, the living indicators are the father, the teacher, while the non-living one includes pilgri.

In the tenth house, there is only a non-living indicator, which is career.

In the eleventh house, the living indicators are friends, older siblings, and relatives who are older in age, while the non-living one includes profits.

In the twelfth house, the living indicators are enemies, and the non-living one is sleep.

The Periods of the Planets

The Vimshottari Dasha can be calculated on websites that compute horoscopes. There, all the periods and sub-periods of the planets in your life, starting from birth, are specified. Thus, one can always diagnose which planetary period you are currently in and which houses in the horoscope it influences. The periods of the nine planets pass one after the other in a specific sequence, and their complete cycle lasts 120 years.

Sun period – 6 years.

Moon period – 10 years.

Mars period – 7 years.

Rahu period – 18 years.

Jupiter period – 16 years.

Saturn period – 19 years.

Mercury period – 17 years.

Ketu period – 7 years.

Venus period – 20 years.

Sun Period

During these 6 years, when the energy of the Sun actively influences your life, there may be a rise in social status, promotion at work, or a job change. Furthermore, good results will manifest for those who have leadership characteristics, can make decisions independently, are precise, responsible, and just. For such individuals, the Sun period brings amazing opportunities in career, politics, and governance.

The Sun indicates in the natal chart the area of life where we need to develop and discover our potential. This is the house where the Sun is located and the house governed by the Sun. When the Sun period arrives in life, one must showcase their skills, become a leader, and take responsibility for everything. It is important for the person to be self-assured and learn to believe in their abilities. Someone may gain fame during this time, climb the career ladder, become a manager, or start a business. The person needs to find themselves, develop charisma, and be in the spotlight. These are all characteristics of Leo, which is governed by the Sun, meaning the Sun rules the house where Leo is located.

In addition, during this time, there may be changes in the father’s life or in the relationship with him. The Sun represents the father in the horoscope. During this period, there may be confrontations with him or resolutions to problems related to him. Something significant may happen in the father’s life during this time. The relationship with him should be improved. A desire to find him may arise if there was no connection with him before.

The outcomes of a person's actions during this period depend on the strength of the Sun in the person's horoscope. A weak Sun may lead to inflated ego, vanity, and conflicts related to the desire to be better than others. This may happen with authorities, older individuals, or people in high positions, and there may also be issues in the relationship with the father.

The Sun as the Ruler of Houses

The Sun as the Ruler of the First House

This means that the person loves to work, shines, utilizes their talents and abilities, has self-worth, knows their value, and enjoys having people work for them, helping them to realize themselves (Ascendant in Leo).

The Sun as the Ruler of the Second House

Such a situation tends to lead a person towards a managerial career as a director. Everything depends on the strength of the Sun in the horoscope. Finances will come from management. One must at least become an administrator for there to be any possibility of managing something.

The Sun as the Ruler of the Third House

One needs to develop artistic skills and hobbies, invest effort in order to discover oneself, and not work for someone else. It would be good to invent something new and unique.

The Sun as the Ruler of the Fourth House

The mother of such a person aspires to be the head of the household. In the house of the horoscope where the Sun is located, one can see the career of the mother, in what way she will realize herself. If the Sun is in a state of fall, the mother will have a low status; if the Sun is exalted, she will have a high status.

If the Sun is the ruler of the fourth house, it is important for the person that the house they live in reflects their inner world and serves as a sanctuary for their soul. Such individuals may suffer if their home is not at the level they desire.

The Sun as the Ruler of the Fifth House

Such a person considers their children as part of themselves, their continuation, and considers their mistakes as their own. If the Sun is well-placed, then the children will be the pride of the parents.

The Sun as the ruler of the fifth house grants artistic talent and artistic abilities.

The Sun as the Ruler of the Sixth House

It may indicate heart diseases, destruction of the immune system, and a tendency to stroke.

The Sun as the Ruler of the Seventh House

Here, the Sun indicates the partner, who is the pursuer in the relationship, and the owner of the horoscope will serve them. The person needs to find themselves in the realm of partnership, not to follow patterns, and to understand their value in relationships. The uniqueness that will manifest in the relationship with the partner will help elevate the person's status.

The Sun as the Ruler of the Eighth House

In times of crisis, the person may experience loss in their career or i.

One must be cautious of fire, heat, and inflammations.

The Sun as the Ruler of the Ninth House

This makes the personality of the father very significant. The father's experience and the previous generations influence the person's decisions. Talents and status are inherited from relatives.

If the Sun is not well-placed, losses may occur.

The Sun as the Ruler of the Tenth House

This indicates a person with many aspirations. They will strive to achieve status, engage in management, and social sciences.

The Sun as the Ruler of the Eleventh House

Such a person can attain status, have profits from projects, and manage people.

The Sun as the Ruler of the Twelfth House

Spirituality and solitude can influence the person's profession or become their profession.

The Sun in the Houses in the Horoscope (Realization)

The Sun in the First House

A radiant, self-confident personality that wants to be at the center of attention, to shine, and to warm others, if the Sun is in a strong sign. This situation also brings pride.

The Sun in the Second House

Good education, beautiful speech; work may be related to education, finance, or the stage. Shining and stubborn parents, or at least one of them is like that.

The Sun in the Third House

The Sun here gives a strong character, the ability to achieve goals (if not in Libra), artistic and communicative abilities, good siblings and friends.

The Sun in the Fourth House

The mother may replace the father in the family. The Sun here provides high potential in a profession, in social activity (aspect to the tenth house). It is also possible to be involved in psychology, real estate. This situation may cause a lack of self-confidence if the Sun is in fall.

The Sun in the Fifth House

There may be problems with childbirth, pregnancy with the first child. However, the children, especially the firstborn, are often very radiant, advanced, and favored by those around them. This state of the Sun brings romantic and radiant relationships, wisdom. There may be digestive issues.

The Sun in the Sixth House

The Sun may bring a lack of self-confidence, weak eyesight, ulcers, appendicitis, digestive problems, success in alternative medicine, managing large clinics, caring for people through some activity. This could be military or police work.

The Sun in the Seventh House

This situation gives a strong and radiant personality, high sexual energy. The partner will be the dominant one in the family. Success may await far from the place of birth. One can achieve self-realization abroad.

The Sun in the Eighth House

The Sun here brings a low life potential, a weak backbone, and may lead to weak eyesight from childhood. Such a person may control something secretly, engage in palmistry, astrology, Reiki, learn to work with people, explore the hidden.

The Sun in the Ninth House

Here, the Sun gives the person luck and success, but additionally also problems with the father, teachers, and mentors. The father may be a famous personality, having a fickle, proud, and dominant character.

The Sun in the Tenth House

This is the strongest position, giving the person a high role, success in their endeavors. The mother is the leader of the family.

The Sun in the Eleventh House

Finances come through the father, management, influential friends, and private business. The person's desires will be realized. Independence in business may be possible. This is a strong position, only getting stronger over the years.

The Sun in the Twelfth House

A weak position that gives a lack of self-confidence and energy. Migration, realization abroad, and distant work trips may be possible. One must keep their word and promises. There may be problems with the spine.

The Sun in the Signs (Destiny)

The Sun in Aries

The person must develop courage, independence, stubbornness, become a strategist, set goals and achieve them, engage in sports, rid themselves of anger and nervousness, listen and pay attention to others.

The Sun in Taurus

The destiny is to create material values, aspire for prosperity, develop responsiveness, softness, sensitivity, artistic talent, aesthetic taste, and interest in art.

The Sun in Gemini

The destiny is the search for truth. It is important to finish things that have been started, rid oneself of instability and superficiality in character, develop communication skills, discover the world, and be happy and active.

The Sun in Cancer

The destiny is to preserve tradition, care for loved ones, for the mother, seek happiness at home, within the family, develop inner harmony, establish a family, cultivate sensitivity and talents, travel and learn foreign languages.

The Sun in Leo

One must develop self-confidence, charisma, courage, generosity, become a leader and manage, be successful, famous, independent, and not rely on anyone, take responsibility for oneself and loved ones.

The Sun in Virgo

The destiny is to eliminate ignorance. One needs to develop the cleanliness of thoughts and actions, work on calming the mind, be punctual, pay attention to details, converse, develop logic and analytical skills, benefit people through action, realize oneself through profession, and maintain health.

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