Moon transits

The transiting Moon has the ability to influence everyday events in a person’s life as it moves through all the signs of the Zodiac within a month (the Moon has the fastest speed compared to other planets). Thus, in about a month (approximately twenty-seven calendar days), it passes through all the planets in a person’s natal chart, triggering various events.
About Moon Transits
The lunar calendar provides the exact times when the Moon transitions from one sign to another. A lunar month can begin on any day of the calendar month.
When transiting through fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), the Moon brings a surge of energy. People become more active, aggressive, and prone to conflicts. Blood pressure, body temperature, and stomach acidity may increase (especially in those with existing health issues). Fires are more likely to occur on these days. It’s important to be cautious of burns.
When the Moon transits through earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), work of any kind—even the most mundane—gets done efficiently. Even those who typically avoid work feel inclined to be productive. These days are ideal for organizing things and affairs. People become more practical, logical, and rational.
When transiting through air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), the Moon makes people more active, mobile, and sociable. However, nervousness tends to increase during these periods.
When the Moon moves through water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), individuals become more relaxed and emotional. Delays are more common on these days. Memories, often unpleasant ones, resurface, and past grievances come to mind. Professional activity slows down. Vision may deteriorate temporarily, blood pressure might drop, and fatigue levels increase.
Moon transits are considered favorable in the first, third, sixth, seventh, tenth, and eleventh houses from the natal Moon.
The Moon stays in each sign for about two and a half days. It is never retrograde, forming cycles (a full cycle is 27 days).
In the sign of Taurus, the Moon is exalted, where it has the greatest potential.
In Cancer (its own sign), the Moon is slightly less strong than in Taurus but still retains significant strength.
In the signs of Gemini, Leo, and Virgo (friendly signs for the Moon), the Moon is less powerful than in its exaltation or own sign but still retains considerable strength.
Aries, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces are neutral signs for the Moon, meaning it neither gains nor loses significant strength in these signs.
The sign of Scorpio is the Moon's sign of debilitation, where it has the least potential.
Unlike other planets, the Moon has no hostile signs.
The transiting Moon directly aspects the seventh house from its position.
When analyzing Moon transits, it is important to consider not only the sign it occupies and its ruler but also the aspects formed by other transiting planets and natal chart planets to the Moon. Special attention should be given to planets located near the transiting Moon.
In the natal chart, the Moon reflects how emotional, sensitive, vulnerable, and responsive a person is. As the transiting Moon moves through the signs, it influences our emotionality, sensitivity, and responsiveness, making us more or less expressive of these qualities. The stronger the Moon, the more pronounced these traits become.
A waxing Moon symbolizes growth, activity, expansion, initiation, creation, and acquisition.
A waning Moon represents letting go, reduced activity, completion, release, and expenditure of previously accumulated resources without acquiring new ones.
Moon Transit in Aries
The days when the Moon is in Aries can be described as the most conflict-prone. An excess of energy creates conflicts and quarrels. People lose self-control, leading to emotional outbursts. It is beneficial to channel this energy into important tasks requiring activity and inspiration. During this time, individuals may complete a significant amount of work, only to feel exhausted afterward.
Work involving technology, metal, and fire progresses well during these days. Planned trips are likely to be successful. It is a good time to approach superiors, make an impression, and start tasks that need quick completion.
During this period, many people crave more meat. Those with high acidity should be cautious, as there may be a strong desire to consume spicy or salty foods.
Athletes should be careful as this is a period prone to injuries. However, exercising during these days can yield good results, provided one does not overexert themselves. There is also an increased risk of accidents and fires, so caution with sharp objects is advised. Surgical procedures on the head should be avoided.
Parental feelings intensify, and children become restless and highly active. They may lose their sense of danger and exhibit heightened curiosity about new things.
Waxing Moon in Aries: People who are indecisive may find it easier to be assertive during these days.
Waning Moon in Aries: Individuals become less serious and responsible, often reminiscing about their youth.
Full Moon in Aries: Anxiety and a sense of danger increase. People actively seek adventures that might lead to trouble.
New Moon in Aries: Any conflict during these days may have serious consequences. Quarreling partners may feel the urge to separate permanently, and married couples might view divorce as the only solution to their problems.
This is not the time to assert oneself forcefully, aim for leadership, tackle complex tasks, or engage in struggles. Intelligence, creativity, and self-control tend to be unstable, and one might lose self-restraint. There may be a craving for thrills. Avoid overburdening the mind or head. Headaches and intracranial pressure fluctuations are possible. Surgical procedures on the head and eyes are not recommended, nor is hair cutting.
When transiting the first house (head, appearance, character, inclinations, health), the Moon aspects the seventh house (marriage or business partner). The Moon governs your fourth house (overall happiness, emotions, mother, property, family, and vehicles).
This is a favorable time to focus on material aspects of life, make home purchases, and buy gifts for loved ones.
When transiting the second house (parents, family income, speech, nutrition, savings), the Moon aspects the eighth house (unexpected money and events, inheritance, partner's money, secrets, sexuality, and esotericism). The Moon governs your fifth house (creativity, romantic relationships, children, education, and hobbies).
This is a good time for long-distance travel and negotiations. Spending time in nature will also be beneficial.
When transiting the third house (short trips, younger siblings, surroundings, neighbors, writing, art, and handmade creations), the Moon aspects the ninth house (long journeys, education, spiritual growth, father, guru, luck, dharma, courts, and laws). The Moon governs your sixth house (enemies, debts, illnesses, hard work, and cousins).
This is a suitable time to strengthen financial stability, visit relatives, and organize the home.
This is a favorable period for making important decisions. Individuals become less impulsive, make fewer mistakes, and focus better on significant matters, allowing for successful outcomes. It is a good time to complete previously started but postponed tasks.
Treatment for the spine, tendons, and kidney stones is effective during these days.
When transiting the fourth house (emotions, overall happiness, mother, family, property, and vehicles), the Moon aspects the tenth house (work, career, and father's reputation). The Moon governs your seventh house (marriage or business partner).
Children will require special attention during these days. This is a good time for creativity and romance.
During this period, individuals can control their emotions, reduce negative reactions, and curb their ambitions. Urgent matters may be temporarily set aside. It is important to do something for personal happiness and reflect on life to gain wisdom.
The liver is vulnerable during this time. Cellulite treatments should be avoided.
When transiting the fifth house (creativity, children, romantic relationships, education, and hobbies), the Moon aspects the eleventh house (income, desires, ambitions, elder siblings, senior relatives, friends, interest groups, internet, and foreigners). The Moon governs your eighth house (unexpected situations or money, inheritance, partner's finances, sexuality, secrets, and esotericism).
During this period, there will be progress at work, but it is important not to forget about rest.
Additionally, maintaining a proper daily routine and eating on time is crucial; otherwise, health issues may arise.
As the Moon transits the 6th house (enemies, debts, illnesses, hard work, cousins), it creates a direct aspect to the 12th house (isolation or solitude, problems, expenses, foreign lands, pilgri, work abroad or with foreigners, meditation, enlightenment, sex, sleep, sacrifice).
The Moon governs your 9th house (long journeys, spiritual growth, father, guru, luck, education, dharma, courts, laws).
It is important to realistically evaluate your capabilities during these days. This is an excellent time to improve business and romantic relationships.
During this period, the ego weakens, allowing one to view situations more objectively. A person becomes more open to others’ opinions and more inclined to cooperate rather than compete. Goals are achieved through the ability to negotiate.
It is recommended to take care of both body and soul. Preventative measures for kidney health are particularly favorable during this time.
As the Moon transits the 7th house (spouse or business partner), it creates a direct aspect to the 1st house (head, health, appearance, character, tendencies).
The Moon governs your 10th house (work, career, reputation of the father).
These are favorable days for romantic dates.
One should avoid breaking the law during this period and must pay taxes or alimony if owed; otherwise, problems may arise later.
As the Moon transits the 8th house (unexpected situations and money, inheritance, partner’s money, sexuality, esotericism, secrets), it creates a direct aspect to the 2nd house (parents, savings, family income, speech, food).
The Moon governs your 11th house (income, desires, ambitions, elder siblings, senior relatives, friends, interest groups, internet, foreigners).
It is advisable to dedicate this time to spiritual growth, gaining knowledge, traveling, and visiting temples.
During this period, creative activity and sexuality decrease. A person takes a break from entertainment, avoids trying to appear better than they are, and accumulates energy. Physical exertion for the heart is contraindicated during this transit.
As the Moon transits the 9th house (long journeys, spiritual growth, education, father, guru, luck, dharma, courts, laws), it creates a direct aspect to the 3rd house (short trips, younger siblings, surroundings, neighbors, writing, art, everything created with one’s hands).
The Moon governs your 12th house (isolation or solitude, foreign lands, problems, expenses, pilgri, work abroad or with foreigners, sacrifice, meditation, enlightenment, sex, sleep).
It is necessary to move forward and strive for career advancement. To achieve this, it is important to set realistic goals.
During this period, it will be easier to understand the soul’s needs and do something for inner growth. Time should be allocated for hobbies, taking care of loved ones, and making the home cozier. This is a good time to become stronger, wiser, and reconnect with one’s roots.
As the Moon transits the 10th house (work, career, father’s reputation), it creates a direct aspect to the 4th house (emotions, overall happiness, mother, family, property, vehicles).
The Moon governs your 1st house (head, health, appearance, character, tendencies).
Meetings with friends will be successful during this time.
It is a good period for planning work- or business-related matters.
As the Moon transits the 11th house (income, desires, ambitions, elder siblings, senior relatives, friends, internet, interest groups, foreigners), it creates a direct aspect to the 5th house (creativity, education, romantic relationships, children, hobbies).
The Moon governs your 2nd house (parents, savings, family income, speech, food).
During these days, you need to rest more, focus on yourself, your health, and your interests, and practice meditation.
As the Moon transits the 12th house (problems, expenses, foreign lands, isolation or solitude, pilgri, work abroad or with foreigners, meditation, enlightenment, sacrifice, sex, sleep), it creates a direct aspect to the 6th house (enemies, debts, illnesses, hard work, cousins).
The Moon governs your 3rd house (short trips, younger siblings, surroundings, neighbors, writing, art, everything created with one’s hands).
Moon Transit in Taurus
This is a calm period when the mind is steady and stable. People tend to be peaceful, diligent at work, and capable of performing heavy and monotonous tasks. It is favorable to initiate and complete important matters related to property, business, stock market transactions, signing wills, and investments. However, one should monitor expenses and avoid overspending on pleasures.
It is not recommended to be lazy or resist changes during these days. Sensitivity, stubbornness, defiance, and suspicion may surface.
This is a good time for marriage proposals, romantic meetings, engagements, signing contracts, and conducting negotiations. These are successful days for artistic activities, planting, house cleaning, getting a massage, and purchasing clothing, shoes, cosmetics, jewelry, and other items (they will be durable and beautiful, as the Moon in Taurus grants practicality, aesthetic sense, and high quality). You can buy quality goods at reasonable prices.
It is also an auspicious time for cooking various dishes and planting plants. The prepared meals will be very delicious, and the planted greenery will thrive. Appetite may increase during these days. It will be beneficial to sing and listen to music. Care should be taken to protect the throat and ears, avoiding hypothermia.
These days are not suitable for surgeries involving the neck, throat, thyroid gland, larynx, trachea, pharynx, blood transfusions, or the removal of tonsils and moles.
Waxing Moon in Taurus: These are days when dealing with household chores is easy, pleasant, and productive.
Waning Moon in Taurus: A good time for weddings, hosting guests, or visiting others. Love for people overflows, and everyone seems wonderful.
Full Moon in Taurus: A favorable time for reconciliation with those with whom you are in conflict. People are inclined to forgive, listen, and understand others during these days.
New Moon in Taurus: A good time for purchases, with a realistic assessment of one’s capabilities. It is suitable for buying real estate and vehicles. It is also an auspicious time for conceiving a child.
The transit of the exalted Moon can bring you inner harmony and make you more attractive to others. These days are perfect for pampering yourself with massages, baths with essential oils, or any other self-care, even creating something for yourself with your own hands.
The masculine energy of Taurus weakens, while the feminine energy strengthens during this time. All physiological processes in the body slow down, allowing for work with subtle bodies, such as astral and mental. Positive thinking, correct desires, and thoughts positively affect health. During these days, people choose what they like rather than what is beneficial.
The lower jaw, neck, and tonsils are weakened. It’s better to avoid heavy foods.
While transiting the 1st house (head, health, appearance, character, tendencies), the Moon forms a direct aspect with the 7th house (spouse or business partner).
The Moon rules your 3rd house (short trips, younger siblings, environment, neighbors, writing, art, and anything created with your hands).
This transit brings harmony in relationships with parents, especially the mother. It is favorable to organize a family meal during this time, gathering the whole family around the table. In this pleasant atmosphere, you can discuss matters that have previously worried you but were difficult to address. These could pertain to real estate or finances. If there are no such issues, simply enjoy the pleasant communication.
These days are also suitable for addressing psychological issues through conversations with close ones, which can be as effective as sessions with a psychologist. Family practices, discussions about ancestors, or the past of your parents will also be beneficial.
While transiting the 2nd house (parents, family income, savings, speech, nutrition), the Moon makes a direct aspect with the 8th house (unexpected situations or money, partner’s finances, inheritance, secrets, esotericism, sexuality).
The Moon rules your 4th house (emotions, overall happiness, mother, family, real estate, vehicles).
During these days, you will be bright and full of desire and the ability to bring something into the world on a subtle level through poetry, writing, acting, or your hobbies.
A short trip to a desired place will be successful and fill you with positivity.
It is favorable to spend time with younger siblings and to deepen relationships with children based on trust and mutual understanding. Bless your children and cherish every moment, engaging in something pleasant and calming.
Listening to mantras and meditation will be beneficial.
While transiting the 3rd house (short trips, younger siblings, environment, neighbors, writing, art, and anything created with your hands), the Moon forms a direct aspect with the 9th house (long journeys, education, spiritual growth, father, guru, luck, dharma, courts, laws).
The Moon rules your 5th house (creativity, romantic relationships, education, children, hobbies).
These days, you will be particularly inclined to serve others. This is a time when you feel comfortable and harmonious, which will be reflected in your home.
In this peaceful state, it will be helpful to give attention or assistance to your mother. Harmonizing your home or buying something new for it will also be favorable.
While transiting the 4th house (emotions, overall happiness, mother, family, real estate, vehicles), the Moon forms a direct aspect with the 10th house (work, career, father’s reputation).
The Moon rules your 6th house (enemies, debts, hard work, illnesses, cousins).
These days encourage warmth and care for your loved ones. Treat your partner to a romantic date or another pleasant surprise.
Allow yourself to relax, forgetting about work, discipline, and order. The more one expects results, the greater the disappointment. There’s no need to strive to impress anyone.
It will also be beneficial to spend time with children and shower them with your attention. Engage in creative activities and enjoy the process wholeheartedly without attachment to the outcome. You can make something beautiful and soul-pleasing with the children. Talismans will also be good to create during this time. The quality or beauty of the item is not important; the main thing is to enjoy the process and communication.
Avoid dental treatments during these days. Joints and bones are weakened.
While transiting the 5th house (creativity, romantic relationships, children, education, hobbies), the Moon forms a direct aspect with the 11th house (income, desires, ambitions, elder siblings, relatives, friends, the internet, interest groups, foreigners).
The Moon rules your 7th house (spouse or business partner).
Take care of your health, even if you feel fine. You might simply plan a routine check-up.
If you have debts and financial difficulties, this is a time to work on a plan to resolve these issues.
During these days, mental clarity, the ability to negotiate, self-confidence, and constructive thinking will help you overcome opponents.
This is a good time for charity or offering help to those in need. If your activities involve psychology, astrology, or counseling, you can share your knowledge with the world.
When transiting the 6th house (enemies, debts, illnesses, hard work, cousins), the Moon makes a direct aspect to the 12th house (expenses, solitude or isolation, foreign lands, meditation, enlightenment, pilgri as work, or work with foreigners, sex, sleep).
The Moon rules your 8th house (unexpected situations or money, partner's money, inheritance, secrets, sexuality, esotericism).
During these days, you can make your relationships with your partner more open and trusting, plan joint trips, and discuss the future. Understanding that your romantic partner is your Teacher (promoting growth) will further strengthen your relationship.
This applies not only to romantic relationships but also to business partnerships or those you interact with. It is a good time to discuss business matters, sign contracts, and have personal conversations. These will be calm and promising meetings.
When transiting the 7th house (marriage or business partner), the Moon makes a direct aspect to the 1st house (head, health, appearance, character, inclinations).
The Moon rules your 9th house (long-distance travel, education, spiritual growth, father, guru, fortune, dharma, courts, laws).
This is an excellent time to study esotericism, hidden knowledge, astrology, numerology, and everything that helps you understand yourself.
There may be a desire for sensual pleasures, which should be consciously managed. It will be beneficial to delve into the sacred areas mentioned above, leading to career advancement and achievements.
When transiting the 8th house (unexpected situations or money, partner's money, inheritance, secrets, esotericism, sexuality), the Moon makes a direct aspect to the 2nd house (parents, savings, family income, speech, food).
The Moon rules your 10th house (work, career, father's reputation).
Travel, pilgris, and visits to holy places will be favorable during these days. These journeys should be filled with comfort, harmony, and enjoyment of every moment.
It will be helpful to communicate with your father during this period. If your relationship is not good or you don't communicate, try to harmonize it or simply reflect on the qualities your father developed in you and what you gained from his positive or negative influence.
When transiting the 9th house (long-distance travel, education, spiritual growth, father, guru, fortune, dharma, courts, laws), the Moon makes a direct aspect to the 3rd house (short trips, younger siblings, environment, neighbors, writing, art, everything created with your hands).
The Moon rules your 11th house (income, desires, ambitions, elder siblings, elder relatives, friends, the internet, interest groups, foreigners).
You will be full of energy for social development, practical, focused on work, and able to interact successfully with others.
It will be favorable during this time to share your intellectual and material resources with others. You might engage in charity or a social project, inspiring someone to become a volunteer.
It is also a good time to sign contracts with foreigners.
When transiting the 10th house (work, career, father's reputation), the Moon makes a direct aspect to the 4th house (emotions, overall happiness, mother, family, property, vehicles).
The Moon rules your 12th house (expenses, solitude or isolation, foreign lands, problems, meditation, enlightenment, pilgri as work, or work with foreigners, sex, sleep).
This is a favorable time for Cancer natives. The exalted Moon gives them energy, charm, and good health.
During these days, you can plan meetings, acquaintances, public speaking, think about future plans, and seek help from influential friends or elder relatives.
It will also be beneficial to pay attention to your health and body.
When transiting the 11th house (income, desires, ambitions, elder siblings, elder relatives, friends, the internet, interest groups, foreigners), the Moon makes a direct aspect to the 5th house (creativity, education, hobbies, romantic relationships, children).
The Moon rules your 1st house (head, health, appearance, character, inclinations).
Gemini natives are filled with special energy during this period, contemplating the meaning of existence.
This is a good time for significant purchases, as your mind will be stable, allowing you to avoid impulsive spending.
It is also a favorable time to take out medical insurance.
Giving gifts to your parents or mother during these days will be auspicious.
Charity of any kind will be relevant during this period.
Those wishing to have fasting days can do so during this Moon transit, provided there are no medical contraindications.
When transiting the 12th house (expenses, problems, foreign lands, solitude or isolation, meditation, enlightenment, pilgri as work, or work with foreigners, sex, sleep), the Moon makes a direct aspect to the 6th house (enemies, debts, illnesses, hard work, cousins).
The Moon rules your 2nd house (parents, savings, family income, speech, food).
Moon Transit in Gemini
During these days, there is a lot of hustle and bustle. People communicate a lot, exchange information, and tend to take on multiple tasks at once. It’s easier for those whose work is related to communications and the internet. Information might not always be reliable, so it’s worth double-checking it.
It’s a good time to make contracts, deals, and participate in negotiations. This is a favorable period for new acquaintances, job changes, signing contracts, short business trips, and travels, as well as posting advertisements and promoting ads.
During these days, it's important to monitor your speech, avoid lying, and steer clear of superficiality and inconsistency. Otherwise, you might provoke an unpleasant situation. Nervous exhaustion can make people inattentive, unreasonable, and fussy. Delays, traffic accidents, and misunderstandings with documents and letters are possible.
Due to the desire to complete many tasks and the general busyness, people are prone to eating poorly, on the go, opting for unhealthy food. It’s better to bring with you bright, healthy homemade food made from vegetables.
It’s not a good time to buy clothes and jewelry during this period, as there may be a temptation to buy low-quality, unattractive, but cheap items. People with a tendency to buy second-hand goods or to buy everything on sale will be more active.
Purchases are best made for communication tools, stationery, electronic devices, small household items, technical or entertainment literature—everything related to the Gemini sign.
Children tend to be distracted during these days, prone to being late and unable to sit still. It is advised to keep an eye on children and pets to prevent them from getting lost.
This is an unfavorable period for operations involving the respiratory system, hands, mental and nervous system treatments, flirting, engagements, weddings, long trips, and business trips. There is a risk of shortness of breath, lack of air, and respiratory illnesses.
Waxing Moon in Gemini – During these days, people tend to take life and their failures lightly, they are not inclined to make important decisions or take on responsibilities.
Waning Moon in Gemini – During these days, it’s difficult to find empathy and understanding from others. Moods often change. Watching your favorite films and listening to pleasant music will help relieve tension.
Full Moon in Gemini – During this period, it’s hard to act wisely, and many tasks arise. Superiors and other people might express complaints. It's important to calm down and handle tasks in order of importance.
New Moon in Gemini – During these days, people try to relax more, spend time lightly, avoid arguing, and refrain from resolving conflicts.
A good time to tidy yourself up. You may want to visit a stylist, cosmetologist, or hairdresser. People become more selective in choosing information, accepting only what they want. They are harder to deceive, and sensitivity to the content of information increases. Logic may not work well, and analytical abilities may deteriorate, but visual perception is heightened.
During this time, a person becomes less active, and the respiratory system weakens. When the Moon transits the first house (health, head, appearance, character, tendencies), it forms a direct aspect to the seventh house (spouse or business partner). The Moon rules your second house (parents, savings, family income, speech, nutrition).
It’s a good time to buy whatever you wish (of course, within reason). It’s also a good time to give gifts to your loved ones.
As the Moon transits the second house (parents, savings, family income, speech, nutrition), it forms a direct aspect to the eighth house (unexpected situations or money, inheritance, partner's finances, secrets, sexuality, esotericism). The Moon rules your third house (short trips, younger siblings, environment, neighbors, writing, arts, all you create with your hands).