The Digital Charisma

My dearest kings and queens, my beloved souls, I warmly welcome your majesties to the pages of my creation, «The Digital Charisma». Today you have me, Jina, as your guide on this incredible journey.
How can one become an idol to thousands? What does it take to be charismatic and inspiring on your social media platforms? How can you ultimately shine as a social media star? Within the pages of this book, you will discover all the answers—and so much more!
I possess extensive knowledge in this realm, for I am a blogger, an inspired coach, and a writer. For several years, I have taught the art of digital charm and charisma, transforming my students from many countries into charismatic stars!
How to Inspire the Whole World: The Hero’s Journey Method
In our first chapter, we will explore how to inspire yourself and, through that inspiration, uplift others. It might be challenging to accept the truth that unless we are inspired ourselves, we cannot inspire those around us, radiate our charisma, or lead others effectively. This is an undeniable reality.
Everything begins within us, and we arrive at the enchanting topic of “inspiration” through the understanding of our internal energies, strengths and resources. You may think that you don’t know what inspires others or that you have little to offer. But this couldn’t be further from the truth! Each individual, including you, possesses unique talents in which they excel and shine.
I encourage you to embrace this realization. From this moment forward, please never view your skills as insignificant or unworthy. There will always be someone who finds value in what you do. Whether you are skilled at cooking, sewing, painting, embroidering, or applying makeup, there will be people who aspire to master those same skills.
You may have already inferred that downplaying your talents can lead to their dissolution. If others recognize your exceptional abilities and you brush off their praise with indifference, what do you think will happen? Figuratively speaking, the Universe may shrug its shoulders and say, “If she doesn’t appreciate my gifts, I will bestow them upon another who values them more.”
People are remarkably accurate indicators of our worth.
Through the reflections and feedback of others, the Universe reveals to us what we are truly capable of.
Through the reflections of others, the Universe reveals the true extent of our potential.
Please pay attention to what others are telling you. I bring this up in the context of charisma and leadership in social media because we must first find inspiration in our hearts before we can inspire ourselves. Be your own biggest fan and embrace a vibrant, beautiful life.
We are part of a magnificent Universe.
When we embark on a journey of self-discovery, we often search for sources of inspiration within ourselves. It’s essential that we find them. Yet, what may hinder us in our search? Perhaps it’s the all-too-familiar obstacles of banal laziness and excessive rumination. I urge you: at this moment, resist the urge to delve too deeply into yourself. Avoid getting lost in the minutiae: “Sure, I excel in certain areas, but what’s the value if I struggle in others?” Let’s set those thoughts aside for now and echo the words of Scarlett O'Hara: “I’ll think about that tomorrow.” And indeed, you can choose to think about it tomorrow—if you wish.
When we discuss charisma on social media—oh, this is a profound moment!—we touch upon the influence of our thoughts. We can choose to focus on the love we feel for someone special, on how to dress beautifully, or what to prepare for dinner. Yet, for some reason, many gravitate toward thoughts that belittle them, that diminish their spirits. Why must we do this? We must strive to rise above! I’ll be honest: I’ve fallen into that trap as well. However, through sheer willpower, knowledge, and awareness, I consciously push those negative thoughts away, reminding myself, “Do you really want to dwell on this? There are a million other things in the world deserving of my attention—things that empower and elevate me! Only a strong person can lead others!”
And what if you genuinely believe that you are remarkable? That’s exactly how you should feel; by embracing that confidence, you project it to the world. When you realize that you inspire others, your life—believe me—instantly gains meaning. I want you to experience the sublime feeling of inspiring those around you. It’s an indescribable sensation, incomparable to anything else! It bears some resemblance to the euphoria of love or the excitement of a first date, yet it runs much deeper. As a writer, I struggle to find the right words to capture that feeling.
You will have just one assignment for this chapter—though it may prove challenging.
Write your hero’s story.
What defines a hero? It’s a tale of personal triumph, a narrative of your own transformation. People are drawn to heroes, especially superheroes.
My favorite universe is Marvel; I adore superheroes. Why do I share this when discussing charisma and leadership? The superhero industry—comicbooks, films, merchandise—generates billions of dollars. Yet, as leaders, we are not merely consumers; we are not just cogs in the machine gazing at these magical figures. We are leaders, and we must harness this industry to serve us!
We understand that people are captivated by superheroes, and in this way, we can become superheroes ourselves.
What qualities define a superhero? Without a doubt, they have overcome challenges. They BECAME superheroes through their journeys. I can’t think of a single superhero who was born a hero; each one embarks on a path of trials and tribulations.
We need to transform ourselves into superheroes for our audiences. To achieve this, we must share our stories of overcoming obstacles, of emerging from difficulties as heroes. Think of classic films where the main character emerges from chaos—torn shirt, bruised yet resilient—ready to confront whatever lies ahead. They remain the hero for the duration of the story.
Why is this important? Because when you present yourself to others as a hero—someone who has triumphed over adversity—you maintain that heroic persona throughout your narrative. What is a movie, after all? Our lives unfold like a film. You become a series that captivates interest, one that people look forward to watching each day.
And yes! I’m speaking about social media now. I always enjoy discovering new individuals to follow on social media because it’s like tuning into a compelling series that unfolds each day, rich with intriguing content. And now, we are learning how to embody this captivating presence ourselves.
Through our vibrations, we invite into our lives everything we desire.
As a writer, I believe that the written word carries its own vibration. The enchantment of books lies in this principle. Written words possess the same potency as spoken ones.
Sharing the hero's journey necessitates showcasing it on social media—an endeavor that can be quite challenging. It's not just about crafting your narrative; you must also unveil your story to the world, allowing others to find inspiration within it. This step is crucial—if you don’t make your journey public, your message may not resonate.
I’ve observed that people on social media tend to fall into three distinct categories. The first category consists of those who use their accounts primarily for personal enjoyment. They share moments from their lives occasionally, keeping in touch with friends and following a handful of intriguing individuals whose stories they enjoy.
The second category is much broader: these are the individuals actively seeking to grow their influence on social media. They scour the internet for blog templates, brainstorm topics and headlines, and often participate in collective giveaways. Personally, I have always steered clear of these giveaways. I realized early on that once you enter one, it can become an inescapable cycle, as subscribers may vanish after the giveaway concludes, leaving you desperately searching for your next opportunity.
The third category, which I proudly belong to, encompasses those who blog as the spirit moves them. Whether they feel inspired to post 3-4 times a day or decide to take a five-day break, they manage their content in the way that feels most comfortable to them. Remarkably, they receive the same rewards as those who are obsessively striving for growth.
In upcoming chapters, I will share insights on how to transition into this appealing third category and become a true source of inspiration for your followers.
My dearest kings and queens, my beloved souls, I want to discuss the essence of motivation in blogging and how to become a true source of inspiration for your subscribers.
Let’s clarify one thing: motivation and inspiration are not the same! Motivation stems from external sources; it is an artificially created tool that only works when we choose to activate it. However, you don’t need motivation if you possess a strong will to live the life of your dreams!
My students frequently ask, “How can I stay motivated to blog? How can I find the drive to post new content every day?” My response is always the same: “You don’t have to! Allow others to live the life you envision. Let them receive gifts and collaborations from amazing brands. Let them build vast audiences and bask in the spotlight! It seems, from where I stand, that you may not be entirely ready for that dream star life. For now, embracing a simpler, more ordinary existence may feel more comfortable for you.”
Because if you truly understand your purpose, you will never need to remind yourself to stay motivated. You will rise each day brimming with energy, crafting incredible content from dawn till dusk. You’ll explore every app for editing photos and ask your friends to share your work, striving to impress even just one new follower each day. And here’s the magic: that one follower will transform into a thousand, then ten thousand, and eventually to a hundred thousand.
Motivation is one of the greatest myths of our days. Inspiration, however, is what truly matters! Inspiration compels you to read my book right now, and it fuels the creative ideas you conceive for your blog. Lists of blogging themes have become incredibly popular; some bloggers even sell them! But do you really need someone else’s themes? Another’s blog? Another’s life?
Inspiration is an inexhaustible source of energy. It is what makes your soul sing and propels you to leap out of bed in the middle of the night to create.
Here’s a useful tip: if an idea strikes you before bedtime, make sure to jot it down! Nothing lingers in short-term memory after sleep, which is why we bloggers always keep a notebook by our bedside to capture those fleeting thoughts.
You need to be constantly inspired—this truly matters! Social media can serve as a wellspring of inspiration for weeks on end. To become a successful blogger, it's essential to cultivate both inspiration and motivation. There will be times when inspiration alone isn’t enough, such as when embarking on a long-term project like writing a book. These endeavors can stretch over several weeks or even months, and in these cases, you can't rely solely on inspiration—you need steadfast motivation.
The most effective form of motivation often comes from outside yourself; it is a tool created by others. When faced with a substantial project, it's easy to feel small and daunted by its scope. In these moments, motivation, clear deadlines, and a vivid vision of your goals become your guiding lights.
What questions can you pose to yourself to inspire others? This is vital! Every day, I reflect on the same questions, regardless of where I stand on my journey to success, my current location, or the size of my audience—whether it’s 7 people or 500.
– Who am I?
– Why am I doing this?
– Will I continue tomorrow?
– What is my purpose?
– How does what I do benefit others?
You know, if my endeavors were only for myself, I could simply enjoy life—after all, we’re human, and we often seek the easier path. But we have a mission—a grand purpose! We are here on Earth for a reason: to connect with one another.
Currently, the theme of leadership on social media is more crucial than ever, and its significance will only continue to grow. Trust me, this topic will prove valuable in the future. I’m bringing it up now so that you can stay one step ahead.
Inspire others through your personal example. When you advocate for something, you must also embody it. If we desire change in the world around us, we must become the catalyst for that change. We should aim to be the center of our reality—the pivot point around which everything revolves.
You don’t need to be an expert in every aspect; that’s not a requirement for a leader on social media. In fact, people don’t expect perfection or expertise; they seek a genuine, powerful surge of energy from us.
What is our mission?
To inspire others to experience positive feelings!
You can embrace this moment right now—simply allow joy and happiness to blossom in the center of your chest or at your third eye. Just take a moment to experience how it feels; envision yourself as a perfectly charged battery! As the sensation intensifies, you’ll know you’re ready to connect with your audience.
Many of my students express doubt, saying, "I don’t know what my talent is; I feel untalented." To those who feel this way, I have a simple life hack: share the things that inspire you. If you've come across a book, an article, or anything that sparks joy, share it with your loved ones—not merely to accumulate likes, but to spread the love!
Infuse every post and endeavor you engage in on social media with that love.
Share love, and you will receive love in return.
Don’t craft your posts solely for the sake of likes; write them with intention for your mother, grandmother, or friend. Tell them how a particular book or article inspired you. If you have discovered something valuable and wonderful, it’s likely that it can resonate with someone else too.
By sharing what inspires you, you become a conduit of inspiration. Becoming this transmitter means drawing closer to your own source of creativity. When the Universe sees you as a vessel of inspiration, it tends to shower you with positivity. If you contribute value to the world, the world will ensure that you are well taken care of, allowing you to continue sharing that value.
So how can we be truly helpful? Being useful means being a giver. Picture this: I walk down the street, feeling good, smiling and uplifting those around me. I’m radiating energy. I share my happiness with the hope that my followers feel it too!
How do you become a source of inspiration? It’s simpler than you might think! When I prepare for a livestream or broadcast, I close my eyes and visualize a light within me. The size of this light—whether small or vast—depends on my mood at that moment. If I’m feeling gentle and affectionate, I might just have a soft glow, like a candle’s flame. Yet, when something wonderful happens, I can imagine that light blazing brightly through me.
My inner energy is so well-honed (and you can cultivate this skill, too!) that even the tiniest spark can shine powerfully. Just nurture a little fire within yourself—that's the secret! You, too, can embrace this glow before your live broadcasts or when recording stories.
The Essence of Your Digital Charisma
The queen is thriving. She effortlessly governs the realm, exuding beauty through all that she creates with her hands and soul. A true queen never forgets her identity. Today, my beautiful kings and queens, I invite you to tap into that royal energy residing within you! Look at prominent influencers; they carry themselves with the aura of stars, captivating their audiences who greet them like royalty.
Begin crafting your royal digital life right now! Everything you do can reflect your regal nature—even your everyday shower. Picture yourself standing beneath a tropical waterfall, surrounded by fluttering butterflies. Feel the refreshing mist and the gentle droplets of water caressing your smooth skin…
When you embody a royal spirit, others will perceive you as such. Emerging from your shower doesn’t just signify stepping out as an ordinary person; you transform into a radiant wild queen. After such a magical experience, your posts will be filled with enchantment! Gaze into the mirror and see the queen staring back at you. Catch your reflection in your front camera and embrace that magical feeling! You have the power to dwell in this world of your dreams as often as you desire. Remember, 80% of people already live within dreams and fantasies, but what are those dreams?
– “Someday, everything will improve.”
– “Someday, my partner will be faithful.”
– “By summer, I will definitely lose weight.”
– “I’ll start on Monday.”
This brings me to my favorite concept: the Pareto Principle. A mere 20% of individuals lead the remaining 80%. Only 20% of influencers rise to the top because 80% remain entrapped in dull, gray dreams. Yet, the 20% of leading figures venture into dreamscapes that words cannot capture, nor can any film or social media i convey their beauty.
D R E A M B I G!
Let me make you unstoppable!
This is how I interpret the Pareto Principle as it relates to charisma and leadership in social media. Only 20% of people guide the other 80%, who are eager to be led—even those who dream of becoming significant influencers themselves. I have applied the Pareto Principle for years, and it has never failed me.
Even a single minute spent in this energetically charged state can rejuvenate your hormonal system. By shifting your consciousness, you can harness the power of just one minute. Your brain will follow your commands.
Imagine telling your brain just before your magical shower: “For me, this one minute feels like 40 minutes in the most luxurious tropical spa.” Your brain may initially resist, bewildered by the concept.
BUT you are more than just a brain.
You are stronger than your thoughts.
You are the embodiment of beauty!
You are a charismatic, magnificent queen!
Embracing Your Inner Warrior
You declare with conviction: “Stop! I am so much more than I thought! I embody soul, body, and spirit. They exist to serve my will. My soul and spirit are my driving forces.” When you unite your spirit and soul, your mind cannot help but surrender.
The brain is merely a tool for rational thought and reasoning. I command its power to fulfill the mission of my soul. I came into this world with a purpose: to enrich, elevate, and brighten the lives of others. This fuels my vitality—I need that energy to inspire vast audiences!
With the strength of your spirit, you guide your mind. Life can often feel like a grand, albeit serious, jest. You gently but firmly tell your brain, with a sweet smile gracing your lips: “This one minute will feel like a day in the most luxurious spa.” As you wash your face, you will feel rejuvenated. If you dedicate a moment to your beauty in this way every day, soon you will be astonished at how radiant you look. Remain steadfast and embrace the essence of a warrior.
The warrior's stance transcends gender. You are neither simply woman nor man; you are a human being! You embody the spirit and soul, a universal representation of all that is magical, beautiful, and extraordinary on this planet. This warrior mentality forms your inner core, allowing you to stand tall and confident, even in the face of negativity from others—thoughts your mind, your servant, may resist.
However, adopting the warrior position isn’t about engaging in battles. When I say, "Embrace the warrior within," I do not imply contention. We are sovereigns in our own realms. If you embody the essence of a queen, there are no competitors for your throne! Of course, you will need this warrior mindset during interviews, discussions with influential figures, or moments when you need to assert yourself—you will instinctively recognize that power.
For me, it all begins with this realization: first and foremost, I am a writer. I articulate my thoughts beautifully and meaningfully, especially since I envision myself as a goddess. Every word that flows from my lips is precious, akin to diamonds cascading from my mouth. Once I embraced this self-perception, I understood that I cannot merely speak or write for the sake of it; everything I express is infused with significance. When you carry yourself with dignity, others will reflect that same respect back to you. This is another layer of our understanding of charisma.
Crafting Charismatic Posts for Social Media Stars
In this chapter, my beloved kings and queens, we will delve into the essence of leadership messaging. What should we remember when we communicate as leaders on social media? We know all too well that people have needs. To effectively engage with our audience, we must appeal to these needs, inviting them to listen and follow our message. If your words and communication fail to resonate with the hearts of your audience, they will likely go unheard.
So, to which audience needs can we appeal? First and foremost, we must connect with their experiences and empathy. Experience and empathy are fundamental human needs and core qualities of our nature. It’s inherently human to empathize, to relate to another—especially the hero!
Remember, you are a superhero!
People naturally identify with the heroes of your posts, the protagonists in films, celebrities and the stars of your videos. Keep these moments at the forefront of your mind, allowing this understanding to become second nature. Once it does, you won’t need to consciously think about how to apply these principles; they will manifest effortlessly in your posts. Your subconscious mind readily absorbs all information, even if it feels like you’ve missed a thought. Your conscious mind has rigid frameworks, while your subconscious is attuned to everything.
What other aspects can we leverage to lead others? We can tap into well-being, another fundamental human need. We are consistently aware of our identities, our appearances, and how others perceive us. While comparison can lead to suffering, it can also bring comfort. Through your interactions, people often seek to fill voids in their lives—imagining what has not yet materialized.
What other needs are essential? One is the need for knowledge. Why do you eagerly tune in to my broadcasts, listen to my podcasts, and read my books? You seek knowledge from me. Humans are inherently inquisitive, and our thirst for understanding persists from birth to our final days. We are drawn to the world, its mysteries, and its challenges. By aligning your communication with this desire for knowledge, you fill gaps within your audience, allowing them to explore the unknown through you.
What else can we explore together? Spirituality. While it has historically been a challenge for individuals to articulate this desire, recent years have seen a rise in conversations about spirituality. People have become more open to recognizing a higher essence beyond mere materialism. There exists a longing to connect with what is intangible. When you address these topics, your audience will intuitively resonate with your message.
Lastly, you can engage openly with people about self-awareness. By appealing to their desire for self-discovery, you can inspire a wide audience. The journey of self-awareness is profoundly abstract and uniquely individual for each person. By inviting them on this exploration, you can foster deeper connections and empower their personal growth.
Self-awareness is the journey of discovering one's unique place in life. Regardless of how you seek to address another person's challenges, your efforts will ultimately be beneficial for them. This is a topic that holds the potential for healing and growth, as the subconscious mind tends to reject any knowledge that may be detrimental.
You may not have expected to encounter such insights in a book about social media, but throughout all of my training sessions, I consistently delve deeper than the surface-level content promised. I believe in fostering a profound dialogue with you, one that transcends the conventional boundaries of discussion. You can witness this depth in all of my books and articles.
And speaking of articles, let’s explore further…
Creating Charismatic Texts
How do you craft words that captivate and enchant? Texts so charismatic that they position you as a leader in the realm of blogging? As a writer deeply immersed in the art of writing—boasting my own unique teaching method—I often find myself pondering the flood of articles available online that promise to reveal “How to Write a Good Text,” “How to Craft an Article,” or “How to Pen a Book.” I believe that novice authors, adolescents, and aspiring writers seeking publication are frequently misled by such resources.
Texts should never resemble mere templates created by others. I maintain a skepticism towards conventional copywriting, particularly trends like “social media copywriting.” In my writing courses, I implore my students not to diminish the value of my extensive knowledge and experience by resorting to universally applied methods. Can you envision the kind of audience you’ll attract by employing the same tired tactics as countless others online? You risk blending into a sea of bloggers—anonymous, lacking in distinctiveness.
In truth, the topic of copywriting became obsolete long before its emergence. Now, with the advent of neurocopywriting and other buzzwords, we encounter concepts that are inherently flawed and already played out. What is neurocopywriting, after all? It is said to influence the brain through text. Yet, remember that any piece crafted by a skilled author has the power to touch the mind and heart. Reflect on your favorite childhood tales, perhaps the enchanting world of Harry Potter. You’ve journeyed through life alongside the characters from your beloved books long before the term “copywriting” ever existed.
Why introduce this perspective? Up to a threshold of 5,000 subscribers, traditional techniques like copywriting, content plans, and template-driven approaches may yield results. However, if we aspire to create something genuinely new—authentically our own—we must write from the heart. I believe that the ability to write is a natural gift, part of our essence since birth. Just as we engage in spoken conversation with ease, we can likewise articulate our thoughts in writing. When we speak, we don’t deliberate over the mechanics; writing shouldn’t be any different.
Before you put pen to paper—or fingers to keyboard—ask yourself the right questions. You don’t need to scrutinize each piece rigorously. The insights you gain will naturally enrich your writing, leading to results that surpass your previous efforts. Suppose you’ve drafted a post; before hitting ‘publish,’ pose a series of reflective questions to evaluate your text:
– Do you genuinely like what you’ve written?
– Would you recommend this text to friends or colleagues?
– Does your writing convey a lightness, like a feather, feeling graceful and inviting?
By embracing these principles, you can create charismatic texts that resonate with your audience and elevate your unique voice in the landscape of social media.
Here, based on my observations, I see people divided into two distinct categories: those who love their texts (that’s me!) and are eager to share and repost them, and those who declare, “I will never show my texts to anyone.” When I ask, “How can you not share these with anyone when you’re posting on social media?” they respond, “I have no friends here; these are just other people.” Do you see? They don’t even view their followers as friends, as part of their community or team!
Can your words truly impact others?
Can your text create meaningful change in someone’s life?
I’m not referring to grand transformations; rather, I’m talking about those fleeting changes in mood. Imagine someone feeling down who reads your text; they smile, and their spirit brightens. This momentary shift is something the subconscious registers profoundly. The reader may not fully understand why their mood has changed, but they will subconsciously develop an affection for your blog. This phenomenon explains our love for comedic films; we laugh and don’t necessarily connect our joy solely to the film itself—rather, we associate it with the genre of laughter. The cleaner, the more informative, and the more subtly humorous our blogs are, the easier it becomes for us to engage our audience and guide them to become followers.
I encourage you to reflect on whether your posts embody leadership qualities. This is essential. For instance, I am quite clear about the message I want to convey, and I continuously monitor my posts to ensure they effectively communicate my ideas.
Moreover, ask yourself: does your post offer something new to the reader? Will they discover fresh insights from your material?
Honesty is key here.
I know many individuals curate their social media presence using rigid content plans. While their blogs may look visually appealing, they often lack life and energy. These posts feel stale, almost musty. For example, some people dedicate an hour on Sunday or Monday morning to create a week’s worth of posts, allowing themselves freedom for the rest of the week. However, there’s a critical point these individuals often overlook: the energy you invest in social media is the same energy that returns to you.
By infusing your posts with authenticity and vitality, you’ll foster a deeper connection with your audience and inspire genuine engagement.
This principle applies to all aspects of our lives. If you genuinely invest your love and care into your social media presence, nurturing every detail and showing appreciation for each follower, it will come back to you in abundance. How will these returns manifest? Through gifts, collaboration opportunities, invitations to intriguing places, and more. I'm sharing this not just as a social media influencer, but as an energy practitioner. I consistently experience remarkable returns from my social media interactions. I receive gifts regularly, invitations to exquisite venues, and my opinions are sought after. I am viewed as an opinion leader and trendsetter—why is that? Because I share the purest and highest quality energy.
Don’t think that we need to strive for something overly grand or extraordinary. Often, in the quest for grandeur, people create overly abstract content—beautiful wrappers filled with clichés. When we try to craft something too impressive to win over our audience, we end up with a striking yet hollow facade. Unfortunately, I notice this more often than I’d like on social media—posts overflowing with clichés and emojis. As leaders crafting charismatic posts, our goal is to write in a manner that is simple, accessible, elegant, and crystal clear.
Grace and beauty lie in simplicity.
This concept extends beyond just writing; it permeates everything. Timeless elegance is always appreciated and is, in its essence, very straightforward. The simplicity of phrases often mirrors the color combinations found in the world’s greatest masterpieces. And the same simplicity applies to writing—the simpler, the better. Avoid writing as if you’re a novelist or a stand-up comedian. Instead, let your words flow from the heart.
Before you write or share something on social media, take a moment to focus.
Close your eyes to open your inner vision and release your energy.
Ask yourself:
– Do I genuinely want to say this now?
– Am I compelled to post this because of a self-imposed content plan I created or downloaded?
– Who is placing limitations on me?
– If I truly want to express this, have I already articulated it before?
When you write about something you know well, it may seem simple and evident to you; however, it’s not always clear to your audience.
I want to discuss the concept of a personal brand because when we talk about leadership, we inevitably touch upon it. We cannot ignore this vital subject. Many of you have likely heard the term "personal brand," and intuitively understand that those who possess a strong personal brand enjoy significant advantages. Individuals with recognizable names attract excellent deals, gifts, and opportunities. About 10-15 years ago, consumers primarily bought from companies and trademarks; now, they prefer to purchase from individuals. There is indeed an official definition of a personal brand—serious and straightforward—but I find it pretty dull. I have developed my own definition, one that I use in my work to convey the concept to my students and clients, and they resonate with it deeply.
A personal brand is an instant and stable i that emerges in people’s minds when they hear your name. In other words, it is a consistent energy-informational layer of reality that you have created, shaped, and refined to maximize its impact.
…Do you realize the depth with which I approach the concept of a personal brand? I possess a keen understanding of its dynamics. For several years, I have been advising large companies and private clients on how to enhance their personal brands, and they have seen remarkable results.
A personal brand is a sustainable energy-informational layer of reality that we actively shape. Since it encompasses both energy and information, we channel our energy and gather insights from the world around us. We express what lies within us alongside our external experiences. By combining these elements with the strength of our intention, we create the very essence—the core—of our personal brand, imbued with incredible strength and power.
We can choose to follow my path—or we can adopt the simplistic approaches that are often found online in articles about "how to create a personal brand." Such suggestions as "create a page, then establish a presence on social media, and so on" are misguided. People do not connect with a mere facade; they seek authenticity and depth. Without this, personal brands can become hollow.
As charismatic leaders, it is crucial for us to build a global brand that bears our name, so that people can trust and recognize us. I've previously discussed the myriad opportunities that a well-crafted personal brand can provide. I often state: if you cultivate an audience that genuinely appreciates you, others will be inspired to help you realize your wildest dreams—often those who are not even part of your existing audience. This phenomenon does not surprise me; it is a reflection of a unified energy-informational field in the Universe. When you express a desire, the pathways become clear.
You are the definer of your personal brand! You have the power to shape how you are perceived—as a charismatic leader or a unique brand. Simply affirm: "I want to be a distinctive brand." It truly is that straightforward. For some, a personal brand offers the chance to travel the globe sharing knowledge and becoming a prominent figure; for others, it provides the means to thrive within their local communities—and that is perfectly valid.
Why is it essential for us as leaders to cultivate a personal brand? Between two individuals with the same knowledge base, people are more likely to gravitate toward the one who has a larger audience. This connection is often rooted in the energizing presentation they offer. People are instinctively drawn to the leader who can give them that energy.
Each of you possesses valuable knowledge; the challenge lies in learning how to convey it effectively. The topic of personal branding is intrinsically linked to i, and transforming your i involves much more than superficial changes in clothing or adopting a mask. It is about creating a holistic lifestyle and sharing that lifestyle with your audience. Embrace your own unique lifestyle and make it your own. Whether it's trendy or unconventional doesn't matter—be the trendsetter. Start small, and even one person’s interest can geometrically multiply to reach 10, and so on. This is the foundation upon which a brand is built.
You can forge an i and construct a personal brand in two distinct ways—let me share both methodologies, drawn from my deep study of this topic through the lens of energy. First, you can identify your target audience and discern what they wish to see in a leader. Then, embody that vision. While this method may require less energy and imagination, it does yield results; however, it often results in brands that lack depth. You may notice such figures on mainstream media, shining brightly for a few months only to fade away, quickly forgotten within a year.
In contrast, a robust personal brand is built on authentic connection and engagement, transcending fleeting trends and superficialities. By nurturing your essence and aligning it with your audience’s needs, you can create a lasting impact that resonates deeply.
The Force of Attraction
Here's a fundamental truth: every strong entity or fact possesses an inherent power to attract. This is a serious topic, reflecting a basic principle of physics—stronger objects draw in those with weaker energy fields. If you are a strong individual, authentically being yourself, your audience will naturally gravitate toward you. This audience will not only be drawn in but will also remain loyal to you for many years.
This loyalty stands in stark contrast to the more superficial approach, where an audience may only stay as long as their immediate needs are met—often by someone younger, more attractive, or more adept at delivering momentary entertainment. Yet, building true connection requires effort. I can already hear some of you groaning, “Oh no, not another mention of hard work!” But remember, you are reading this book to create meaningful change in your life—and change demands action.
You must be willing to transform many aspects of your existence because, let's face it, you may have spent a considerable amount of time feeling dissatisfied, yearning for happiness that somehow remained out of reach. You’ve undoubtedly noticed influencers on social media who seem to live the life of your dreams, and it's easy to feel stuck in your current circumstances.
As a blogger, I can tell you that the immense internal and external efforts behind those glossy social media displays are often hidden from view. What you see online is usually just the polished result, and it’s not guaranteed that such outcomes are even truthful.
However, there will come a day—sooner than you think—when you will showcase your own results. The scale of your impact—whether localized to a neighborhood, a city, a region, or even the entire world—does not alter the methods through which you reach your audience. What changes is the breadth of your target audience.
We are fortunate to live in a time where a single touch of a button can project our thoughts to hundreds, thousands, or even millions. Never before in history has there been such an opportunity! In the past, artists and poets often died in obscurity, unable to share their work with the world. But today, we have the chance to connect and communicate! Yet, surprisingly, many still lament that achieving popularity feels unattainable.
All it takes is that one button press—so get ready to embrace it.
Some individuals may post reviews for sponsor gifts, while others share content purely for entertainment. However, if we truly seek to cultivate a lasting audience and engage on a deeper level, we must pause before each post to ask ourselves: “Am I expressing what I genuinely want to convey? Is this relevant to my audience today?”
As leaders, we must consider the nuances that typical bloggers often overlook. There are leaders, and then there are bloggers—and I believe everyone here aspires to be a leader. For instance, consider a Sunday evening: is it really the right time for typical bloggers to dive into philosophical discussions, or should they focus on light entertainment?
I want to emphasize that if you cultivate a sustainable energy presence and a strong personal brand, you can post anything at any time. Your audience will remain loyal and embrace your content wholeheartedly. Personally, I share articles without concern for the day of the week, upcoming holidays, or other trivial considerations. My audience consistently engages with and absorbs the knowledge I provide.
Embrace the power of attraction that comes from being a strong, authentic leader, and prepare to connect with your audience in meaningful ways.
Readers ask:
– Should I create new terms and words for my articles?
– This is a fantastic question! During the writing course, my students invented new words. However, you don’t necessarily need to go that route. You don’t require that technique, to be honest. Instead, focus on using your own original words. This will ensure that your texts stand out from the constant stream of content people see every day on social media.
– Is it necessary to delete old posts on social media? I’m feeling disappointed by them now.
– I wouldn’t recommend deleting old posts. People appreciate seeing your growth and progress over time. They’re on their own journeys and find inspiration in watching you strive for success. Your evolution can motivate and uplift your audience.
– I don’t have a personal brand, and I don’t want to create one.
– The truth is, you already have a personal brand, whether you acknowledge it or not. This realization can be empowering for some and daunting for others. Just remember: you have an i and a presence that people perceive. It’s entirely up to you to either maintain the status quo or take control of how you’re represented. People see you every day—make sure they recognize the leader within you!
– It’s easy for you to say—you have a lot of subscribers. I wish I at least had 1,000.
– Have you heard of Kevin Kelly? He famously stated that you can change the world with just 1,000 true fans. Gaining 1,000 followers isn’t as daunting as it seems. I grew my own following through a simple method: by engaging thoughtfully on the profiles of popular bloggers. Rather than leaving generic comments like "Wow! Cool!" or "Awesome outfit!", I contributed meaningful feedback. Each blogger invites their audience to respond to a question they pose in their posts. By providing detailed, insightful answers, I sparked curiosity—”Who is this person?”—which led them to check out my profile and stick around.
– Is it important to develop accounts on other social networks?
– Let me put it this way: social media is becoming increasingly dominant. This platform is doing everything it can to overshadow others. Each month—or even each quarter—new features are added..
How to Explain It All to Your Family
One of the most challenging steps for a leader is helping family members let go of their memories of your past failures.
In my experiences working with hundreds of students in my "The Royal Charisma" program, I’ve identified significant limitations and beliefs that hinder individuals from embracing their leadership potential.
Many of you harbor a deep-seated fear of being leaders. This fear often traces back to childhood, where the belief may take root that being a leader means being a bad mother, a bad wife, or a bad husband. There’s an underlying anxiety that if you step into a leadership role, you’ll face judgment—whether regarding your parenting, your relationship with your partner, or even from those closest to you who may feel neglected. This is a powerful and widespread belief.
Some people have even expressed to me that leaders come across as rude, soulless, and arrogant, seeing only their goals rather than the people around them. There’s a common sentiment that money changes people for the worse. In my work helping individuals build their personal brands, I’ve noticed that when my students begin to experience financial success, they often reflect, “When I have money, I start to believe I can manage everything on my own, without a partner.” This newfound confidence can lead to thoughts like, “Why do I need a companion when I can achieve anything by myself?” These feelings can spark shame; there’s often a contradiction that arises: “I want to be a leader, but I feel ashamed of the thoughts I have.” Despite our best efforts, the opinions of others can exert a heavy influence.
I frequently receive questions about how to overcome the fear of communicating with others. How does one silence that fear? If I had a magic phrase to instantly dissolve these anxieties, I would share it with you immediately and skip writing this chapter altogether. I’ve grappled with these challenges myself. I’ve faced criticism from loved ones when I dared to pursue my own path rather than succumbing to their expectations.
What I want to offer you are the practices I’ve developed from my own journey. I firmly believe that the most valuable insights are those born from personal experience, rather than those easily found on the first pages of Google. This is why I lead intensives and programs with such passion—you deserve the depth that comes from authentic experience.
Even as adults, our parents often monitor our lives, including our activities on social media. This can stifle our leadership aspirations when family members scrutinize and sometimes voice their disapproval of what we share online. If you’ve encountered this, you are certainly not alone. For our parents, we remain their children—the ones they cared for and scolded. When we begin to shine on platforms or share our journeys on social media, it can create confusion for them. They often wish for stability in our lives; for older generations, any change can evoke discomfort and even fear for our safety. They feel it is their duty to protect us, and they will step in with all their might.
It’s crucial to understand that you may not receive the support you seek from your loved ones as you embark on your leadership journey. You might hear things like: “You can’t do this. You’ve never been capable of such feats. You’ve always been the odd one in the family, the jester. How embarrassing!”
Keep in mind this fundamental truth: if you follow the advice of your parents without question, you may find yourself repeating their patterns.
If this is the path you wish to take, consider parental advice with gratitude. However, if you, like many, feel a surge of panic at the thought of living a life similar to your parents, it’s vital not to follow their guidance. Instead, mentally thank them each time they try to steer you down the avenue they believe to be true—acknowledge their energy and send it back to them.
Visualize collecting their energy into a small sphere and channeling it back to them. They may lack the vitality you possess, and your silent support will be felt, even if unbeknownst to them.
Change can be challenging, especially with the weight of external influences upon us. Our families, motivated by love, often act to protect us, even when their words come across as harsh. However, as you step into your leadership role and unveil your charisma, your family will begin to see a different version of you. Their perception of you will evolve. If, in the past, you were viewed as weak or in need of care, you will transform into someone they now recognize as strong. The narrative is indeed malleable.
I have experienced this transformation in my own life. Growing up, I struggled with severe stuttering—a challenge I had to overcome alone, even without the assistance of those who claimed to be experts. My family, too, could not provide the support I needed; I faced this battle alone for nearly a quarter-century. Yet, I persevered and pulled myself from the depths of despair. When I eventually shared my progress with my relatives by showing them videos of me reciting poetry in various languages, their reaction was awe: "God, what a beautiful voice you have!" In that moment, I looked directly into their eyes and confidently responded, "But I have always had a beautiful voice. It’s surprising to hear that now." The people who had known me for so long were taken aback, not by pity, but by genuine astonishment.
Time is non-linear—it spirals through past, present, and future. I returned to that pivotal moment and reshaped my past.
The past can indeed be altered. Your relatives will come to see you as the person who can uplift and transform your entire family. You will become the beacon of hope for your clan, and unlike the burdens of expectation, this is a different kind of energy. It’s crucial for me to help you navigate this moment with your family, as I have walked this path myself. I confronted fears and faced criticism from loved ones, but I remained steadfast. My goals and dreams guided me, and the echoes of my past did not deter my focus. We change continually; our bodies undergo a complete renewal every seven years.
Some people even choose to distance themselves from social media when their parents create profiles to monitor their activities. This is undoubtedly an attempt to keep tabs. We cannot block everyone from our digital lives; instead, we must learn to cope with it. Those who seek connection will always find a way. I want to guide you on how to remain unaffected by this scrutiny.
Over the years, I have distilled this knowledge to share with you in this volume. Our communication is of utmost importance to me, and I am committed to imparting the insights I’ve gained.
Your leadership journey is already set in motion.
Your initial situation is not as challenging as mine. You are effectively undergoing a remarkable transformation and achieving impressive results. I am in the process of building my books and courses into a self-sustaining ecosystem. Some may find it fantastic. As early as 2017, my clients participated in my courses and programs, where I focused solely on the technical aspects of social media promotion, without delving into branding or charisma, or the other enriching insights I share with you now. Recently, many clients have reached out to tell me that everything I shared with them has come to fruition. I wasn’t surprised; after all, a fact is a fact. My primary goal is for people to achieve results and feel that their investment was worthwhile, as this is how I have set my expectations. When I engage in learning opportunities, I ensure I see it as an investment in myself, not a waste of resources. Investments yield returns; I invest, and I receive. When you begin working with me, read my books, and attend my programs, your financial rewards can come from various sources.
You asked me what will happen if you embrace your role as a leader. Many have expressed concerns: "I’m afraid to become a leader. I worry about showing my charisma. What if I become arrogant? What if I have to be constantly in the spotlight?"
It's important to note that I've never suggested—and I’m not suggesting now—that you must be constantly in public. You can certainly recall many content creators who do not go live but still share their stories in a rhythm and style that suits them. You don’t have to be in the public eye if that’s not what you desire. I have clients in my personal branding course who ask, "Do I need to share my entire life? Do I have to showcase my husband and children?" The answer is a resounding no! There’s no need to put your family on display for others; they are of interest only to you. Posts on social media can serve three functions: entertaining, informing, and selling. Family photos do not entertain, sell, or provide meaningful information to your audience. There’s no need to feel pressure to showcase your loved ones.
You ask, "What if I’m expected to be in public all the time?" The truth is, you’re not required to do that. You have the freedom to maintain a comfortable pace.
Being a leader is a source of joy.
Unleashing your charisma is a gift.
These are expressions of happiness, significant attention from worthy individuals. This is the noble leadership potential I aim to awaken within you. Why do I invest in enhancing the success of others? Because I aspire to live in a beautiful society. I have a refined appreciation for beauty, which deepens with age. I can be moved to tears upon witnessing something beautiful; these are tears of joy.
Everything is in your hands. You hold a treasure within you, but you must learn how to access it. You have already achieved remarkable results. Have you received compliments? You have. Have you found a job? Yes, you have. Have you received gifts? Imagine the possibilities when you fully embrace your true self.
Today's task is to recall a moment in your life when you truly felt confident and successful. An important note: avoid instances from distant childhood. Reflect on experiences from the past five years, ideally between the ages of 1.5 to 2.
Readers often ask:
But what if I can
t recall such an event?
– Dive deeper into your memory. If you genuinely cannot think of anything, it’s time to create one. Envision it, articulate it, and take action. Build this moment in your mind, narrate it in words, and write it down. I assure you, everything penned in writing can manifest into reality. A book truly has the power to change your fate; I know this for certain.
The System of Secret Knowledge for the True Social Media Leader: Reality Creation Through Its Definition
In this chapter, I want to discuss the profound power of language. It is essential for me that you grasp this information, which I share in my private courses.