Ребенок, который умер и воскрес (1848) (The Child Who Died and Lived Again).

Did you ever see a person who was dead? Perhaps you have seen one of your own brothers or sisters lying on a death-bed. What a change takes place when we die! No more breath comes out of the mouth, no colour is seen on the cheeks; the eye can look at us no longer, nor the tongue speak to us; the body soon grows cold and stiff; it has no more feeling than the ground on which we tread. And why? Because the soul is gone out of the body. While the soul or spirit is in us we are alive, but when it is gone out then we are dead. The soul can never die, but the body is only made of dust, and it soon crumbles away and becomes dust again.
No one can make a dead person alive again. Yet once there was a man in this world who made dead people alive. Who was that man? He was called Jesus; he was not only a man, he was God too; he was the Son of God. Most people would not believe that he was the Son of God, though he said he was. Yet we are sure he said true, for if he had been a wicked man he could not have made dead people alive again. God his Father was with him, and this was the reason he did such wonderful things.
One day a rich man came to Jesus, and fell down at his feet, and begged him to come to his house. He said, "My little daughter is dying." He was very unhappy, he loved his little girl very much, and she was his only child. His name was Jairus, but I do not know the name of his little girl. I do know her age, she was twelve years old. The father thought that if Jesus only put his hands upon her he could make her well.
The Son of God was very kind to people in trouble. He went with the father, and a great crowd followed him. As he went along the road, he was pressed on every side by those who wanted to see him and to hear what he said.
Before he reached the sick man's house, some people came and said to the father, "Your daughter is dead." They told him it was now of no use for Jesus to come. They little knew what he could do; but Jesus said to the father, "Do not be afraid, she shall be made well."
When he came to the house, he only allowed three of his friends to come in with him. Their names were Peter, James, and John. There was a great noise and bustle in the house; there were men playing music, and people weeping and crying out with loud voices because the girl was dead. When Jesus came into the room where she was lying, he said to these people, "Why do you make this noise? The girl is not dead, she only sleeps." Then they began to laugh at him, for they knew the child was dead. Why did Jesus say she slept? Because she was soon to be made alive. Her death was like sleep.