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Вожделение и развод
Вожделение и развод
+2 10

Индийский режиссёр и продюсер80-х неповторимый Госвами снимает очередной шедевр . Оставив домажену = звезду экрана Дитти Притти - и свое тридцатилетнеедитя, он сражаетсяза новый фильм в Кашмире!. Но внезапнаястрасть вводитГосвамив искушение, иперед намипредстает классический любовный треугольник!Самый жаркий спектакль репертуараМузыкального театра Карины и Дмитрия Булычевых из Казани — комедия -пародия на индийскоекино"Вожделение и развод"Музыку из спектакля можно послушать на странице театравк.

The Swan Song
The Swan Song
+2 10

A swan gracefully soared past the Vindhyas, bearing a message of love. Then began an odyssey of two impassioned lovers. They first met each other through the musings and rumors of the fabled peerless lovers.A Swayamvara was the fated stage for their first union. In presence of every king and lord who gave up their knightly vows and sheathed their swords. There was peace on earth and the news of it spread to the very realms of paradise – the abode of divinity - as the holy dwellers of heaven grew suspicious of a peaceful mankind. Intrigued, they peered down upon the Earth with their ethereal gaze, catching a fleeting glimpse of the legendary princess.Enchanted by her beauty and enthralled by the prospect of eternal companionship, they chose to descend into the mortal realm partake in the Swayamvara trial. As the gods of the good and the evil began their descent, a valiant lover bathed in righteous radiance hopped onto his trusted steed and strode toward the same trail.