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Unwanted child
Unwanted child
+2 10

Theodore's childhood did not turn out well. His mother died soon after his birth. His father, immersed in himself, does not care much about his son. However, even under such circumstances in the boy's life there are people who are not indifferent to his fate, and they are ready to help him.

Ted grows and develops, improving the skills laid in him by nature and due to his own persistence and determination he achieves some success in the sports direction, which he was recommended by his tutors.

When he enters a sports school, he faces new challenges that he has to overcome. Much depends only on himself. Lack of parental love, lack of support from loved ones and confrontations within the school and class. What he will have to face and try to come out into the adult world as a prepared person.

Mercenary at heart
Mercenary at heart
+2 10

Who says that our fate is destined from above and can never be changed? The story told in this book is designed to prove you wrong.

The main character here is Michael Silver. The book is about a turning point in his life. And how he found his new place in it, overcoming on his way all the obstacles and failures.

This story is about the fact that everyone has the right to make their own choices, regardless of anyone's advice and guidance. But at the same time, also about how no matter how different we all are, family is always family. And will always come first.